Being an open-world game, Elden Ring has a massive world with lots of secrets hiding in open sight. Elden Ring has taken a different approach to its map as compared to its predecessors. Players can’t only view the map at any time, they can also put pins on the map to visit the areas later. This makes the map the most integral part of the game.
However, the whole map of The Lands Between is covered in fog upon the players’ arrival, and it can only be completed by finding map fragments scattered throughout the game. In this guide, we will explain how to find these map fragments and view The Lands Between in its full glory.
What Are Map Fragments in Elden Ring?
Elden Ring’s map is huge, teeming with beautiful vistas, mysteries to uncover, and creatures that want to kill the players. However, before looking at the whole map of the Lands Between, players need to collect fragments of it. These fragments help in expanding the full map of Elden Ring.
To see the full map of each region, players will need to learn about the Elden Ring map fragment locations. Most of the map fragments can be obtained from the base of pillars with glowing text. These pillars also appear on the map as the players explore the area and subsequently remove the fog from their map (making it a lot easier to collect map fragments).
The map Fragments are easily noticeable to anybody standing close to them. Upon acquiring a map fragment, the next time players open their maps, the area gets filled with details and the map expands with new locations and areas to explore.
Elden Ring is divided into 9 major areas or biomes. These major areas are further divided into sub-areas, resulting in a total of 16 areas that players can explore. Not each area requires a map like Crumbling Farum Azula and Elphael, Brace of Haligtree. The rest of the areas are covered in the guide below with their corresponding map fragments.
Finding these Elden Ring map fragment locations is not that easy if the players don’t know where to look. Some areas in Elden Ring are so huge that it takes up to 3 map fragments to cover them completely. There is a total of 19 map fragments in the game and the location of each one is explained below in detail.
Limgrave Map Fragment Locations
There are 2 map fragments in Limgrave that can be found to complete its map.
West Limgrave Map Fragment
West Limgrave Map Fragment is not much difficult to find. This map fragment is the first one players will come across and can be found down the hill from the Stormgate. To find this map fragment, start from the Gatefront Site of Grace right next to a wagon.

From there, head down and take out enemies in your path. Just a little down from the Site of Grace, players will find this map fragment at the base of a pillar on the left side.
East Limgrave Map Fragment
East Limgrave Map Fragment is guarded by Runebear and can be noticed easily from afar. Players need to approach this beast quietly to avoid getting decimated.

To collect this map fragment, go to the location marked on the map above and you will notice a Runebear scratching a minor Erdtree. Crouch to avoid detection and go to East of the tree to find a pillar with glowing text. Interact with the glowing object to obtain the map fragment of this area.
Weeping Peninsula Map Fragment Locations
The southernmost part of Limgrave contains only 1 map fragment.
Weeping Peninsula Map Fragment
Finding the Weeping Peninsula map fragment is not much difficult. This map fragment can be found at the base of a pillar by traveling south from Castle Morne Rampart site of grace.

To obtain this map fragment you need to start from the Site of Grace marked on the map above and collect the map fragment by moving South on the main road
Liurnia of the Lakes Map Fragment Locations
Being one of the most massive biomes in Elden Ring and the second area of the game, there are 3 map fragments players need to find to complete the map of the Liurnia region.
East Liurnia Map Fragment
East Liurnia fragment can also be obtained from the base of a glowing pillar present in the Southeastern region of Liurnia. From the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace go North to reach the location marked on the map.

Interact with the glowing object at the base of the pillar to obtain this map fragment.
North Liurnia Map Fragment
The North Liurnia map fragment is easy to find. It is present beside the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace.

Going towards the south of the ruins, players will find this one next to the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace at the base of another glowing pillar.
West Liurnia Map Fragment
For West Liurnia Map Fragment, you need to go uphill from the Northern Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace. You will find it on the coast, to the south of the giant fortress.

Head Northwest from the Site of Grace marked on the map above. After a small hike, players will notice a shining object at the base of a pillar. Interact with the object to obtain the map fragment of West Liurnia.
Caelid Map Fragment Locations
There is but just 1 map fragment that players can collect to know all the routes of this rot-infested land of death.
Caelid Map Fragment
Caelid map fragment can be found on the curving road just across the merchant to the south of the Aeonia Swamp.

Start from the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank site of grace and head west by following the path. On the left side of this path, there is a glowing pillar with the map fragment at its base.
Altus Plateau Map Fragment Locations
Home to the golden city of Leyndell, Altus Plateau is massive, and players need to find 2 map fragments to complete its map.
Altus Plateau Map Fragment
On the road east from the Great Lift of Dectus, Altus Plateau map fragment can be found on the path which is turning on the left side (Altus Highway Junction).

