A greatsword patterned after the lampwood that guides the dead of the underworld, Helphen’s Steeple is an Intelligence-based sword in the Elden Ring. This Black Blade is a weapon of choice for those who have already tasted death during battle.
In this guide, we will help you locate Helphen’s Steeple Greatsword and how you can use it to craft an amazing Intelligence build that can smite your enemies.
Helphen’s Steeple Location

Helphen’s Steeple Greatsword in Elden Ring can be obtained by killing a Tibia Mariner boss on the Mountaintops of the Giants.
The said boss is to the south of Castle Sol and north of Snow Valley Ruins Overlook. To reach this area, you must first complete Leyndell, the Royal Capital.
This will grant you access to the Forbidden Lands. Find and activate the Grand Lift of Rold to reach the Mountaintop of the Giants. Follow the path leading to the Fire Giant until you reach the very north of the map.

This area has a Tibia Mariner boss enemy to the south. This is an easy mini-boss that can be defeated on either horseback or foot. Tibia Mariner summons a lot of its minions which we don’t recommend engaging with.
Once you manage to defeat the Tibia Mariner, it will drop the Helphen’s Steeple Greatsword in the Elden Ring.
Helphen’s Steeple Stats and Requirements
Helphen’s Steeple Greatsword requires 19 Strength, 10 Dexterity, and 22 Intelligence. It has E scaling with Dex and D scaling with both Str and Int stats.

The unique skill of this greatsword is Ruinous Ghostflame, and it can’t be replaced with any Ash of War. You also can’t apply any magic or grease to it either,
Helphen’s Steeple can be upgraded up to +10 with the help of Somber Smithing Stones. At its highest level, it deals 247 Physical and 247 Magic damage.
Helphen’s Steeple Best Build in Elden Ring
For this build, we will be using a fully upgraded Helphen’s Steeple Greatsword in both hands. As this is an Intelligence-based build for level 150, distribute your skill points in your stats as follows.
- Vigor: 50
- Intelligence: 70
- Mind: 30
For the armor set, we recommend using the Complete Night Cavalry’s armor set.
Select the following talismans.
- Primal Glintstone Blade
- Dragoncrest Greatshied Talisman
- Great jar’s Arsenal
- Magic Scorpion Charm
With this Helphen’s Steeple build, you will be able to deal at least 1500+ damage per hit to the enemies.