There are 34 Altars of Lilith in the Scosglen zone in Diablo 4, and this guide will explore all of their locations in depth. Finding each of these Altars in Scosglen will allow you to not only gain bonus character stats in Diablo 4 but also earn Renown for region completion rewards.
Altars of Lilith are hidden objects scattered around different regions of Sanctuary that permanently increase all of your character’s Attributes, which translates into significant power increases. Some of them naturally come your way along your journey, but many of them are hard to find and require you to explore remote areas.
Finding and activating an Altar of Lilith in Diablo 4 will permanently mark it on your map, so you can later take your friends to it if they are working for completion as well.
Diablo 4 Scosglen Altar of Lilith Locations
The Scosglen zone spans the northern part of the Sanctuary map. As mentioned before, there are 34 Altars of Lilith in the Scosglen region in Diablo 4. We will be starting from the north of Scosglen and making our way to the south, so you can continue collecting Dry Steppes and Fractured Peaks altars.

We have also provided a map to aid you in finding these Altars of Lilith scattered around Scoglen. These altars are numbered in the same order which we will be mentioning in the guide below.
Northshore Altar of Lilith Locations (1-5)
Altar #1 Hope’s Light Stronghold
This altar of Lilith is situated on the eastern edge of Hope’s Light stronghold. You need to cleanse the stronghold of countless adversaries before being able to access the altar. Continue slaying the enemies until you reach a small island, east of the Lighthouse.
Look for a wrecked boat standing on the shore with a swamp of enemies guarding the area. That is where the altar will be positioned, ready to give you sweet rewards.
You will earn a +2 Strength stat boost as well as +2809 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #2
This Altar of Lilith is situated on the northern part of Scosglen’s Northshore, just across the boundary of Hope’s Light stronghold. From the Watery Sinkhole cellar, make your way a little northwest until reaching a small segregated sandy area with a statue glowing beside rocks.
You will receive a +2 Dexterity stat boost and +2809 XP from this altar.
Altar #3
This altar happens to be on the boundary of the Wailing Hills zone, near the seashore. From the Sunken Ruins dungeon, walk a few steps toward the coastline and look for a broken rock with some old ship parts. That is where the altar statue will be glowing on the seaside.
You will receive a stat boost of+2 Dexterity and +2809 XP for visiting with this altar.
Altar #4
This altar is in the Abandoned Coast area, in the middle of the Northshore zone. The nearest dungeon happens to be Calibel’s Mine, which is slightly to the north. From the Marowen Waypoint in Scosglen, make your way northeast and keep walking until you see an abandoned area with a wooden roof with no walls. The altar will be right underneath this roof.
After visiting this altar, a permanent stat boost of +2 Intelligence will be granted to all of your characters, along with +2809 XP.
Altar #5
This altar is situated in the southern part of the zone, near the Forgotten Shack cellar. You will see it on the corner of a dry place across a water body, on the way to Howling Warren dungeon.
Visiting this altar grants all of your characters a +2 DEX stat boost as well as +2809 XP.
Wailing Hills Altar of Lilith Locations (6-8)
Altar #6
This altar of Lilith in Diablo 4 is in the northern portion of Wailing Hills in Scosglen. This area is to the northwest of the Vault of the Forsaken dungeon. You will see it leaning on the higher rocks in the middle of a plain area.
After interacting with this altar, a stat boost of +2 Intelligence will be granted to all of your characters, along with +2809 XP.
Altar #7
This altar is situated in the east of Penitent Cairns dungeon, a place that the spirits hold quite dear. You will find the statue in a rocky area with a lot of tall trees around it.
You will earn a +2 Strength stat boost plus +2809 XP for interacting with this altar.
Altar #8
This altar of Lilith is situated in the southernmost part of the zone, near Raethwind Wilds dungeon. The area presents the environment of a forest, with the altar glowing in the middle of the woods.
You can expect to receive a stat boost of +2 Willpower with +2809 XP upon visiting this statue.
Strand Altar of Lilith Locations (9-12)
Altar #9
This altar of Lilith is situated on the eastern border of the Strand zone, near the Drowned Burrow cellar. You can spot it on a plateau while walking on the pathway that leads to the Mariner’s Refuge dungeon.
You will receive a +2 increase in Willpower for all characters as well as +2809 XP.
Altar #10 Moordaine Lodge Stronghold
This altar is situated in the west of Moordaine Lodge stronghold in Diablo 4 and can be only accessed after completing a certain portion of the stronghold event objectives. You will need to walk past the woody pathway until reaching the glowing statue that comes after a trunk barrier.
By visiting this altar of Lilith, players will get a +2 increase in Willpower along with +2809 XP.
Altar #11
This altar is in the Strandflats area, near the boundary of Caen Adar. You can spot it in a temple-like rock structure near the seashore, on the way to Corbach Waypoint.
You can expect to get +2 Strength on top of +2809 XP upon visiting this altar.
Altar #12
This altar is located in the Cinder Woods area, between Luban’s Rest and Domhainne Tunnels dungeons. It is to the southwest of Corbach Waypoint and can be spotted in a broken house on the way to the waypoint.
All of your characters will be granted +2 Willpower and +2809 experience upon visiting this altar.
The Emerald Chase Altar of Lilith Locations (13-14)
Altar #13
This altar is located in the Old Forest Clearing area of Scosglen. It will be glowing in the shade of tall trees in the woods. You can get access to it by starting the journey from the Howling Warren dungeon and then turning eastwards.
Visiting this altar earns all of your characters a +2 DEX stat boost as well as +2809 XP.
