A sacred seal without any form, the Golden Order Seal in Elden Ring is used to enhance the Golden Order Fundamentalist Incantations. A sacred seal with no weight, it requires both Faith and Intelligence to cast sorceries.
In this guide, we will help you locate the best-sacred seal Elden Ring has to offer, the Golden Order Seal. While we are at it, why not craft a build that revolves around the Golden Order incantations and can one-shot most bosses and enemies in the game?
Golden Order Seal Location

Golden Order Seal can be found on a dead corpse inside the Minor Erdtree Church on Altus Plateau.
To reach this area, start from the Grand Lift of Dectus Site of Grace and travel northeast to reach the Altus Highway Junction.
From the Altus Highway Junction, go east until you reach the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace. You can’t miss this area if you are approaching Leyndell, the Royal Capital, from the normal route.

From the Outer Wall Phantom Tree, go south instead of north until you reach the top of the hill. It will take you to the Minor Erdtree Church.

There is a dead body inside the church right beside the Site of Grace. Interact with the dead body to obtain the Golden Order Seal in Elden Ring.
Golden Order Seal Stats and Requirements
Golden Order Seal requires 17 Faith and 17 Intelligence to use. It has D scaling with both stats.
This seal can’t be imbued with any Ashes of War or consumables like Grease. You also can’t apply magic to it either.

Golden Order Seal can be upgraded with the help of Somber Smithing Stones and it deals 391 damage at its highest level (+10) with 80 Fai/80 Int.
At +9, the Golden Order Seal scaling changes to A for both Fai and Int. This seal weighs nothing and can be used to enhance the Golden Order Fundamentalist Incantations by 10%, like Discus of Light, Radagon’s Ring of Light, Triple Rings of Light, and Litany of Proper Death.
When compared to the Erdtree Seal, the Golden Order Seal is better at 60 Fai/Int. However, if you are looking for a Faith-only build, Erdtree Seal has better upscaling and damage output with less investment.
Golden Order Seal Best Build
For this build, we will be focusing heavily on the Fundamentalist Golden Order Incantations and weapons that scale with either Fai or Int.

We recommend using Sword of Night and Flame, which can be obtained from Caria Manor. You can also use the Golden Order Greatsword as the secondary weapon with the Golden Order Seal.
As this is a level 150 build, we recommend investing points in the following stats.
- Vigor: 40
- Intelligence: 50
- Faith: 50
Use the following talismans for this build.
- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
- Ritual Sword Talisman
- Sacred Scorpion Charm
- Magic Scorpion Charm
The spells recommended for this build are.
- Golden Vow
- Blessing of the Erdtree
- Discus of Light
- Triple Rings of Light
- Litany of Proper Death
- Radagon’s Rings of Light
- Elden Stars
For the attire, use the Radiant Gold Mask to increase your Golden Order Incantation’s potency by another 10%. Veteran’s Set for improved damage protection and mobility.