Joniu Shrine is another of the hundred-plus Shrines in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that require players to complete a shrine quest before they appear.
Hidden by Rauru to offer the players a blessing as a reward for completing this shrine’s quest, the Joniu Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is both easy and challenging at the same time.
Finding and completing this shrine is easy, but making it appear requires you to complete a puzzle by crafting a proper vehicle. Let’s help you sail smoothly as we try to finish this shrine as swiftly as possible.
Joniu Shrine Location in Zelda: TotK

Joniu Shrine is hidden inside Ralis Channel Cave in Zora’s domain. The exact location of Ralis Channel cave is marked on the map, and it is to the South of Ralis Pond and West of Ruto Lake. The nearest Skyview Tower is to the north in Upland Zorana.

Its coordinates on the map are (2910, 0164, 0161). This area is swarmed by Black Lizalfos, so we recommend carrying at least a couple of good weapons and some cooked meals to restore your health containers.
Joniu Shrine Walkthrough

Upon entering the Ralis Channel cave, you will come across a green crystal and some wooden/zonai parts to create various constructs. Touching the green crystal will start a new shrine quest, The Ralis Channel Crystal.
The objective of this shrine quest is to take the green crystal across the lake and place it on the Joniu shrine platform. It’s time to show our engineering skills. The easiest way to carry this green crystal across the lake is by crafting a boat construct.
If you had already built a boat before and unlocked the Autobuild ability from the Depths, use it to instantly create another boat construct at the cost of a few zonai crystals.

1. Place a wooden plank on the surface and attach a steering stick to it.

2. Pick up a zonai fan and attach it to the back of the plank (refer to the picture).

3. Attach the green crystal to the boat and place it in the water. Use the steering wheel to control the ship’s direction. Keep going straight until you reach the next bank. Get out of your boat and interact with Joniu Shrine to activate it.

4. Remove the green crystal from the boat and place it on the Joniu Shrine platform. A small cutscene will be played, followed by the appearance of the Joniu shrine. This will complete the “Ralis Channel Crystal” shrine quest.

5. Enter the Joniu Shrine to receive Rauru’s blessing in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. You have already done your job. No more puzzles or trials for you in the Joniu shrine. Open the treasure chest in the shrine’s center to obtain a Large Zonai Charge.
6. Interact with the statue of Rauru and Sonia to receive the Light of Blessing. Return to the entrance of Joniu’s shrine and go back to find the Bubbul frog. Kill it to obtain a Bubbul Gem while you are still in Ralis Channel Cave.