Ark Survival Evolved Servers Will Be Wiped On Launch Depending On Population
Ark Survival Evolved is currently in early access for PC and Xbox One, and now the release for the game…
New Minecraft Battle Mode is Out Now and Free on Consoles
4J has released a new update that adds a new Minecraft Battle mode. It adds a new mini-game to the…

Anonymous Developer Claims “PlayStation 4K Upgrade Is Necessary”
The rumors have been circulating the internet about PS4K for quite some time, and the most consistent one claims that…

ECHO The Game is A Project By Ex-Hitman Developers
A group of former Hitman developers have decided to hit the streamline with Steam Greenlight for their project ECHO the…

New Quake Game Hinted Through id Software Job Listings
It has been a while and ZeniMax Media, too, is on the track of bringing back some iconic franchises to…
Rumor: PlayStation 4 Firmware Update 4.0 Brings Folders
PlayStation 4 Firmware Update 4.0 features are yet to be detailed but like always the rumor mill has generated a…

Ellie Might Be Pregnant in The Last of Us 2; Uncharted 4 Easter Egg Suggests
We know The Last of Us 2 has been in early development for a long time but devs were focusing…

Uncharted 4 Easter Egg is the Best in PlayStation History
If you wish to avoid spoilers and want to see this Uncharted 4 easter egg yourself, than it is probably…

Events And Bonuses Coming to Battlefront on Star Wars Day
On May 4th Star Wars Battlefront players will be able to celebrate Star Wars Day with special in-game bonuses and…

PS4 Exclusivity of Tekken 7 Fated Retribution Inaccurate, Says Mark Julio
Yesterday an article posted at Gamespot stated that Tekken 7 Fated Retribution which is launching this year is going to…

Fallout 4 Mods Won’t Let You Earn Achievements if You Install Them
Fans of the beloved Fallout 4 are waiting restlessly for mods and some creative users have already released some mods…
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition Coming to Windows 10 and Steam
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition was released on Xbox One last month and has just been dated for…
Final OverWatch Beta Planned for April 15
The very final Overwatch beta is being held on Friday, April 15. This weekend will be your last chance to…

WWE 2K17: Two More Superstars Scanned
WWE superstars Brie Bella and Bray Wyatt both have been scanned for WWE 2K17. It is still unknown whether both…
The Division and Fifa 16 Are Top Selling PlayStation Store Games
The Division and FIFA 16 are the top selling PlayStation Store games for the month of March. Both games were…

Mass Effect Andromeda Writer Will Work on Destiny 2 Storyline
Mass Effect Andromeda writer Chris Schlerf has left Bioware to pursue other interests; and by other interests we mean Destiny….
Blizzard Suing Nostalrius For Running Vanilla WoW, Servers Shut Down
Blizzard is ready to sue Nostalrius in just a few days for running illegal World of Warcraft servers. The company…
Hitman Update 1.03 Brings New Resolution Cap, 10 Challenges
Agent 47 has been in Paris for about as month now and we are pretty much done with everything the…

$1300 Spent on Steam Games by Congressman From Campaign Funds
According to recent stats there were 781 million registered Steam games, out of which a whopping 493 million have been…

PlayStation 4K, Nintendo NX Hardware in Late 2016, Hints AMD Earnings Report
AMD just reported in their earnings call for Q4 2015 and there was something that would be of interest to…

Xbox 360 Free Multiplayer Weekend Has Started
Microsoft is offering free multiplayer weekend to Xbox 360 users around the word. The free multiplayer weekend will last till…

Nintendo DSi Shop is Being Shut Down in One Year
Although it has been over seven and and a half years since Nintendo released their DSi handheld, there are a…

Mass Effect Andromeda May Make You Feel Like a Villain
A new survey sent out by EA revealed some fresh details about Mass Effect Andromeda. It looks like the game…
Phil Spencer is Happy With What Team Xbox Has Planned for E3
E3 is just a couple of months away, Microsoft will be at the event with all things Xbox and Windows…
Dark Souls 3 Publisher Warns Players About Playing the Game Early
Dark Souls 3 is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The game is only available in Japan…