A braid woven from the red hair of a Fire Giant, the Giant’s Red Braid is a whip weapon in Elden Ring. Enemies of the golden order, Fire Giants used their own hair to create weapons that can burn everything that is gold to ashes.
In this guide, we will help you acquire the Giant’s Red Braid and how you can use it to create a Faith-based build in Elden Ring.
Giant’s Red Braid Location

Giant’s Red Braid is a boss weapon in Elden Ring. This means you can only obtain it by killing the Fire Giant and exchanging its remembrance with Enia at the Roundtable Hold for 10,000 Runes.

Fire Giant is a late-game enemy that can be found towards the eastern section of the Mountaintops of the Giants, near the Flame of the Fell God. To reach this area, you must complete Leyndell and travel across the snowfields until you reach the very top.

Fire Giant is a very difficult boss as it can easily one-shot you. Use Torrent to cover the distance and target the Fire Giant’s legs. Once you break its ankle, it will go berserk and summon the Fell God.

Avoid the roll attacks and spilled fire. Keep chipping away at the boss until it is killed, and you will be rewarded with the Remembrance of the Fire Giant.
Fast travel to the Roundtable Hold and talk to Enia near the Two Fingers. You can now exchange it for the Giant’s Rede Braid or Burn, O Flame incantation.
Giant’s Red Braid Stats and Requirements
Giant’s Red Braid requires 21 Faith, 18 Strength, and 12 Dexterity to wield. It has D scaling with all three stats.

The unique skill for this weapon is Flame Dance, which allows you to put your whip on fire and strike the surrounding enemies. As a unique weapon, this whip can’t be infused with any Ashes of War or consumables like Grease.
You can’t apply any magic to it, either. Giant’s Red Braid can be upgraded with the help of Somber Smithing Stones and it deals 205 Physical and 132 Fire damage at its highest (+10) level.
This weapon weighs only 2.5 and can be sold for 1000 Runes to any merchant in the game.
Giant’s Red Braid Best Build
For our Red Braid build, we will be focusing primarily on Strength and Faith. As this is an end-game build, distribute your skill points as follows.
- Vigor: 50
- Strength: 40
- Faith: 70
Dual-Wield this weapon with a fully upgraded Clawmark Seal to cast the following incantations.
- Flame, Grant me Strength
- Golden Vow
- Flame, Fall Upon Them
- Black Flame
For the attire, use the Dancer’s Armor set, which can be obtained from the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.
Use the following Talismans.
- Great-jar’s Arsenal
- Fire Scorpion Charm
- Shard of Alexander (extremely important to use Flame Dance skill)
- Ritual Sword Talisman
You can carry any shield you want as long as it has a 100% Physical damage negation.