Like the other stones, the Somber Smithing Stone 7 is important for upgrading unique weapons and shields in the Elden Ring. These stones increase the level of special armaments from +6 to +7, making them deadlier in combat. Note that this is the highest level of upgrade.
In the game, you can farm these stones from different regions, especially loots or drops from bosses. This guide covers every location in depth and the way to get an unlimited amount of the stones in the Elden Ring.
Ainsel River

The region of Ainsel River is the best place to visit to farm some Somber Smithing Stones 7 pieces in Elden Ring. This area is further divided into two parts known as Nokstella, Eternal City, and the Lake of Rot. You can find up to six pieces of Somber Smithing Stone 7 here.
1) To start your exploration of the stones from the Eternal City, you have to move toward the ledge that provides you with a clear way of the Ainsel River. You will find a corpse on the cliff’s edge, so interacting with it gives you a Somber Smithing Stone 7.
2) Another stone can be collected by going toward the building marked by an open window in this area. You have to enter the building to find the chest that contains the stone.
3) The third stone is found in a room that Silver Tears guards. You have to kill the enemy to enter the room and loot the chest for the stone.
4) You will receive another piece of Somber Smithing Stone 7 after defeating the Malformed Star found in the region of the Ainsel River.
5) The northwestern side of the lake contains a small landmass area; there, you will find the corpse with the stone. You can reach this area by moving north from the Alabaster Lord location.
6) The last stone is collected from a corpse found in the ruins of the Lake of Rot. You can find the corpse by moving north from the Dragonkin Soldier location.
Deeproot Depths

You can collect up to 5 pieces of the Somber Stone 7 from The Deeproot Depths. Let’s go through the areas in detail.
1) For the first stone, move toward the cave on the northwest side of the area. Runebear guards the entrance toward the cave, so you have to defeat your enemy before exploring the cave for the stone.
2) For the next stone, move northwest from the Runebear location toward a hollow building. You can reach the building if you move west from Walking Mausoleum location.
3) To bag another piece of stone, move a little north from the sunken building toward the tree branches. The corpse containing the stone can be accessed through the branches.
4) Make your way south from the location of Crucible Knight Sularia and explore the church for a corpse body to get the stone.
5) Lastly, if you move north from the location of Erdtree Avatar enemy, then you will come across a waterfall. You must drop down from the waterfall toward an area containing a crafter.
Volcano Manor

The Volcano Manor area is a part of the Mt. Gelmir region in the Elden Ring. After progressing enough in the game, you can get to this area, so sit tight during your playthrough.
1) To get the Somber Smithing Stone 7 from Volcano Manor, you must defeat Godskin Noble to reach a ledge that provides you with the stone. However, the ridge is guarded by an Abductor Virgin, so you must also take care of this boss before getting this upgrading material from the corpse.
To reach this ledge, move from the Temple of Eiglay Grace toward the northwestern side after crossing the bridge, and you will come across the boss guarding the ridge.
2) Accessing the Imp Seal Statue can get the next stone. This room is on the opposite side of the Throne room in the Volcano Manor. However, to access this room, you need two Stonesword keys.
Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

You will find just two stones in this area in the following places:
1) The first stone can be obtained by moving toward the underground area on the west side of Omen Ogre boss. You have to look for a room that a Lobster will guard. Inside the room, you will come across multiple large pipes. You have to get inside to find the corpse present on the ground and get the stone.
2) You will find the other stone from the same room full of large pipes. You just have to move deep into the room to find a broken pipe that contains a Teardrop Scarab. Killing the creature will provide you with one stone.
Forbidden Lands

The Forbidden Land is the connecting point between the Mountaintops of the Giants and the Altus Plateau.
1) At the midway of the path, you will come across a colossal skull that holds a corpse. Interaction with the body provides you with the stone. Additionally, right after crossing this hill, you must fight the Black Blade Kindred boss in the Forbidden Lands.
Mountaintops of the Giants

The Mountaintops of the Giants lead you toward the Consecrated Snowfield, also known as the snowy area. You can explore the snowy mountains to gather up to five pieces of Somber Smithing Stone 7 in the Elden Ring.
1) For the first stone, walk toward the Zamor Ruins, where you will encounter the Ancient Hero of Zamor. From there, you must move south to find a frozen tree with a Teardrop Scarab attached. Killing this creature will land you another piece of this unique material.
2) If you move toward the southeastern side from the Ancient Hero of Zamor location, you will come across a cliff guarded by Three Hands. You must get past the obstacles to find the corpse hanging on the ridge. You need to interact with the corpse to gain the stone.
3) From the Cave of the Forlorn, you can move west toward the open snowy grounds in the Elden Ring.
The cave is the same place where you take on the Misbegotten Crusader, and your journey toward the west will help you come across a tree that contains a white Scarab. Make a quick end of this creature to obtain the stone.
4) Surprisingly, you will come across two Lion Guardians at Castle Sol, and both will drop Somber Smithing Stone 7 upon their death. You can defeat these enemies quickly to farm your stones before exploring the other parts of the castle for other valuable rewards.
Crumbling Farum Azula

The Crumbling Farum Azula is a small region that allows you to gather three 7 pieces of Somber Stone along with the much-needed Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing 4.
1) The first Somber Stone 7 is the easiest to locate as you must move west from the Drconic Tree Sentinel location toward the Great Bridge. You will find a corpse in the middle of the bridge to obtain the first piece of stone in this area.
2) To get the second Somber Smithing Stone 7, you must find another corpse by going toward the cliffs. These cliffs are found below the Great Bridge section, and you can reach them by using the Site of Grace located on the Rooftop of the Dragon Temple.
3) To collect the third stone, make your way toward the heavily-ruined section of the area. This part of the map is easy to locate as you must move between Dragon Temple and Tempest-Facing Balcony Grace Site.
You will find the corpse on the floating debris that you must interact with to gather the stone.
4) To get the second Somber Smithing Stone 7, you must find another corpse by going toward the cliffs. These cliffs are found below the Great Bridge section, and you can reach them by using the Site of Grace located on the Rooftop of the Dragon Temple.
Where to buy Somber Smithing Stone 7 in Elden Ring?

A fun way of crafting unlimited Somber Smithing Stone 7 is by getting the Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing 4. To get this, you must start at the Foot of the Forge in the Mountaintops of the Giants area and teleport to Crumbling Farum Azula.
Start from the Crumbling Beast Grave Site of Grace, head left, and exit the area. Then, move across the crumbling path in the west direction and enter the opening from the end.
This area will get you to Crumbling Beast Grave Depths Site of Grace. Exit the area to enter the hallway with corpses lying in the middle. Take the path in the northwest corner of the hallway. Descend from the stairs and exit to Tempest Facing Balcony Site of Grace.
Move north from the site of grace, and you will find the Somerstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4] in front of you.
Take the item to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold and pay them 16,000 runes to buy a single Somber Stone 7 from this NPC in Elden Ring.