Start from the Erdtree-Gazing Tree Site of Grace and head northeast towards the location shown on the map above. On the path going up, there is a glowing pillar on the left side of the road with this map fragment present at its base.
Leyndell, Royal Capital Map Fragment

To find Leyndell, The Royal Capital map fragment, start from the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace shown on the map above. This will bring players to a circular platform that has the pillar with the map fragment on the east side of the Site of Grace.
Mount Gelmir Map Fragments Locations
Hiding the biggest secret of Elden Ring and the worst foe of the gods of Altus Plateau, Mount Gelmir is home to Volcano Manor. Players need only 1 map fragment to complete the map of this desolate structure.
Mt. Gelmir Map Fragment

Mt. Gelmir map Fragment is a little difficult to find in the Elden Ring since you can’t proceed on the main road heading west from the Bridge of Iniquity Site of Grace. To find this map fragment, players need to go uphill to reach the map pillar.
When heading west on the road, look for a ladder to the left. Go up, and then head west to reach the soldier camp with the siege tower. Players can notice a Pumpkin Head enemy on the rocky outcrop when they look far from there. Go behind the rocky outcrop and jump to the next mountain cliff.
You need to take the ladder there while looking out for the Grafted Scion falling from the mountain. Continue moving forward until you reach the soldier camp at the top of the mountain. Take the path heading left from there and cross the wooden rope bridge to reach the camp. Call for your trusty steed Torrent and use Spirit Spring to reach the Boss Crater.
Head to the next rocky outcrop and cross the gap between the cliffs with a carefully timed jump. Continue to drop down until you reach the Road of Iniquity Site of Grace map pillar. Look out for the huge Hand Monster since it can severely damage you. Interact with the glowing object to obtain this map fragment.
Mountaintop of the Giants Map Fragments
The final area of Elden Ring with below-freezing temperatures, Mountaintop of the Giants is nothing but snow as far as the eyes can see. There are 3 hidden map fragments that players must acquire to complete the map of this biome.
West Mountaintops of the Giants Map Fragment
Finding the West Mountaintops of the Giants Map Fragment is relatively easy. To find it just head along the track from where the Grand Lift of Rold comes up.

The glowing pillar for this map fragment can be found on the right side of the track after moving forward a bit.
East Mountaintops of the Giants Map Fragment

For finding ast Mountaintops of the Giants Map Fragment, after reaching the Whiteridge Road Site of Grace, continue your journey south. Cross a fort and a chain bridge to find the glowing pillar left to the chain bridge’s exit. Interact with the glowing object to obtain the next map fragment.
Consecrated Snowfield Map Fragment

For Consecrated Snowfield Map Fragment, get to the location shown on the map above in the Consecrated Snowfield and head north from there towards the big rocks. Right next to the structure of the big rocks, there is a glowing pillar with the Consecrated Snowfield map fragment.
Siofra River Map Fragments Locations
A hiding place for the lord of blood, Mohgwyn, Siofra River is the players’ first introduction to the depths of The Lands Below. There are 2 map fragments in this area to be found.
Mohgwyn Palace Map Fragment

Start at the Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance Site of Grace to get this one, as shown on the map above. After heading downstairs from the grace site, players will come across a corpse with the Mohgwyn Palace map fragment.
Siofra River Map Fragment

To find Siofra River Map Fragment, first players will need to go to the Siofra River Well in the Mistwood Forest (Southern part of Limgrave). From there, go underground using the lift and keep moving forward (can only be done after defeating Starscourge Radahn).
Go East from there to find another lift that will take players further up. Continue moving forward until you reach the Siofra Riverbank Site of Grace, and from there, go towards the east side to find the glowing Pillar.
Go behind the pillar to find a dead stag’s body. Interact with the body to obtain Siofra River’s map fragment.
Ainsel River Map Fragments in Elden Ring
Infested with the Lake of Rot, Ainsel River also holds 2 map fragments that are required to complete its map.
Ainsel River Map Fragment

To find Ainsel River Map Fragment, start from the Ainsel River Well Site of Grace and use the lift to get down to the Ainsel River. After that, follow the river going through the cave to move forward and take a right.
This will take players to a bridge-type area that has a lift at the end, on the right side. Take this lift to go further down to reach the Uhl Palace Ruins. Move forward and cross the doorways in the front. There is a giant boss in the area (Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella). Enter the area right under the boss area to find this Fragment on a corpse next to a pillar (close to Hermit Merchant).
Lake of Rot Map Fragment

For Lake of Rot Map fragment, get to the Lake of Rot Shoreside site of grace and unlock it. Now from the Site of Grace move a little down to find the map fragment, at the edge of the lake, on top of a corpse.
Deeproot Depths Map Fragments Locations
This elusive area has just 1 map fragment to be found.
Deeproot Depths Map Fragment

To locate Deeproot Depths Map Fragment, players need to reach the Deeproot Depths Site of Grace. Once there continue your journey towards the northeast.
Eventually, on the way, players will come across a gazebo-type structure. Go inside the building and search for corpses. The map fragment is on a corpse there.
These are all the map fragments players can find in Elden Ring to complete the map of The Lands Between.