Find The Githyanki Creche is a side quest during Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3 and part of the much larger The Githyanki Warrior companion quest. Being infected with the Illithid parasite by the Mind Flayers, our character can turn into one at any time. Desperate to find the cure, Lae’zel offers to take us to a nearby Githyanki Creche, where her people can remove the parasite from our brains.
In this guide, we will guide you on how to Find the Githyanki Creche in Baldur’s Gate 3 and how to enter this exclusive area easily.
Find the Githyanki Creche quest walkthrough
Find the Githyanki Creche quest starts by finding an NPC named Zorru. He is in the Hollow region of the Druid Grove. Talk to him, and he will tell you that a Githyanki patrol near the Mountain Pass killed his friends. You can let Lae’zel interrogate him. Once done, Zorru will mark the location of the patrol on your map.

Travel to the Mountain Pass area (X: -103, Y: 559) on the Risen Road. This area is located North of Goblin Camp and South of Waukeen’s Rest.
Once you reach this area by crossing a bridge, a cutscene will trigger where a red dragon attacks a group of flaming fists soldiers and destroys the bridge at the orders of some Githyanki warriors. When prompted, reply with the following option to Lae’zel.
- “Let’s go”.
Climb down the wall, and Lae’zel will initiate a talk with the dragon rider, Kith’rak Voss. Let Lae’zel take charge and reply with the following dialogue options once Kith’rak Voss inquires about a mysterious Artefact.
- “Nod to Lae’zel. Go ahead”.
- “Moth a silent command to Lae’zel. Play along”.
This option requires you to roll a successful persuasion check of 10DC. Once that is successful, Kith’rak will fly away on his trusty steed. This will save you from a bloody battle. Cross the stone bridge to reach the Mountain Pass. There is a very long cutscene at this point. Select the following replies when investigating Shadowheart about her mysterious Artifact.
- “You have got some explaining to do. What is that thing that you have?”
- “Why Baldur’s Gate? What aren’t you telling me?”
- “I don’t care who you worship. Tell me about the artefact”.
- “Enough, both of you. We need to work together”.
This is the first point of no return in Baldur’s Gate 3. Make sure to level up properly and finish any quests that you have pending now.
Githyanki Creche Location in Baldur’s Gate 3

At this point, Lae’zel will announce that she has found some tracks of Githyanki people. She believes that they lead to a hidden Creche. To find the location of the Githyanki Creche, keep going forward and turn right until you reach the coordinates at (X: -47, Y: -94). There, you will find a cable car leading to a monastery.
Turn the cable car wheel with a successful strength roll (15 DC). Use the cable car to reach the Rosymorn monastery. It is the only way to find Githyanki Creche, as it lies below the monastery.
Turn back from the cable car and descend the stone steps. Keep going until you find the Rosymorn monastery waypoint at (X: 18, Y: 8). As the main entrance to the monastery is blocked, enter it from a broken wall to the left of the main door (X: 67, Y: 32). You will land into the Wine Cellar. There are a few enemies in the area that you need to defeat before moving forward.
From the wine cellar, go to the Northwest corner and use the wooden plank to go outside. Use the jump skill to reach the next platform. Keep going up and then turn left to drop down. Destroy the wooden barricade at (X: 53, Y: 60).
Turn left and then use the jump action to cross the gap. Turn right and go forward until you reach a dead end. There is a door to the left (X: 96, Y: 32). Keep going down until you reach another barricade at (X: 100, Y: 45). Go all the way through the ruined monastery until you reach the Creche Y’llek entrance. Enter the basement through the wooden door (X: 68, Y: 84).
Another cutscene follows as you confront some Githyanki warriors inside Creche Y’llek. Select the following options.
- “Allow Lae’zel to answer”.
Follow the instructions and go to the infirmary to allow the Githyanki healers to remove the parasite.
Cure Illithid parasite inside Githyanki Creche

