Where to Find Ritual Sword Talisman in Elden Ring

The following guide will show you where to find the Ritual Sword Talisman in Elden Ring to increase you attack power in the game.

Talismans are accessories in Elden Ring that can help improve various stats. The Ritual Sword Talisman does this by increasing your attack power by 10 percent. This Talisman is very useful for Glass Canon builds that rely on nuking enemies before they can hit you at full health.

The following guide will show you the location of Ritual Sword Talisman in Elden Ring and how to effectively use it.

Where to Find Ritual Sword Talisman in Elden Ring

The Ritual Sword Talisman can be found in the Lux Ruins located southeast of the Altus Plateau. Erdtree Gazing Hill Site of Grace is your closest point of interest to reach Lux Ruins. The location has been marked on the map for your convenience.

Ritual Sword talisman location

The forest around the ruins is patrolled by demi-humans and hence the players approaching the area are advised to be cautious. After entering this two-room mini-dungeon, the players will encounter the only demi-human boss in there which is guarding the locked door behind which lies the Talisman.

Players will fight against Gilika, who is fairly easy to deal with. A few slashes from a good weapon would be enough to kill her.

Get past the boss and you’ll find the Talisman in a chest within a small locked room that can be opened after killing the boss.

What does Ritual Sword Talisman do in Elden Ring?

Maintaining a full health bar will enable the Ritual Sword Talisman to increase your attack power. The increase is applied to all stats at once and every stat will be 10% more effective in the duration of activation.

The Talisman is of great use for players using one-shot abilities like Bloodboon Ritual or Comet Azur. Ritual Sword Talisman when combined with Blessed Dew Talisman, can recover 2HP per second and helps maintain the maximum HP. The same can be combined with Ritual Shield Talisman which helps increase the defense while maintaining the increased attack at the maximum HP.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...