Altar #14
This altar is situated northwest of the Moldy Cavern cellar. You can find it on the brink of a cliff on the way to the main entrance of Cerrigar town.
This one gets your characters a + Intelligence stat boost on top of +2809 XP.
Deep Forest Altar of Lilith Locations (15-18)
Altar #15
This altar is located on the northernmost portion of the Deep Forest, northeast of Tur Dulra. It can be spotted on a circular cliff area with a tree in the middle.
You will not only get +2 DEX but also +2809 XP after your interaction with this altar.
Altar #16 Tur Dulra Stronghold
You will have to complete a certain part of the Tur Dulra stronghold objectives before getting access to the Altar of Lilith. It will be situated high on a cracked castle room, northeast of Tur Dulra Waypoint.
Interacting with this one gets you a +2 Intelligence stat bonus increase.
Altar #17
This altar is situated in the middle of the Deep Forest zone, on the main path to Tur Dulra. While walking on the main path, head a little right to find an old series of trees. The statue will be right in the center of this tree sequence.
A stat boost of +2 Intelligence will be given to your current character set on top of +2809 XP for you.
Altar #18
This altar is located in the southern part of Deep Forest, near the Webbed Lode cellar. It is accessible in a small cave, on the boundary of Kotama Grasslands.
You will receive a +2 DEX stat boost as well as +2809 XP after your interaction with the statue.
The Shrouded Moors Altar of Lilith Locations (19-21)
Altar #19
This altar is located in the eastern portion of the Scosglen zone, on the ending part of the moor structures. It will be leaning between two hills covered with woods.
You will be granted +2 Dexterity stat and +2809 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #20
This altar is situated on the west of the Overgrown Outpost cellar. You can spot it in a broken stone structure, on the right side of the path leading to Highland Wilds.
After the interaction with this one, a stat boost of +2 Intelligence will be given to all of your characters, along with you getting +2809 XP.
Altar #21
This Scosglen Altar of Lilith in Diablo 4 happens to be on the western part of the Deep Forest area of Scosglen. You can access it by going northwest from Tirmair Waypoint and searching for it near a tree on a mud-infested pathway.
You will be granted +2 Strength stat and +2809 XP for visiting this altar.
Highland Wilds Altar of Lilith Locations (22-27)
Altar #22
This altar of Lilith is located in the east of the Remote Shelter cellar in Scosglen. You will get access to it near the woods with a rocky background.
You can gain a +2 Strength stat boost as well as +2809 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #23
This altar is located in the eastern part of the Scosglen zone, near the Seared Hollow cellar. You will find it in the hold of a group of tree branches, near the Whispering Pines dungeon.
You can expect to get +2 Strength for the current character set in your possession on top of +2809 XP upon visiting this altar.
Altar #24
This Scosglen Altar of Lilith is situated in the Ard Lands area, in the middle of the Highland Wilds region. You can look for it and interact with it between a withering tree and a small rock wall.
All the characters in your possession get +2 Willpower and +2809 experience upon your visit to this altar.
Altar #25
This altar happens to be in the western portion of its region. You can spot it on the path leading to Under the Fat Goose Inn Waypoint, in the woods opposite some rocky hills.
You can expect a +2 Strength stat boost on top of +2809 XP upon visiting this altar.
Altar #26
This altar is situated in the Ard Lands area, south of the Hive dungeon. It will be positioned on a cliff beside a deep valley while going on the path leading to the Maddux Watch dungeon.
You will be granted +2 Intelligence stat and +2809 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #27
This altar happens to be on a rock surrounded by withering trees and grassy lands. It is situated right beside the boundary of The Downs region of Deep Forest.
You can expect to get +2 Strength for your characters on top of +2809 XP upon visiting this altar.
The Downs Altar of Lilith Locations (28-30)
Altar #28
This Altar of Lilith in D4 is situated in the northeast of Oldstones Dungeon. You can spot it on a relatively plain land with some rock tombs, on the west of the Fiefdom House area.
You will be granted +2 Strength stat for your currently possessed characters as well as +2809 XP for you.
Altar #29
This altar happens to be in the middle of The Downs zone, in The Harrowfields area. You are sure to get to it in a cave-like structure made of giant tree branches while traveling in the Abandoned Smuggler’s Den area.
You will be given a +2 Dexterity stat boost and +2809 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #30
This Altar of Lilith is located in the Wealaf Rise area, northwest of the Disturbed Arachnid Tunnels cellar. It is hidden in a large stone room having no front door or walls.
The game will give you +2 Dexterity (DEX) as well as +2809 XP for your interaction with this one.
Altar #31
This altar is located in the westernmost part of The Downs region. You can look for it in the starting part of the woods along some tall trees.
You will receive +2 Strength stat for all current characters in your possession as well as +2809 XP for visiting this altar.
Westering Lowlands Altar of Lilith Locations (32-34)
Altar #32
This Scosglen Altar of Lilith in D4 happens to be in the Fainne, the Defiled Grove area, northwest of Firebreak Manor Waypoint. You can look for it in the tree area making the shape of a forest.
You will receive a +2 Dexterity stat boost and +2809 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #33
This altar is situated on the eastern portion of Westering Lowlands, in the Outlaws Grove area. You can spot it in the shade of a tall tree between two stone pillars.
You will be granted a +2 Willpower stat bonus and +2809 XP upon finding this altar.
Altar #34
This Altar of Lilith is situated in the southern areas of the Westering Lowlands region. You can look for it chilling in the shade of some woods beside a hill. You can expect to get a +2 Willpower stat boost on top of +2809 XP upon visiting this Scosglen altar in D4.