Fia is the deathbed companion in Elden Ring, and her questline’s sole purpose is to lie down with the Prince of Death, Godwyn. She wants to bring an age of Duskborn by completing the Elden Ring with the Rune of Death-Prince to achieve this goal.
Fia’s questline occurs across most of the game and is very complex to follow. To make it simpler, we have a list of steps that you can follow to easily complete this quest.
Talk to Fia at the Roundtable Hold

Firstly, you have to talk to Fia at the Roundtable Hold. She can be found in a room right next to Master Hewg, the blacksmith. Here, you have to allow her to hold you so you can begin her questline in Elden Ring.

After talking with Fia, get out of her room, and just outside, you will find the Rogier sitting. Tell him you defeated Godrick, and he will give you the Rogier’s Rapier.
You should select all the choices one by one, and once you have done so, you can select the leave option.
Complete Ranni’s Questline

You now have to go to Ranni and start her questline. Ranni can be found in the location shown on the map above. This location is past the Caria Manor in northwest Liurnia and is known as the Three Sisters area.
For complete details about how to complete Ranni’s questline, you can check out our other guide as well.

You have to travel to the external Nokron city and find the Fingerslayer Blade. You will find this blade inside a chest, so you don’t have to defeat anyone to get this blade in the Elden Ring.
Once you have the Fingerslayer Blade, you have to get back to Ranni the Witch and give her the blade, and she will give you the Carian Inverted Statue in return.

After that, you have to go to the study hall entrance and place the inverted statue on the table in the hall’s center.
After all this is done, you will need to go to the Divine Tower of Liurnia. Open the door and stand on the circular switch in the tower’s center, and it will take you up.

When the lift stops, use the stairs to reach the tower’s top; from there, you will receive the Cursemark of Death.
Deliver the Weathered Dagger to D, Hunter of the Dead

Return to the Roundtable Hold and talk to Fia. Select the “Talk in Secret” option from the dialogue menu. She will ask you to find the owner of the Weathered Dagger and return it to him. This questline also links to the D. Hunter of the Dead Questline.

After that, you have to talk to D in the Roundtable Hold and give him the Dagger that Fia gives you. He is the person with a golden armor.

He will tell you that he knows the owner of the Dagger and will return it to the owner for you.

After that, you have to reload the Roundtable Hold area, and this time, you have to go past the Fia room to find Fia and D. Here, you will see that she has killed D, Hunter of the Dead. Talk with her to move forward in the questline. She will reveal her true self, the deathbed companion.
Find Fia at Deeproot Depths

To reach the Deeproot Depths, you must go through the Siofra Aqueduct. Start from the Aqueduct-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace and go north. You will come across D’s brother to whom you can give the Twinned Armor to progress D’s questline.

At the end of the Siofra Aqueduct, you will meet Twin Gargoyles, which is a very difficult boss fight. Defeat both bosses and interact with the coffin at the end of the arena to be transported to the Deeproot Depths.

Continue through the roots until you reach a collapsed city. Keep to the northeast until you come across Across the Roots Site of Grace. You will need the Torrent to jump on the ledge below with the help of twisted roots in the area.

A small hole to the left leads to the arena where Fia is sitting.
Defeat Fia’s Champions and Lichdragon Fortissax

As soon as you enter the area, you will be ambushed by three champions of Fia. One of them is Sorcerer Rogier. This is an easy boss battle but you need to be extra careful of their magic attacks. They can drain your HP in an instant. Use Mimic Tear to distract the enemies and kill them instantly.

Now, reload the arena and talk to Fia. Hand over the Cursemark of Death and select the “No, I want to be held” option. Select the “Talk in secret” option now. Once you exhaust all dialogues, rest at the Site of Grace and return to Fia to find her sleeping.

Get to her and select the option of entering her dream. In the dream, you will encounter Lichdragon Fortissax. This is one of the most difficult dragon fights in the Elden Ring.

Now again, get back to Fia at the Deeproot Depths and receive the Mending Rune of the Death Prince from her corpse. This concludes Fia’s questline and unlocks the Age of Duskborn Ending for you.
Fia Questline Rewards
You will obtain the following rewards for completing Fia’s questline.
- Radiant Baldachin’s Blessing
- D’s Bell Bearing
- D’s Twinned Armor Set
- Gargoyle’s Twinblade
- Inseparable Sword (as a reward for completing D’s questline)
- Rogier’s rapier +8
- Age of Duskborn Ending
- Fia’s Armor
- Remembrance of the Lichdragon