How To Get The Burden Of The Follower In Remnant 2

While the name might suggest otherwise, the Burden of the Follower is a ring that you can find to improve your mod power in Remnant 2.

While the name might suggest otherwise, the Burden of the Follower is a ring that you can find to improve your mod power in Remnant 2.

It was given to Pan Slaves by Jinas in the game’s lore. The ring not only symbolized who they belonged to but also granted them the power to do their master’s bidding.

Its appearance is as rusty as its wearers with carvings all around it and in place of a gem, the ring has a hollow donut also littered with strange markings.

The Burden of The Follower can be found in a secret room in Yaesha which is not surprising in the case of Remnant 2.  Here’s how you can find it.

The Burden of the Follower location in Remnant 2

Burden of the Follower is found inside a hidden room in Endaira’s End Dungeon in the Yaesha biome of Remnant 2.

Endaira’s End has two known variations of it, the wind tower version, and the labyrinth version. For Burden of The Follower, you are specifically looking for the labyrinth version with a waterfall room in it.

You will not encounter the waterfall room at the start so make sure to look a little further before making a decision.

If you don’t get this specific version then you will have to reroll the Yaesha world in Adventure Mode. The fastest way we have found for rerolling is to start in The Forbidden Grove and from there hug the right side of the map till you encounter a dungeon that has a chance to be Endaira’s End.

Once you have the correct version, you will encounter a statue in the corner typically before the larger room leading to the checkpoint.

Break the pots on its side to reveal a hidden passageway deeper into the domain. Head up the stairs of the library and you will find a shelf holding the Burden of The Follower Ring before the ladder.

Where to find the Burden Of The Follower ring in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 Burden of the Follower builds

Burden of the Follower is another piece of jewelry that improves your mod power in Remnant 2. It trades 15% of the Fire Rate for increasing Mod Power Generation by 50%. This unique passive works best with mod-focused builds running ranged weapons.

The Archon Archetype and Gunslinger Archetype can make excellent use of this ring. Gunslinger Class has many Traits that counter the Fire Rate penalty while Archon Class Traits boost mod stats.

While you start in The Forbidden Grove storyline of Yaesha, you can pick up the Merciless Long Gun by defeating the Corrupted Ravager and Rotted Arrow mod by defeating the Shrewd boss, which pair perfectly with the Burden of The Follower Ring in Remnant 2.

If you can cover the Fire Rate reduction with the impressive Mod Power boost then Burden of The Follower will be an excellent addition to your build

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...