A sorcery used by the servants of death, Explosive Ghostflame summons a massive explosion followed by lingering flames of death in Elden Ring. This sorcery was used in past to kill death, long before the orders of Elden Tree took over.
In this guide, we will help you obtain the Explosive Ghostflame sorcery and craft an amazing build around it.
Explosive Ghostflame Location

The Explosive Ghostflame sorcery in Elden Ring can be obtained after killing a Death Rite Bird in the center of Consecrated Snowfield.
Reaching the Consecrated Snowfield is no small task. You must complete the following steps in order to reach this end-game area.
- Obtain the Right half of the Haligtree Secret Medallion from the Village of Albinaurics in southern Liurnia. Talk to the old man Albus in the village, and he will hand over the medallion part.
- Progress through the game until you complete Leyndell, the Royal Capital.
- Go to the Mountaintop of Giants through the Forbidden Lands and make your way to the Castle Sol. It is in the northernmost part of this snow-filled hell.
- Defeat Commander O’Neil and collect the left part of the Haligtree Secret Medallion.
- Return to the Grand Lift of Rold and hoist the secret medallion by pressing the D-pad to the right/left.
Doing these steps will take you to the Consecrated Snowfield. Travel to the frozen lake in its middle to find the Death Rite Bird.

Death Rite Birds are difficult mini-bosses that like to peck their enemies to death. Don’t block their physical or magic attacks as they will stun-lock you immediately.

Take your time and try to dodge all the attacks. Only hit the Death Rite Bird when there is an opening. Once the Death Rite Bird is defeated, it will drop the Explosive Ghostflame Sorcery in the Elden Ring.
Explosive Ghostflame Sorcery Stats and Requirements
Explosive Ghostflame requires 42 Intelligence and 30 Faith to use, which are quite high for sorcery in the game. You will also need 29 FP and 45 Stamina in addition to one spell slot.

Like the rest of the Sorceries, you will need a Staff to cast it. As the Explosive Ghostflame belongs to the Death Sorceries, it can be boosted by using the Prince of Death’s Staff.
This spell allows the user to smash their staff into the ground, followed by a massive explosion. This explosion deals 138 magic damage, and the flames deal 38 damage per tick. Explosive Ghostflame also causes Frost to build up in the enemies and can knock down small enemies.
Explosive Ghostflame Best Build
A build specific for the Explosive Ghostflame is a rather tricky one. You must invest in both Faith and Intelligence, leaving little room to invest in any other stats.
- Vigor: 40
- Intelligence: 55
- Faith: 40
Use the Night Cavalry’s Armor to get as much protection as possible. For the Talismans, go with the following ones.
Prince of Death’s Staff +25 with any small shield that can absorb 100% Physical Damage.