In Elden Ring, Smithing Stone 4 is an upgrading material that you can use to level up your normal weapons and shields. The Smithing Stone 4 will take any of your armaments up to +12.
These upgrades become necessary as your enemies become stronger and stronger with the game’s progression and allow you to dish out damage accordingly. So, to keep your Smithing Stone 4 needs covered, we have listed all their locations in Elden Ring.
Where to find Smithing Stone 4 in Elden Ring
A major chunk of the Smithing Stone 4 locations are found in the Caelid Region which is the best location to farm them. You will also find more Smithing Stone 4 spread across the Lyendall Royal Capital, Liurnia, and Limgrave regions.
While the late game areas of Deeproot Depths, Ainsel River, and Siofra River also have decent farming locations for the Smithing Stone 4.
Lyendall, Royal Capital

1) The first Smithing Stone 4 in Lyendall is found on a corpse inside a cemetery district. You will have to have to face off against a Skeleton attack once you reach the location.
2) As you are moving on the main road, look to your left to find a chapel. Enter the chapel and approach the gazebo to search for a golden chalice. You will find a corpse here which you can loot to find a Smithing Stone 4.
3) Before you can obtain this Smithing Stone 4, you will first have to defeat an Enhanced Trumpeteer. After this, you can descend to the lower platform and look behind you to find a room to find the item. But you must be aware of an assassin attack here.
Volcano Manor
There are two more Smithing Stone 4 in the Volcano Manor which is a legacy dungeon in Elden Ring.

1) This Smithing Stone 4 is just outside the Volcano Manor main area. As you approach the location you will be confronted by a Man Serpent. You must defeat it before looting the corpse there to obtain the stone.
2) Head toward the Inquisition Chamber Site of Grace and approach the fallen pillar inside the lava. You will find a Smithing Stone 4 resting on this pillar, which you can easily collect.
Caria Manor
The Caria Manor is found in the Northern part of the Liurnia of Lakes region in Elden Ring.

1) Head toward the Manor Lower Level Site of Grace in the Caria Manor. In the very same room, you will also find an altar. As you search the area beneath this altar you will find a Smithing Stone 4.
2) Before heading to this location you will have to fight and defeat a Giant Knight. You can then follow the right upper wall of the Caria Manor which will lead you toward the rear side of the Upper Garden.
The section of the wall is overhanging above the garden. You will find a corpse sitting at the end of the section that you can loot to find another Smithing Stone 4.
Raya Lucaria Academy
The Raya Lucaria Academy is another Legacy Dungeon that sits in the heart of the Liurnia of the Lakes Region in Elden Ring. You will find three more Smithing Stone 4 locations here.

1) You must approach the same bell tower where you would have found a Full Moon Crossbow.
As you climb to the very top of this tower and have a gander, you will spot a Smithing Stone 4 sitting on a rooftop nearby. You can leap from this position toward the rooftop and collect it.
2) Head toward the Church of Cuckoo Site of Grace and move toward the cemetery just close by.
Head to the bottom of this cemetery and look to your right to spot a small cliff. Head over toward this cliff to collect the Smithing Stone 4.
3) Head toward the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace. As you enter the room just past it, you will find the Illusory Wall, which is behind the empty bookshelf inside.
You must strike it to make it disappear and give you access to the area beyond it. As you enter the area you will find a corpse just up ahead, you can loot it to obtain the Smithing Stone 4.
You will find four more Smithing Stone 4 locations in the Main Caelid region of Elden Ring. All four locations are pretty close to each other so you can grab them all in one go.

1) The first location for the Smithing Stone 4 in Caelid is right next to the area you find the Iron Fist Alexander NPC. You head inside the Gael Tunnel to find him which is at the border between the Caelid and Limgrave regions of Elden Ring.
2) You can find two more Smithing Stone 4 in the Gael Tunnel. You must find the room Cross-Naginata where these stones will be sitting next to a wall.
3) The third Stone is also inside the Gael tunnel and very close to the second Stone location. This is the best spot to farm Smithing Stone 4 in Elden Ring as you will find 7 of them here. You also have a chance to obtain them as a drop from the Radhan Soldiers and miners in the area.
4) You must head toward the Forsaken Ruins landmark in the Caelid region of Elden Ring. As you search the ruin’s area you will find a corpse resting in the center of them. You can loot the corpse to obtain the Smithing Stone 4.
Swamp of Aeonia

1) This region only has one location where you can farm Smithing Stone 4 in the Southern Bank of the Swamp Aeonia, also located in the Caelid Region.
It is still a worthwhile Smithing Stone 4 farming location in Elden Ring as you will find 3 of them by looting a corpse found here. You must search in between the group of chairs to find the corpse.
Redmane Castle
The Redmane Castle is isolated from the main Caleid Region in Elden Ring. You will find 2 more Smithing Stone 4 locations hear.

