In this guide, we have listed all the multiple challenges available throughout the Desolation’s Edge area in Borderlands 3 and what collectibles you can find.
Borderlands 3 Desolation’s Edge
Completing these tasks will reward you a lot of experiences and this will even help you improve your vehicles.
Crimson Radio #1

Head to the place shown on the map and climb up the tower made up large white blocks with Maliwan marked on them. Interact with the device you encounter at the top.
Crimson Radio #2

Climb on top of the radio tower. You will have to go around the tower to job over the smallest of blocks to get onto it. Interact with the device to sabotage it.
Dead Claptrap #1

Head to the point in the screenshot and you will find the first Dead Claptrap lying beside the wreckage.
Dead Claptrap #2

Head to the location shown and you will see the second Dead Claptrap in the mouth of a plant with teeth, or at least that’s what it looks like.
Hijack Target #1

Melee the wall (made-up of some red infestation) in the building shown in the screenshot. Ride the vehicle that you find parked in front.
Hijack Target #2

Once at the place shown on the map, you will need to shoot at the generators to complete the yellow circuit. Once it’s completed, follow it into the roof-less building and hijack the vehicle parked inside.
Legendary Hunt

Reach the place on the map and stroll towards the cave, the Blinding Banshee will spawn. Kill it to complete this challenge.
Typhon Log #1

Head to your extreme right, where you observe the lowest distance between the two platforms. Jump onto the next platform, head left to find the Typhon Log on the edge.
Typhon Log #2

Head left and through the “greenery” till you reach a bunch of monsters, skip through them, turn slightly rightwards where you will stroll beneath a rock to find the Typhon Log.
Typhon Log #3

Head here, walk up the ‘longer’ set of stairs and turn left. Head straight until you have to jump to another platform, slightly distant from the one you’re on.
Once on this platform, you’ll see the Typhon Log right in front of you, over the edge.
Typhon Dead Drop

Melee the red infestation on the wall at the back to get through. Head straight while skipping through the monsters. You will see a water-wall, walk through this to find the Typhon Dead Drop lying straight ahead.
These are all the Borderlands 3 Desolation’s Edge Challenges in BL3.