The golden lightning of Fortissax corrupted by death, the Death Lightning Incantation in Elden Ring represents a loss of friendship. Once wielded by Godwyn the Golden, this spell became corrupted once Fortissax was overwhelmed by the destined death.
In this guide, we will help you obtain this incantation and tell you how to use it effectively against enemies.
Death Lightning Incantation Location

The Death Lightning Incantation in Elden Ring can only be obtained by exchanging the Remembrance of Lichdragon with Enia at the Roundtable Hold.
To obtain this remembrance, you must progress the Fia’s Questline and follow the steps in a specific order.
- Talk to Fia at the Roundtable Hold and allow her to hold you.
- Reach Altus Plateau so D, Hunter of the dead, moves to the Roundtable Hold.
- Talk to Fia in secret to obtain a secret dagger.
- Hand it over to D and then reload the area. Find Fia standing over D’s dead body in a room opposite Master Hewg.
- Talk to Fia, and she will disappear.
- Talk to Ranni at the Three Sisters area to start her questline.
- Defeat Radahn to open the entrance to Nokron, the eternal city.
- Find the Fingerslayer Blade and deliver it to Ranni at her rise.
- She will give you the Inverted Carian Statue which you can use at the Carian Study Hall after defeating Rennala.
- Retrieve the Cursemark of Death and travel to the Deeproot Depths to find Fia.
- Hand over the Cursemark of Death to her and talk to her in secret again.
- Rest at the Site of Grace and then interact with Fia’s dead body to enter her dream.
- Defeat the Lichdragon Fortissax to obtain the remembrance of the Lichdragon.
Once you have the remembrance, go to the Roundtable Hold and talk to Enia near the Two Fingers to obtain the Death Lightning Incantation in Elden Ring.
Death Lightning Stats and Requirements
Death Lightning Incantation summons a storm of death lightning that inflicts death blight upon enemies. It requires 47 Faith and a sacred seal to cast.

You will also need 28 FP and 32 stamina per cast in addition to 2 spell slots. As it is a Dragon Cult Incantation, it can be boosted by Gravel Stone Seal.
You can also boost the Death Lightning Incantation by 15% if you use it with the Godfrey Icon (charged attacks only). When compared to the Fortissax Lightning Spear, Death Lightning is superior due to its lower cast time and more damage per strike.