Upgrading armor is one of the major elements of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that will keep you alive. The only way to upgrade your desired armor is by visiting the Great Fairy Fountains in Hyrule. One such Fairy is called Cotera, whom you will come across during the Serenade to Cotera side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
However, due to some circumstances, each Fairy has gone into hiding. Therefore, you need to play music to coax them out. In Cotera’s case, you’ll need to play the drums.
Below we will be explaining how you can complete the Serenade to Cotera side adventure in Zelda: TotK.
Talk to Mastro at Dueling Peaks Stable

To Unlock the Serenade to Cotera side adventure, you need to complete its prerequisite, the Serenade to a Great Fairy side quest, which is itself a part of a major quest line, the Potential Princess Sightings.
Once completed, head over to the Dueling Peaks stable at the coordinates: (1724, -1955, 0010) in the West Necluda region. You can reach the location through the Dueling Peaks mountains.

At the stable, talk to Mastro on the stage. He will provide you with the location where the Drummer of their band, Beetz, can be found. After the conversation is over, you will start the Serenade to Cotera side quest in Tears of the Kingdom.
Find Beetz and complete Honey, Bee Mine Quest

As you talk to Mastro, you will learn about the location of the Drummer Beetz. He is found near the Kakariko Village where the road bends around the Bonooru’s Stand.

Head over to the Kakariko Village in search of Beetz (1770, -1051, 0166).

From the cliff, glide your way down to the village. Make your way through the path between the hills on the left. Following the path will lead you to an opening on the left as you go downwards East of the Pillars of Levia. Beetz is found (2165, -1381, 0111) in his tent, northeast of Dueling Peaks Stable, playing his trademark drums.
Talk to Beetz and he will assign you his side adventure called Honey, Bee Mine. During this side adventure, you must collect 3x Courser Bee Honey. This can be collected from the forest near Beetz’s hut.

After finding the bee hives, return to Beetz and give him the Honey you collected to complete the Honey, Bee Mine side quest. He will give you a Silver Rupee (100 Rupees) as a reward.
Return to the Dueling Peaks Stable and Build a Raft
Once you have found Beetz and completed this side adventure, head back to the Dueling Peaks Stable and talk to Mastro. The band decides that rather than going through the bridge, they should cross the river instead. However, they don’t have a raft to cross the river with.

There are several parts at the Big Twin Bridge near the stable you can use to create a raft. Use your Ultrahand ability to grab the two wooden platforms and merge them together.
Place the merged platform onto the shore near the rocks. Grab the two fans atop the rock and place them on each side of the raft.

Grab the Steering Stick and place it at the front of the platform. Now, grab the cart next to Mastro and place it at the center of the platform. In case Mastro denies the use of the cart, talk to him personally.
Once the raft is built, you can cross the river and reach the dock ahead to find the Great Fairy, Cotera. The group will perform a serenade for Cotera, and she will come out after listening to her favorite drummer, Beetz. This will complete the Serenade to Cotera side adventure in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Quest Reward
This will unlock Cotera’s Great Fairy Fountain and now you can visit it any time you want. This will allow you to upgrade your armor pieces by providing Cotera with proper upgrade materials.