If you are looking to be quick on your feet while having considerable defense stats, you are going to need light armor in the Elden Ring.
While heavy armor does offer better defenses against enemies, their extra weight will make you slow and force you to consume more stamina points while parrying or dodging.
Here is where light armor shines since you get to do so much more on the battlefield without having to worry about your stamina running low.
Wearing a light armor set allows you to move quicker, which proves to be highly effective against enemies and bosses. You can easily dodge most of the boss’ attacks using the light roll, which you would otherwise struggle with heavy armor.
Despite many players using the Light Armor because it simply looks good, you can save your Endurance points (20) and you do not need to use any Talisman, especially for Mages with high Intelligence.
10) The Black Knife Set

The Black Knife set is not only useful but also quite fashionable. It comes all in black with a flowing black cloak as a bonus.
The set has pretty nice stats and carries a small amount of weight. The very special thing about the set is that it silences your footsteps. You can literally run a marathon behind an enemy, and it won’t notice your presence.
Damage Negation | Physical | 22.5 |
VS Strike | 21.6 | |
VS Slash | 24.4 | |
VS Pierce | 24.4 | |
Magic | 17.5 | |
Fire | 18.9 | |
Light | 13.5 | |
Holy | 22.5 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 65 |
Robustness | 108 | |
Focus | 54 | |
Vitality | 54 | |
Poise | 40 |
To get the set, you should be in the later section of the game where you’ve got access to the northern portion of the map which is covered with snow. You also must have unlocked the secret lift with medallions and assuming that you have achieved the requirements, here’s how to proceed.
After getting to the location, move north to Ordina where you’ll see a tower and a bunch of other structures. Turn left from the entrance and move along the boundary of the building and get to the rear portion. There, you’ll find the set held by a corpse and you would not need to do any hustle at all.
9) The White Reed set

Another incredible armor set that you won’t want to miss is the White Reed Set in Elden Ring. It carries some bonus points for players who really focus on dexterity. This armor comes with a boost of three points to dexterity.
The armor is found at the end of the game near Mountaintops of the Giants. To begin the quest to find the armor, get to the Spirit Caller’s Cave beside the big frozen lake area.
Damage Negation | Physical | 19.1 |
VS Strike | 20.4 | |
VS Slash | 22.6 | |
VS Pierce | 17.8 | |
Magic | 21.7 | |
Fire | 21.7 | |
Light | 23.6 | |
Holy | 20.4 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 159 |
Robustness | 100 | |
Focus | 130 | |
Vitality | 120 | |
Poise | 37 |
The place requires two Stonesword Keys to give you access and inside the cave, you’ll fight against Inaba who drops everything in the set except the headpiece.
To get the headgear, you will have to go to a completely different area. To complete the set, get to the mountain top just in front of the boss arena of the Church of Repose.
There, you’ll be invaded by Bloody Finger Okina who you can defeat for the headset as well as the Rivers of Blood katana.
8) The Leather Set

Another very light set in Elden Ring is the Leather Set. The armor fits best for assassins and has medium stats that primarily focus on strength, Dexterity, and Vigor with 75 points to each.
You may not find the stats very impressive but being an assassin, you really need to be light and sneaky, and for that, this armor fits best.
Damage Negation | Physical | 17.2 |
VS Strike | 20.3 | |
VS Slash | 17.5 | |
VS Pierce | 19.0 | |
Magic | 20.3 | |
Fire | 20.6 | |
Light | 22.1 | |
Holy | 21.6 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 150 |
Robustness | 85 | |
Focus | 98 | |
Vitality | 116 | |
Poise | 26 |
To get the armor, go to the Murkwater Cave which you can gain access to very early in the game. After getting into the cave, follow the tunnel and swipe some low-level enemies on the way until you get to a bonfire location where you can kill the boss to get the whole set.
The set doesn’t come with any helmet, so feel at ease to get anything thing for your head that looks good with it.
7) The Bandit Set

The last on the list here is the Bandit Set. The set might not look as cool as some of the other sets on this list, but it still helps you level up your sneaking game in Elden Ring.
To get the set, you can start either as Bandit Class or carry on with the set. Else, you can get the armor from different people and merchants.
Damage Negation | Physical | 15.1 |
VS Strike | 16.6 | |
VS Slash | 18.1 | |
VS Pierce | 18.1 | |
Magic | 19.4 | |
Fire | 19.4 | |
Light | 20.7 | |
Holy | 18.1 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 124 |
Robustness | 74 | |
Focus | 130 | |
Vitality | 130 | |
Poise | 29 |
The mask of the set can be obtained from a bridge in the northern limgrave where you’ll find the Nomadic merchant. The mask can be bought for 1500 runes from the merchant.
The rest of the armor is found at the Stormveil castle. After getting through the main gate of the castle, turn right wherein a room you’ll find a guy named Gatekeeper and after exhausting dialogues, he’ll tell you he sells stuff, and you can buy the armor from him.
6) Lusat’s Set

