Diablo 4 is filled with collectibles. One of the many collectibles is the Altars of Lilith. Each area in Diablo 4 has a number of these altars dedicated to Lilith, the Mother of Sanctuary, that are spread around the world. This guide will provide a brief overview of what these Altars of Lilith offer, and all the Altars of Lilith you can find in the Dry Steppes region of Diablo 4.
Altars of Lilith are quite important for making your character stronger in Diablo 4. Collecting these altars allows players to get a permanent buff for themselves. Each Altar offers a different buff to the players, and although these buffs are minor, they can still improve your character, one stat at a time.
Finding and collecting an Altar of Lilith within the Dry Steppes region of Diablo 4 will reward players with bonus character stats like
- +2 Dexterity
- +2 Strength
- +2 Willpower
- +2 Intelligence
- +8 Life
Diablo 4 Dry Steppes Altar Of Lilith Locations
Every region in D4 has its own set of Altars of Lilith. These Altars of Lilith can only be collected once per character, meaning that you cannot use these Altars multiple times on the same character. Finding an Altar of Lilith for the first time also grants you 10 Renown in D4 which goes towards region completion rewards.

Kotama Grasslands Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Altar of Lilith is found in the northern part of Kotama Grasslands. You find this Altar north from Waywards Plains, directly east of the Zolaya’s Hideout.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found southwest of the Seaside Descent dungeon.
Altar of Lilith # 3
This Altar of Lilith is found west of the Arid Tunnel Cellar. Stick to the wall right of the cellar and follow it all the way to the other end.
Altar of Lilith # 4
This Diablo 4 Altar of Lilith is found in the western corner of the Kotama Grasslands, just north to the path leading from Kotama Grasslands to Tusmaa Rift. Exit from the western gate of Ked Bardu and head to the small cove to get the altar.
Tusmaa Rift Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Altar of Lilith is found southwest of the Rift of a Thousand Eyes settlement in Dry Steppes. Take the path leading south from the settlement, and the Altar is found to the right on your path just before where the path splits into two.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found near the entrance to Tusmaa Rift from Kotama Grasslands. From the first division in the path, turn north, and stick to the left. Head into the small cove to find the altar at the end.
Khargai Crags Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Altar of Lilith is found in the underground cave in the northern part of Khargai Crags in Dry Steppes. Head east from the Hapless Frontier to find the entrance to the cave and the altar.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found west of Bluffs of Olzei. Follow the path leading north from the settlement and the altar is on the right of the path.
Altar of Lilith # 3
This Altar of Lilith is found near the path leading from Kotama Grasslands to Khargai Cargs. As soon as you enter the Khargai Crags region, take the first left and follow the path to the end to find the altar.
The Onyx Watchtower Altar of Lilith
This Altar of Lilith is found directly west of the Onyx Watchtower. Head south of the watchtower, and to the path leading into Khargai Cargs. The altar is to the left in a small cave.
Chambatar Ridge Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Altar of Lilith is found in the underground area in northern Chambatar Ridge. The altar is located west of Forsaken Ascent, in a small cove on the path leading southwest.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found north of The Boiling Plains settlement and Steamy Chasm cellar. Head north into a small pointed cove to find the altar.
Altar of Lilith # 3
This Altar of Lilith is found west of Maw of Guulrahn. Head out from the Maw of Guulrahn and stick to the right side of the path till the end to find the altar.
Jakha Basin Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Dry Steppes Altar of Lilith is found north of the Bloodsoaked Ingress settlement.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found southwest of the Blistered Barrens. Stick to the right boundary as you head towards the basin to get to the Altar.
Altar of Lilith # 3
This Altar of Lilith is found head directly west of The Trails of Bones to find the altar.
The Accursed Wastes Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Altar of Lilith is found just to the east of the Dusty Mineshaft cellar.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found to the far northwest of The Barren Steeps. It is found in a small extension between the two paths leading into Saraan Caldera.
Ruins of Qara Yisu Stronghold Altar of Lilith
This Altar of Lilith is found south of Pallid Delve dungeon. From the path leading into the Ruins of Qara Yisu Stronghold from The Accursed Wastes, turn right into the open area to find the altar at the end.
Untamed Scraps Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Altar of Lilith is found north of The Field of Broken Spears area. Head north into the jumbled-up area and here, in the small area separated from the rest, you can find the Altar.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found directly north of the Sealed Archives dungeon. To get to the altar, take the path leading northwest from Galtmaa Bushland.
Altar of Lilith # 3
This Altar of Lilith is found north of Marauder’s Hideaway cellar. Head north from the cellar and cross the path to the other end of this area, to find the altar to your left.
Temple of Rot Stronghold Altar of Lilith
This Dry Steppes Altar of Lilith is found north of the Temple of Rot Stronghold in Diablo 4. The altar is located at the end of the loop here.
Dindai Flats Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Altar of Lilith is found directly north of The Brackish Pans, in the small path north of the area.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found southwest of Brackish Pans. Head southwest to the end of the open area to find the altar.
Altar of Lilith # 3
This Altar of Lilith is found in the area west of The Sullen Cloister. Take the small path leading west all the way to the end to get to the altar.
Fields of Hatred Altar of Lilith
This Altar of Lilith is found south of Alzuuda Waypoint in Dry Steppes. Head south, and from the fork in the path, turn left and you can find the altar to your left.
The Scarred Coast Altar of Lilith locations
Altar of Lilith # 1
This Altar of Lilith is found directly north of The Ragged Shore and Seaside Cavern. The altar is located in the end of the area north of The Scarred Coast.
Altar of Lilith # 2
This Altar of Lilith is found far east of Undying Marches. Head directly east to find the altar.
Altar of Lilith # 3
This Altar of Lilith is found along the western boundary of The Scarred Coast of Dry Steppes. It is in a small area west of Carrion Fields.