Millennials In Large Numbers Are Searching for Red Dead Redemption 2 Porn
Well, people love their video games and love their video game based pornography even more. The success of games like…

Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti Has An Architectural Defect That Kills It
The Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti is supposed to be the most powerful graphics card on the market but it seems that…

Cross Platform Games Will Be The End Of Closed Systems, Bethesda
Coming at PAX Aus 2018, Pete Hines had some enlightening ideas on the future of cross platform games. It seems…
You Need to Buy a Train Ticket to Fast Travel in Red Dead Redemption 2
On the brink of its successful release, the reviews for Red Dead 2 are in, and it’s shaping to be…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Tells 23 Different Stories of Arthur Morgan’s Gang
According to a creative writer of Rockstar, Michael Unsworth, the game will consist of 23 different stories of Arthur Morgan’s gang. Rockstar…

Star Wars Trials on Tatooine Full Trailer Revealed by ILMxLAB
Star Wars Trials on Tatooine was originally leaked yesterday, dubbed as an “experiment” by the Industrial Light and Magic Experience…
New Xbox One Update is on Preview; Buy Xbox 360 BC Games
We have been waiting for this since a while now, and finally Microsoft is rolling out the ability to purchase…
Command & Conquer Remasters Teased For Franchise’s 25th Anniversary
Command & Conquer is one of the most popular real-time strategy video games. However, it has been a while since…

Watch Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Running on a Nintendo Switch, Not Bad at All
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Nintendo Switch version just got its first off-screen footage. The game is seen running on a Nintendo…
Nvidia Pascal Titan GP100 Comes in April and GTX 1080 in June
The future roadmap of Nvidia seems to have all the details cleared on how they wish to counter AMD. The…

Is This Rise Of The Tomb Raider PC Release Date?
Amazon, known for jumping the gun when it comes to announcing release dates for various games, seems to have revealed…
Fable Legends Beta Sign-ups are Live Now!
“Albion Needs You,” reads the official website of Legends where the developers are now taking sing-ups for the game’s beta….
Amazon Italy Says Dark Souls 3 Release Date is March 31
Okay so the developers of Dark Souls 3 recently confirmed that they will be releasing the game in Japan on…

Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality in Gaming and Need for Social Elements
When the end users look at the path on which the gaming industry is going the future seems rather confusing….

Microsoft Edge For Xbox One is in the Pipeline, Says Microsoft
After almost 20 years, Microsoft Internet Explorer is being put on ice. The browser was mostly used to download a…

Devil May Cry 5 Nico Is Not Playable, Here Is Why
Devil May Cry 5 Nico is a new character that has got a lot of love and some of them…
Nintendo Switch Online Companion App Already At 5 Million Downloads
It has only been over a week since its launch and the subscribers of Nintendo Switch Online service seemingly have…

A Special Xbox One X Console Version To Honor Paul Walker
Xbox fans know that Microsoft’s customized consoles are amazing. And they have gained quite a lot of popularity with players…

Exclusive: Custom Nvidia RTX 2080 Graphics Cards Back In Stock Early October
Nvidia RTX 2080 has just been announced and the cards are selling like hot cakes. You might have noticed that…

3DMark To Introduce Ray Tracing Tech Demo To Benchmark Your Nvidia RTX GPU
3DMark is one of the leading benchmarking tools out there and with the introduction of real-time ray tracing, the benchmarking…

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Mass Production Begins
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has gone gold and is sent out for mass production. It is great news for those waiting…
Days Gone Director Criticizes Far Cry’s Side Activities, Calls Them “Distracting”
In a recent interview with Variety, “Days Gone” creative director and writer John Garvin says the game is interactive post-apocalyptic…

Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti Can Be Rented For 104 Euros If You Want To Try It Out
Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti is the top of the line graphics card that Nvidia has to offer in the next…

Nvidia RTX 2060 Might Not Be Coming Out This Year
The Nvidia RTX 2060 is the next GPU that is expected to be announced and this will be the next generation…

Nintendo Switch Leaked Games List Coming True, Here Are The Next Titles
A recent leaked games list concerning the Nintendo Switch appeared online recently but it was disregarded as a couple of…