Chronolith Trials in Final Fantasy 16 needs players to use a specific Eikon ability and kill multiple waves of enemies in a given time. Each trial has unique stipulations, and its time can be extended by following the rules closely.
Each trial takes place in three separate chambers where Clive must face three different waves of enemies with different rules for each, followed by a boss battle. Chronolith Trials are the ultimate test of players’ abilities and mastery over the game’s combat.
You can quickly check our Combat Tips to survive the onslaught during the Chronolith Trials in FF16. You must complete the Chronolith Trials to unlock the “Trial Run” trophy. They also unlock a particular curiosity for the Wall of Memories, which help players acquire the “For the Hoard” trophy.
We will discuss further rewards in sections detailing each trial separately.
All Chronolith Trials in Final Fantasy 16
Before proceeding with the challenges, here is a pro tip. You can replace the Eikonic abilities in Final Fantasy XVI free of cost. As each challenge is related to a unique Eikon and displays its abilities, invest all the ability points in the required skills and upgrade them to the fullest.
There are 7 Chronolith Trials in FF16, and you can start each by interacting with a unique-looking Chronolith Stone (similar to the Arete stone in the Hideaway) spread throughout the land of Valisthea.
You can find these stones by accessing the area that has them. However, they only unlock once Clive gains the powers of their corresponding Eikons.
Below is a detailed guide about finding and completing all the Chronolith stones to obtain their unique rewards.
Chronolith Trial #1 – The Hand of Hyperion (Trial by Fire, Phoenix)

The Hand of Hyperion trial’s Chronolith stone is in the Greensheaves region of Rosaria. The closest obelisk to this location is in Martha’s Rest. Fast travel to Martha’s Rest and go Northeast to find the Chronolith stone.
After defeating three waves of enemies, players must face the Firebound Blight boss, an exact copy of Ahriman from the notorious marks. The reward for completing this Chronolith trial in FF16 is “The Favor of Fire” accessory which increases the Flames of Rebirth ability’s damage by 8%.
Chronolith Trail #2 – The Hand of Dione (Trial by Wind, Garuda)

The Hand of Dione trial’s chronolith stone is in the Drakos Deep region of the Dhalmekian Republic. This area is to the East of The Velkroy Desert. You can easily access it by fast traveling to The Krozjit Echoes obelisk (Northwest of the chronolith stone).
If you still haven’t unlocked this Obelisk, use the one in Dravozd Warrens. Avoid the one in Tabor, as it complicates the journey.
The guardian of this trial is a Windbound Coeurl with the same move set as the previous Coeurl fight during the “Capital Punishment” main quest. The reward for completing The Hand of Dione trial in Final Fantasy XVI is an accessory, “The Will of Wind.” This accessory increases the attack power of Aerial Blast ability by 12%.
Chronolith Trial #3 – The Hand of Iapetus (Trial by Thunder, Ramuh)

The Hand of Iapetus trial’s chronolith stone is inside the Norvent Valley region of the Sanbreque Empire. The nearest obelisk is in the Caer Norvent River Gate location. Fast travel to this obelisk and go Northwest after crossing a bridge to find the chronolith stone. You can also start from Lostwing, but it is a long trek.
After defeating three waves of enemies using Ramuh’s eikonic abilities, players face the trial’s guardian, Thunderbound Griffin, in Final Fantasy 16. This monster has the same attack pattern as the notorious mark, Dozmare Griffin.
The reward for completing The Hand of Iapetus trial is “The Favor of Lightning” accessory which increases the damage of Judgment Bolt ability by 12%.
Combat Trial #4 – The Hand of Titan (Trial by Earth, Titan)

The Hand of Titan trial’s chronolith stone in FF16 is in the Northern Velkroy Desert region of The Dhalmekian Republic. The nearest obelisk is in the western part of the Velkroy desert. Fast travel to this obelisk and move Northeast to reach the Titan’s chronolith stone.
Make sure to turn left where the path splits, as this area is inaccessible from any other point. The guardian protecting The Hand of Titan trial is called the Earthbound Giant, who appears after Clive defeats three waves of enemies with Titan’s eikonic abilities.
This mechanical giant has the same move set as Aurum Giant (a bit mild in comparison). The reward for completing this trial is another accessory, “The Favor of Earth.” This accessory increases the damage output of the earthen fury skill by 7%.
Combat Trial #5 – The Hand of Mimas (Trial by Light, Bahamut)

The Hand of Mimas trial’s chronolith stone is in the western region of Royal Meadows of The Holy Empire of Sanbreque. The exact location is marked on the map and is called Cape Orsiere. The nearest obelisk lies in the Northreach.
Fast travel to this obelisk and move extremely West to reach the chronolith stone in Final Fantasy XVI. This stone is on the edge of the map, so we recommend unlocking Chocobo to reach there swiftly.
To complete The Hand of Mimas trial, players must defeat its protector, the Lightbound Warlord. This monstrosity only appears after players clear the first three chambers of the smaller enemies using Bahamut’s eikonic abilities.
The reward for completing this trial is “The Favor of Light” accessory, which increases the attack power of Gigaflare’s ability by 5%.
Combat Trial #6 – The Hand of Rhea (Trial by Ice, Shiva)

The Hand of Rhea trial’s chronolith stone is in the southern part of The Angry Gap region in The Kingdom of Waloed. The nearest obelisk is present in Eistla. Fast travel to this obelisk and the West to find the chronolith stone in Final Fantasy XVI.
The location of the stone is marked on the map and is on an isolated path. Make sure to follow the narrow path to reach the subsequent trial. The guardian protecting The Hand of Rhea is none other than Icebound Necrophobe.
This boss has the same attack pattern as the Necrophobe boss, who appears during the “Fire in the Sky” main quest. The reward for surviving this monster and three waves of enemies while only using Shiva’s eikonic abilities is “The Will of Ice” accessory.
This item, when equipped, increases the damage output of Diamond Dust’s ability by 10%.
Combat Trial #7 – The Hand of Enceladus (Trial by Darkness, Odin)

The Hand of Enceladus trial’s chronolith stone is in the Bedlam Bough region of The Kingdom of Waloed. The exact location is on the map, to the extreme East of the Vidargraes. Fast travel to the obelisk of Vidargraes and move Southeast to find this chronolith stone.
A very narrow path leads to this region, while the rest of the section is disconnected. After defeating three waves of enemies using only Odin’s eikonic abilities, players must face the protector of The Hand of Enceladus trial, Darkbound Chimera in Final Fantasy 16.
This boss has the same move set as the Canyon Chimera, who appears during the “Blacksmith Blues IV” side quest. The reward for completing this trial is another accessory, “The Will of Darkness.” This accessory increases the damage output of Dancing Steel’s ability by 20%.
Completing all these Chronolith trials rewards the players with The Circle of Maliu’s curiosity and proves they are the ultimate badass in Final Fantasy 16.