Lusat’s Set is not only one of the best light armor sets but also widely hailed as one of the best-looking armor sets in Elden Ring.
You definitely need to find Lusat’s Set if you are using Stars of Ruin as its headpiece increases your Stars of Ruin damage by a whopping 15 percent. In addition, your Star Shower damage also gets a 10-percent boost.
Damage Negation | Physical | 15 |
VS Strike | 9.7 | |
VS Slash | 15 | |
VS Pierce | 9.7 | |
Magic | 29 | |
Fire | 24.6 | |
Light | 25.7 | |
Holy | 26.1 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 109 |
Robustness | 55 | |
Focus | 181 | |
Vitality | 209 | |
Poise | 21 |
You can find this set during the Sorceress Sellen’s questline when you take her side. Simply visit the Sellia Hideaway and find it on the ground.
5) The Mushroom Set

This is a really weird-looking set that offers a ton of immunity. It is considered one of the best light armor sets not only because of its immunity but also due to its usefulness against poison and scarlet rot.
Elden Ring is full of places where you need to go across huge poison bodies and in those cases, the best choice is the Mushroom Set.
Damage Negation | Physical | 12.5 |
VS Strike | 14.5 | |
VS Slash | 5.5 | |
VS Pierce | 10.9 | |
Magic | 26.1 | |
Fire | 10.9 | |
Light | 25.3 | |
Holy | 25.6 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 243 |
Robustness | 57 | |
Focus | 215 | |
Vitality | 181 | |
Poise | 11 |
When it comes to getting the set, you must have unlocked the upper region of the map, and then starting from the Great Lift of Dactus, move up the map towards the north and get to the Seethwater River Site of Grace.
Move north from the Site of Grace through a valley until you reach the entrance to the Seethwater cave. Locate the flower-looking boss in the cave by progressing through this poison-filled cave and kill it to get the Mushroom Set.
4) Battlemage Set

The Battlemage Set is a complete Light armor Set. This set decreases 10% of your FP but also increases Intelligence and Strength by +2. With an increment in Intelligence and Strength, it is regarded as one of the best lightweight armors in Elden Ring.
Damage Negation | Physical | 11.1 |
VS Strike | 12.7 | |
VS Slash | 8.9 | |
VS Pierce | 11.1 | |
Magic | 25.7 | |
Fire | 23.7 | |
Light | 24.6 | |
Holy | 25 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 103 |
Robustness | 55 | |
Focus | 155 | |
Vitality | 176 | |
Poise | 22 |
Furthermore, pairing the Azur’s Glintstone Staff with the Battlemage Set will cause destruction to your targets with their combined fast spell-casting ability and extra protection from any damage.
You can find this set as a dropped item from a Battlemage enemy. This enemy is located in the eastern part of the West Windmill Pasture at the end of a collapsed bridge.
3) Alberich’s Set

The Alberich’s Set has a really unique design to it with large red stones covering most of it, giving it a distinct look. It is a rare spell caster armor set that provides players with every bit of the required items to pair with it including a Hat, trousers, bracers, and a Robe.
It is not only light armor but also the best magic-boosting armor set in Elden Ring. If you are using a Magic Build, then this set should be on top of your list, making it one of the best Magic Build Armors to equip.
Damage Negation | Physical | 10.9 |
VS Strike | 8.6 | |
VS Slash | 10.9 | |
VS Pierce | 10.9 | |
Magic | 25.3 | |
Fire | 23.6 | |
Light | 24.6 | |
Holy | 25.3 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 93 |
Robustness | 55 | |
Focus | 159 | |
Vitality | 170 | |
Poise | 15 |
You can acquire the entire armor set at the Fortified Manor in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Simply head over to the main hall to find it.
2) Malenia’s Armor

Malenia’s Armor is one of the lightest armors you will come across in Elden Ring.
Damage Negation | Physical | 23.3 |
VS Strike | 17 | |
VS Slash | 24.3 | |
VS Pierce | 21 | |
Magic | 14.4 | |
Fire | 17 | |
Light | 11.4 | |
Holy | 18.4 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 108 |
Robustness | 90 | |
Focus | 36 | |
Vitality | 36 | |
Poise | 37 |
It offers robustness, immunity, plus tons of protection, making it one of the best Lightweight armors in Elden Ring. You can get it by defeating Malenia and then purchasing it from Enia for 56,000 Runes.
1) The Spellblade Set

Arguably one of the lightest armor sets in Elden Ring. The Spellblade Set will not only give you additional mobility but will also provide an improved Intelligence stat along with a high Mind Stat.
Damage Negation | Physical | 8.9 |
VS Strike | 5.9 | |
VS Slash | 8.9 | |
VS Pierce | 8.9 | |
Magic | 25.11 | |
Fire | 22.6 | |
Light | 23.5 | |
Holy | 25.1 | |
Resistance | Immunity | 86 |
Robustness | 44 | |
Focus | 141 | |
Vitality | 151 | |
Poise | 15 |
Additionally, it can be used to increase glintstone sorceries with each piece increasing 1% of the group of sorceries. This makes the Spellblade Set one of the best light armor sets to use as a Mage Build.
You can find this set, you must take part in the Sorcerer Rogier NPC questline and progress through the quest until Rogier’s death where you will receive this light armor set.