Borderlands 3 Neon Arterial Challenges Guide – Collectible Locations, Where to Find

There aren’t a lot of challenges in Neon Arterial area in Borderlands 3 but if you are still lost, check out our handy guide.

After you have returned to Promethea and reached the Neon Arterial area in Borderlands 3, you are given three Crew Challenges to complete and unlock. Below we have summoned a guide for you that will help you with that.

Borderlands 3 Neon Arterial Challenges

Doing these Crew Challenges can net you a decent amount of XP so it is always worth it to take some time out to complete them.

Typhon Log #1

Typhon Log 1
Your first location after entering Neon Arterial is going to be Titan Skyway. From the place where you are dropped, go left, cross the road, and beside the pole, you are going to see a planter. Climb over it and you will find your Typhon Log.

Typhon Log #2

Before entering the building that has the V over it, take a right from there and move forward. On your left-side, you are going to see Typhon Log.

Typhon Log #3

From the Green Diamond Platform, head to the cave. Past the waterfall and after climbing the stairs, start moving to the west where you are going to find the Typhon Log.

Dead Claptrap

Go down the stairs in the Apollyon Transit Station and head to the Green Diamond Platform. You will see a train passing, wait for it to go, then jump down on the track where you will find the Antenna Accessory. Shoot over it to grab it.

Typhon Dead Drop
Where you got your Typhon Log 3, go north from there are you are going to reach the Dead Drop. You cannot unlock it if you haven’t found all the logs and don’t have them in your hand.

These are all the location you have to go through and collect the item to complete the Crew Challenge. When driving through these place, keep an eye out for all the Crew Challenges otherwise you are going to miss them.