A ritual pot crafted with the crest of the lord of blood, the Cursed-Blood Pot allows the spirit summons to target a specific enemy in the Elden Ring. Being a childhood favorite item of Mohg, this consumable item has a sinister ring to it.
In this guide, we will teach you how to craft the Cursed-Blood Pot in Elden Ring and how you can use it effectively to overcome difficult situations.
Cursed-Blood Pot Crafting Recipe

To unlock the recipe for the Cursed-Blood Pot in Elden Ring, you need to find the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [12]. This book can be found in the Rose Church in Central Liurnia.
Rose Church can be found south of Raya Lucaria Academy and northwest of the location where you first enter Liurnia after defeating Godrick, the grafted.

Once you obtain the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [12], you can craft the Cursed-Blood Pot by gathering the following ingredients.
- 2x Mushroom
- 1x Beast Blood
- 1x Bloodrose
- 1x Ritual Pot (empty)
You can farm a huge number of Mushrooms from Limgrave and Liurnia’s overworld. Boc the seamster also gives you 10x Mushrooms for starting his questline.
Beast Blood can be obtained as a 100% guaranteed drop from the lesser Ruenbears in the Weeping Peninsula area, east of Limgrave. You can also farm Lion Guardians to obtain Beast Blood.
Bloodrose can be farmed by killing Putrid Corpses in Mohgwyn Palace. You can also loot it from Rose Church and Mohgwyn Palace.
There are 10 Ritual Pots available in the base game. The easiest way to obtain an empty ritual pot is by purchasing it from Pidia, the Carian servant in Caria Manor. You can also loot one from Raya Lucaria Academy (near the Schoolhouse Classroom site of Grace) and two from Jarburg.
How to Use Cursed-Blood Pot
Cursed-Blood Pot has only one use. It allows your spirit summons to target the enemy you have hit with this pot.
This pot comes in handy against bosses that are either multiple in number or have minions of their own. You can focus your summon like Mimic Tear to target the boss only while you clear the arena of other nuisances.
Cursed-Blood Pot can’t be sold to any merchant, and once used, you can reuse the empty Ritual Pot to craft another one if you have the remaining supplies available.