Handler is a support class in Remnant 2 that can be built for either solo or team play. While playing solo, you can have a little companion through different adventures. The Handler Archetype is one of the best archetypes for solo players. You get all the perks and skills with a deadly but loyal dog for a companion.
To unlock this archetype, you must craft the Silent Whistle Engram. To do so, you will need to gather three ingredients: Scrap and Lumenite Crystals from enemy drops, whereas you will get the Old Whistle from Mudtooth. Once you have your hands on all three ingredients, head to Wallace and craft the Silent Whistle Engram.
Once you have the Handler unlocked, the next step is to customize it with a secondary archetype, weapons, traits, jewelry, and armor to get the best Handler Build in Remnant 2.
Best Archetype Combo

For this build, we are going with the following combination of Archetypes:
Handler is the primary archetype of this build that brings a dog companion with it to fight on the battlefield. This class uses Bonded as its prime perk, focusing on your companion’s ability to revive you to 50% health when your character is about to die. This perk proves helpful in both solo and multiplayer modes.
You can play between an attack dog, a support dog, and a guard dog. The game strategy is simple: let your dog enter the battlefield first, and when the boss is busy with him, use Hunter’s skills to inflict damage.
As for the damage perk, you can go for Pack Hunter, which boosts range and skill damage range and increases skill critical chance if your companion is active. If you’re playing with friends, you can go for the Teamwork utility perk, so you and your companion can gain a 30% increased revive speed and get 50% less damage while reviving others.
As for the Hunter Archetype, you must go for Hunter’s Focus as your secondary perk. This perk helps you aim down sight uninterruptedly, entering a focused state.
Best Weapons For Remnant 2 Handler Build
Now that we have successfully diverted the enemy’s attention, let’s examine which tools we will use to melt the boss’s health bar.
Long Gun

Chicago Typewriter – With Corrosive Rounds Mod and Twisted Wounds
The Chicago Typewriter is an ideal choice for short-range encounters with large ammo capacity and rapid rate of fire. This weapon is one of the high-accuracy long guns with a Weak Spot Damage Bonus that excels to 105%.
The Twisted Wounds increase the weapon’s damage range by 20% to bleeding targets. At level 10, the weapon gives 642 bleed damage for 10 seconds. Whereas, with Corrosive Rounds, you can increase the range critical chance by 15% for 20 seconds, dealing with 481.5 corroded damage
Hand Gun

Nebula – Nano Swarm Mod
The Nebula handgun shoots a stream of superhot acid gas that causes corrosive damage to enemies over time. Due to its low aiming accuracy, this medium-range weapon requires targets to remain at a close distance.
When you upgrade the weapon with the Nano Swarm mod, it unleashes a swarm of nanomachines that targets all the enemies within 20 meters while dealing with increased acid damage of 100 for 10 seconds.
Melee Weapon

World’s Edge – With Transference Mutator
This melee weapon is like a glowing greatsword with potent damage with charge attacks emitting waves. The Horizon Strike mod boosts the charge attack to release a horizontal projectile with 116 damage to different enemies, while the Transference mutator boosts max ammo capacity by 5%.

For Traits, we max out Kingship, Long Shot, Figure, Endurance, Spirit, and Expertise, with Barkskin, Recovery, Footwork, and Siphoner providing additional utility.

The Tranquil Heart grants you 2.3 of health recovery per second when equipped, and when used, it doubles your health regeneration by 15 seconds. This relic focuses on ranged, critical chance, and weak spot damage.

Ravenger’s Mark Amulet: This increase all damage to bleeding targets. When you merge it with Chicago Typewriter’s Twisting Wounds, you get an increased 20% extra damage from all targets. The bonus increases to 30% if you have targets below 50% of health.
You can also choose the Abrasive Whetstone, which increases crit chance to 15% and crit damage to 30% on bleeding enemy.

It is a double-sided coin where you take less damage and deal more at the same. For the rings, we have decided to go with the following choices:
- Probability Cord: This ring increases crit damage by 30%.
- Stone of Balance: Wear it; you will deal 7% more damage overall with any weapon or skill.
- Burden of Gambler: This ring disables all weak spots but increases the crit change by 10% and crit damage by 15%. This ring boosts the effects if you’re using the Abrasive Whetstone amulet.
- Zania’s Malice: If you’re sticking to the Tranquil Heart amulet, you would want to go for Zania’s Malice, as it grants you a 5% increase in weak spot damage for 5 seconds.
- Devoured Loop: Wearing this ring gives you a 1% chance to reset your skill cooldown every 10 seconds.

You can choose any armor for the Remnant 2 Handler build, but we have gone for the Bruiser helmet, boots, gloves, and High Noon Duds body armor. This balances your armor and weight ratio, giving you normal dodge and resistance against fire and Blight damage.