A sacred seal fashioned after the one eye of the Fell God, the Giant’s Seal in Elden Ring is used by Fire Prelates and Pyromancers to enhance fire sorceries. Adorned with red braids, this seal represents fire and the pure devastation it can inflict upon its enemies.
In this guide, we will help you locate Giant’s Seal and how you can use it to craft the best pyromancy build in Elden Ring.
Giant’s Seal Location in Elden Ring

Giant’s Seal can be obtained as loot from the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave. This dungeon can be found on the top of a plateau in the early sections of the Consecrated Snowfield.
However, you can reach this dungeon early as you must traverse the whole northern area of the Consecrated Snowfield before circling back to find it. Massive ring lights and invisible enemies characterize the whole dungeon.

Once you enter the grave, turn left and jump down through the window in front to save some time.

Turn right and climb the stairs in front of you while avoiding the watchdog enemy. This will lead you to your first Ring of Light that you can use to defeat invisible enemies.

From the Ring of Light turn left and then turn right towards the fire pillar. You can deactivate the pillar by hitting it. Turn left in the pillar room and go through the narrow corridor.

In the next area, go straight until you come across a small lift in front of a Giant Troll statue. Step on the pressure plate to activate the lift and go down. Before you leave the lift, step on the pressure plate to make the lift go up.

This will reveal a hidden chamber inside the lift. Pull the lever to the left and step inside the hidden chamber. This will take you further down inside the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave.

Go straight and then turn left to find a ladder at the end of the corridor. Climb the stairs and then turn right to find a Fire Prelate standing in the center of the arena.

Crouch to avoid getting detected and look to your right to find a dead body with the Giant’s Seal.
Giant’s Seal Stats and Requirements
Giant’s Seal is a sacred seal required to cast Faith-based incantations. This seal requires 14 Faith and 4 Strength to use properly. It has a C scaling with Fai which becomes S at +19 or above.

As a sacred seal, it can’t be infused with any Ashes of War or consumables. You can upgrade it with the help of Smithing Stones up to +25. At its highest level with 80 Faith, this seal does 243 damage per cast.
The best feature of the Giant’s Seal is its unique ability to enhance the Giant’s Flame Incantations by 20%. If you dual-wield this seal, the boost is about 44%.
The incantations that gain a boost from the Giant’s Seal in Elden Ring are.
- Burn, O Flame
- Flame of the Fell God
- Flame, Fall Upon Them
- Giantsflame Take Thee
- O, Flame
- Surge, O Flame
- Whirl, O Flame
You can sell the Giant’s Seal for 100 Runes to any merchant in the game. As this is a unique once-per-playthrough item, we strongly recommend against doing so.
Giant’s Seal Best Build in Elden Ring
As Giant’s Seal mostly benefits fire-based spells, we will be creating a pyromancer build for it.
This is an end-game/NG+ build, so we recommend spreading your stats as follows.
- Vigor: 50
- Mind: 50
- Faith: 80
Dual Wield this seal with Erdtree Seal +10 or Godslayer’s Seal. For the attire, use the following.
- Perfumer’s Robe
- Perfumer’s Hood
- Perfumer’s Gloves
- Traveling Maiden Boots
Use the following Talismans for this build.
For the spells, go with.
- Golden Vow
- Burn, O Flame
- Flame of the Fell God
- Flame, Fall Upon Them
- Giantsflame Take Thee
- O, Flame
- Surge, O Flame
- Whirl, O Flame
With this build, you can turn the Lands Between and your enemies to ashes during PvE or PvP.