Single-Player Games Are Central To Game Development They Are Not Dead, Says Xbox Boss
With more and more publishers focusing on multiplayer titles many are wondering if this is the start of the end…

Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti Benchmarks: Cant Beat AMD Vega 56 In 3DMark Fire Strike Extreme And Time Spy
With the Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti getting close to launch with each passing day the Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti benchmarks are starting…
Call of Duty WW2 Matchmaking Won’t Be Affected by Activision’s Microtransaction Based Matchmaking System
Call of Duty WW2 matchmaking won’t be affected by Activision’s patented microtransactions based matchmaking system. According to Michael Condray of…

Intel Coffee Lake 8100 Now Available On Amazon, Act Fast If You Want One
Intel Coffee Lake 8100 is available on Amazon for $117. If you are interested in buying this CPU then you…
Monster Hunter World Leaked Gameplay Showcases Combat, Lush Environment, Monsters And More
Monster Hunter World was one of the main highlights of Sony’s E3 press conference. While Capcom has revealed nothing but…

Call of Duty: WW2 Season Pass Revealed And It Brings War Mode and New Zombies Content
Even though Call of Duty: WW2 is not yet released the first information about its Season Pass has emerged. As revealed…
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is Running at 60 FPS on PS4 Pro
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is one of the most awaited games due this Holiday season. Launching a month before Star…
28 Minutes Of Dragon Ball Fighter Z Gameplay Released From E3
28 full minutes of Dragon Ball Fighter Z gameplay recorded at E3 has been released onto the internet, giving us…
Machine Games “Envisioned” Wolfenstein As A Trilogy, Might Introduce Mecha-Hitler In Future
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus was a surprise announcement by Bethesda at its E3 2017 press conference and fans are…
God of War PS4: Kratos’ Son Is A Competent Companion, Players Will Not Have To Worry About Him Most Of The Time
God Of War is one of them most anticipated PlayStation exclusive games and fans are eager to play it. It…

Rumors Circulating Of Pokken Tournament Nintendo Switch Port
Rumors have started to circulate about the possibility of a Pokken Tournament Nintendo Switch port, which would bring the first-ever…

Tekken 7 Trailer Sheds More Light on the Story and Mishima Conflict
With the release date almost upon us, Bandai Namco has released a new Tekken 7 trailer titled No Glory for…
Telltale Games’ Guardians Of The Galaxy Rated Teen By ESRB
The Entertainment Software Rating Board(ESRB) has rated the upcoming Telltale Games’ Guardians Of The Galaxy “Teen” for language, alcohol and…

Capcom Explains Why Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Teams Consist of Only Two Characters
The co-producer of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, Peter Rosas, has explained why the studio reduced the number of team members…

Payday 2: The Big Score Features All DLC, Console Release Date and Price Inside
Payday 2: The Big Score is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One soon. We didn’t know much about it…
This Fallout New Vegas Mod Gives Players Quantum Break Like Abilities
It is safe to say that mods are one of the important driving forces for Fallout franchise, and this time…
Developer Wants To Make New Star Fox Games For Nintendo Switch and 3DS
Dylan Cuthbert, the founder of Q-Games and developer of the cancelled Star Fox 2, has said that he is considering…

Nintendo Switch Downloads Games Faster in Sleep Mode
The eShop is a prominent feature of Nintendo Switch. Players can get impatient waiting for their favorite games to finish the…

Jim Sterling Under Attack From Nintendo Fans After Giving A Low Score To Breath of the Wild
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild released on 3rd March to stellar reviews from every outlet and ended up…

You Can Make A New Nintendo Switch Dock Mod Out Of An Old N64
If you’re wanting to make your Nintendo Switch be even more of a Nintendo console, then the YouTuber Tettan Zone…
Middle-Earth Shadow Of War Will Feature More Characters From LOTR, Over 100 Skills And More
Middle-Earth Shadow of War is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Shadow Of Mordor and fans are excited about the…
Microsoft Exec: Crackdown 3 “Is All About Boom”, Insists That It Will Launch This Year
At the start of this year, Microsoft canceled the highly anticipated game, Scalebound, from Platinum Games. However, as we are…
Aonuma’s Favorite Game of 2016 Isn’t A Nintendo Title, Not A Surprise Either
Eiji Aonuma, currently known as the director of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, has named his favorite…
Nintendo Switch eShop Will Let You Link Content To Your Account, Console Free Space Revealed
It’s always hard to deal with problems related to Nintendo’s current-gen consoles. For example their eShop always links content to the…
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Will Feature a Pro HUD Mode
Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild is almost a month away from launch and hype for the game is…