Bloodrose is a rare ingredient in the Elden Ring that is essential for the bleed builds. It is used for crafting Bloodbone Arrows and is quite difficult to come by.
In this guide, we will tell you various methods to acquire an infinite amount of Bloodrose.
Bloodrose Location
Bloodrose can be obtained by four methods. Each of these is explained in detail below.

- The first method involves finding Bloodrose as a loot from the overworld. They are available in Mohgwyn Palace and Mt. Gelmir. You can find a total of 17 Bloodrose by scavenging these locations. However, these Bloodrose don’t respawn.
- The second method is farming. You can farm Bloodrose at Fort Haight (Eastern Limgrave) and Rose Church (Liurnia of the Lakes). 6 are available near and inside Fort Haight and 9 are available near Rose Church. Rest at the nearest site of grace to make them respawn.
- You can also obtain these flowers by killing certain enemies. Putrid Corpses (available in cemeteries) drop them with a drop rate of only 8%. You can also kill the Sanguine Noble boss inside Writheblood Ruins (North of Altus Plateau) to get the Bloodrose. The drop rate is 15%.
- The last method involves purchasing an infinite amount of Bloodrose from the Imprisoned Merchant. You can find the merchant inside the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum (west of the entrance). He sells Bloodrose for 800 runes a piece.
Bloodrose Uses
Bloodrose is exclusively a crafting material in Elden Ring. You can use it to craft the following items.
- Bloodbone Arrow
- Bloodbone Arrow Fletched
- Bloodbone Bolt
- Blood Grease
- Cursed-Blood Pot
All of these items can induce Bleeding upon enemies and are a must for anyone willing to use a Bleed Build.