1) Head toward the courtyard area inside the main Redmane Castle. As you search the area close to the two Lion Guardians, you will find a mass grave. There is one Smithing Stone 4 resting on it that you can quickly grab.
2) Climb over to the upper section of the courtyard. You will find a group of soldiers resting here. As you approach them you will find a corpse resting there, you can loot it to obtain a Smithing Stone 4.
Shaded Castle
You can find two more Smithing Stone 4 locations inside the Shaded Castle which is located in the northern portion of the Altus Plateau region of Elden Ring. You can take the Altus Tunnel which runs through the valley between the Altus Plateau and Mt. Glemir, to get there.

1) The first Smithing Stone 4 is inside the heart of the Shaded Castle. Enter the wooden structure in the middle of the castle and move toward the staircase section. You find a corpse hanging by the stairs here, you can loot it to obtain the stone.
2) The second Smithing Stone 4 is also inside a wooden structure, this time to the farthest eastern corner of the Shaded Castle. You will find another corpse with the Smithing Stone 4 here.
Siofra River
The Siofra River is a late-game location in Elden Ring, however regardless of that, you can still find three Smithing Stone 4 locations here.

1) The first Smithing Stone 4 location is by the Night’s Sacred Ground. As you search the area near the waterfall, you will soon find a corpse by its base. As you loot this corpse you receive a Smithing Stone 4.
2) Head toward the Great Erected Rock and start moving East. You will soon find the area being patrolled by a Red Wolf and four normal Wolves. You will also find a corpse holding the Smithing Stone 4 here.
3) Head toward the Nokron Bridge Site of Grace. You can now jump off the bridge to find a structure that you can enter. You will find a corpse here which can be looted for the stone.
Deeproot Depths
The Deeproot depths is yet another late-game region in Elden Ring. However, it is still a decent spot to farm a few Smithing Stone 4. You can enter this underground region through the coffin access point which will require defeating the Valiant Gargoyle boss.
The tunnel passage near the Frenzied Flame Prosciption can also be used as an alternate entry point into the region.

1) The first location holds two Smithing Stone 4. You will this spot in the northwest area of the Deeproot Depths region.
2) The second area is protected by 7 Flying Ants. As you approach the area to the South of the river you will find the exact spot. You can loot the corpse to collect the Smoothing Stone 4.
3) You will find yet another corpse at this location. You can identify the correct location by the presence of a huge tree. Approach this tree and look on one of the branches to find the corpse holding a Smithing Stone 4.
Ainsel River
The Ainsel River is yet another late-game Elden Ring region where you can also find a few Smithing Stone 4 locations. Ainsel River has two entry points that can be used to enter the region.
Its Southern entry point is the Ainsel River Well that you can teleport to. Its Northern entry point has two approaches, one through the Ainsel River Main and the second through the coffin found at the Deeproot Depths, called Renna’s Rise.
Note that the second method will require you to complete the quest where you hand over the Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni.

1) The first Smithing Stone 4 in Ainsel River is found on the path leading up to the Noksetlla Eternal City on the Western side of the region. You can simply collect it laying there.
2) The second Smithing Stone 4 is found in the Uhl Palace Ruins. You will need to approach the Queen Ant Chamber. Once you reach there you can take the side path where you will find the Stone resting on a beam.
3) The last Smithing Stone 4 is found at the Western Uhl Palace Ruins in Ainsel River. You follow the path leading to the location to simply collect it.
Where to buy Smithing Stone 4 in Elden Ring
The Smithing Stone 4 can also be purchased from an NPC in Elden Ring.
Twin Maiden Husk
You can purchase Smithing Stone 4 from the Twin Maiden Husk at the Roundtable Hold for 9000 Runes. However, in order to buy the stone, you will first have to bring them the Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing 2. You can find it within the Atlas Plateau region in the sealed Tunnel. Once you offer this to them you will unlock the ability to purchase the Smithing Stone 4 from them at every turn in Elden Ring.