Go to the infirmary in the west wing and talk to Ghustil Stornugoss at (X: 1287, Y: -809). She is the principal healer of Githyanki Creche. While talking to her, select the following dialogue options.
- “I would prefer Lae’zel to speak on my behalf.”
- “And the Zaith’isk is?”
- “Investigate the device”.
This option requires you to pass an Intelligence check of DC15.
- “Stand back. I will go first”.
- “You will still be hunting for this place without my guidance. I will be cured first”.
- “Will it hurt me?”
- “Look to your companions for guidance”.
- “Lie down in the device”.
- “Follow the doctor’s instructions. Seek the tadpole”.
This is a saving throw with 20 DC.
- “Stay calm. Guide the device closer”.
It is also another saving throw that requires a roll of 15 or above.
- “Let the tadpole feed on your rage. Make it strong”.
This is a barbarian-specific saving throw that requires 18 or more.
Behave like you don’t know what is happening and deceive the healer to save your party and life. You will discover that not only has the Zaith’isk been tampered with, but it will also kill anyone who steps into it. The parasite is not removed from you now, and the entire ordeal proves futile. This marks the end of Find Githyanki Creche’s quest in Baldur’s Gate 3.
At this point, it is Pivotal that you convince Ghustil Stornugoss that the parasite has been removed. If you’re unsuccessful, this will result in a fight with the entirety of the Githyanki Creche. If you’re successful, you can leave and continue your quest, or you can stay back and continue Lae’zel’s companion quest in the area and defeat the Githyanki Inquisitor.
What to do next in Githyanki Creche?
There are lots of things you can do in Githyanki Creche, including obtaining loot from treasure chests and slain enemies; we recommend that you go for the Blood of Lathander mace first. However, we recommend obtaining Dawnmaster’s Crest first from Rosymorn Monastery by solving the Ceremonial weapons puzzle. Otherwise, you will end up destroying the whole creche alongside your party.
Solve the puzzle to get the Blood of Lathander

While in the Githyanki Creche, you can make the most of your time by solving the Blood of Lathander Puzzle in the area. This is an entire quest that can be picked up as you enter the Creche. Interact with the statue of Lathander at the entrance to do so. From there, go to the inquisitor’s chamber, where you’ll find two Lathander statues. To solve the statue puzzle, follow the steps mentioned below.
- The statue on the left is stuck. Attack it with grease so it can move again.
- Turn the left-hand statue three times so that it’s facing west.
- Turn the right-hand statue once so that it’s facing east.
This will open a secret passageway that you can use. Disable the traps in the secret room and destroy three crystals to reach the final chamber. Use the Dawnmaster’s crest you picked up from Rosymorn Monastery. Insert it into the crest slot, and you’ll be able to acquire the legendary Blood of Lathander mace.
How to defeat the Githyanki inquisitor in Creche Y’llek?
Once Lae’zel finds out the machine has been tampered with, she will ask to meet the Githyanki Inquisitor. Githyanki Queen Vlaakith will appear there and ask you to kill the dream visitor. Not matter the options you choose, as you will fail to kill the Emperor, Vlaakith will ask the Githyanki Inquisitor to kill you.

The Githyanki Creche inquisitor boss fight is one of the hardest in the game and requires you to work efficiently to emerge victorious. This boss has the Mindsteal Link ability allows him to link himself to anyone in the room to increase his Armor Class while decreasing theirs.
It is advised that you do not bring any additional summons to the room. Your best action is to go in with party members who do not have companions. This means excluding any Warlock familiars, Ranger companions, the cleric’s guardian of faith, and even the undead army that the necromancers bring.
Try and take out the creatures he is using as health sources early in the fight. Doing this will give you the upper hand, making the entire boss battle fairly easy. Then go for Githyanki Inquisitor and take him out.
Find the Githyanki Creche Quest Rewards
There aren’t any specific rewards tied to the Githyanki Creche storyline, but you will be able to acquire the Blood of Lathander mace, a legendary weapon, and whatever loot you can acquire by killing the inhabitants of this area. The Githyanki Inquisitor does not drop anything noteworthy either. The main driving force behind this area is to progress Lae’zel’s storyline.