A greatsword crafted from the golden-hue meteoric ore, Onyx Lord’s Greatsword in Elden Ring can manipulate gravity. This weapon is reserved for Onyx Lords, a race that emerges from the meteorite that struck the Lands Between.
In this guide, we will help you collect the Onyx Lord’s Greatsword and craft a build around it that is a mix of raw Strength and Gravitational Sorcery.
Onyx Lord’s Greatsword Location
Onyx Lord’s Greatsword can be obtained by killing the Onyx Lord mini-boss inside the Sealed Tunnel.

This tunnel can be found in the Capital Outskirts. To reach this tunnel, start from the Grand Lift of Rold until you reach the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace.

From this site, turn right and go east. You will soon come across a small ravine. Drop down and hug the wall to your right. There is a small opening (marked on the wall) leading to the Sealed Tunnel.

To enter the tunnel, hit the illusory wall to the right of the Site of Grace. Go down until you come across a treasure chest. Hit the wall behind it to unlock a new path.

Use the elevator to go down and hit another illusory wall to continue your journey. Hit another illusory wall and use tree trunks to reach the other side of the room.

Drop down from the right of the platform and go to the end of the cave. Hit the illusory wall to see another path with branches. Follow the path down until you reach the boss room.

Onyx Lord is an easy enemy who uses Gravity magic. Dodge its attacks and attack it whenever there is an opening. Once defeated, the boss will drop Onyx Lord’s Greatsword in Elden Ring.
Onyx Lord’s Greatsword Stats and Requirements
Onyx Lord’s Greatsword requires 20 Strength, 16 Dexterity, and 16 Intelligence to wield. It has D scaling with Str and Int and E scaling with Dex stat.

The weapon skill for this curved greatsword is Onyx Lord’s Repulsion, which creates a gravity well around the player. You can’t infuse this sword with any Ash of war or consumables like Grease. You also can’t apply magic to it either.
This greatsword can be upgraded with the help of Somber Smithing Stones, and at its highest level (+10), it deals 289 Physical and 186 Magic damage.
Onyx Lord’s Greatsword deals 20% more damage to gravity-type enemies. It weighs 11.5 and can be sold for 500 Runes to any merchant in the game.
Onyx Lord’s Greatsword Best Build
For the Onyx Lord’s Greatsword build, we will be using a mix of Strength and Faith to cast Gravity sorceries.
As this is a level 150 build, distribute the points across your stats as follows.
- Vigor: 40
- Strength: 60
- Faith: 30
Mix the following crystal tears in the Flask of the Wondrous Physick.
- Opaline Hardtear
- Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
For the spells, go with the following.
Use the following Talismans.
- Dagger Talisman
- Shard of Alexander
- Magic Scorpion Charm
- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
White Mask of Varre and Finger Seal +25 to cast incantations. Any medium armor that allows you to roll fast. With this build and proper preparation before the fight, you can easily deal damage north of 1000 per hit to your enemies in both PvP and PvE.