The Flute Player’s Plan is an essential side quest you will come across in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. During this side adventure, a boy named Pyper has caused an accidental fire while showing a girl named Haite, the glowing tree at the stable.
Now, it is your task to find the missing Pyper and help him overcome his trauma. To show you how to find Pyper and complete the Flute Player’s Plan side adventure, we have prepared the following guide for you.
Talk to Mastro in Outskirt Stable

While you can find Pyper by accident and start his quest unintentionally, the proper channel is a bit more nuanced and complex. You need to start the Potential Princess Sightings side quest by talking to Tyrasi at the Lucky Clover Gazette near Rito Village’s entrance.
This will allow you to start and complete A Serenade to a Great Fairy side quest. Once you are done with unlocking Tera’s Great Fountain, you can now visit the Outskirt Stable to complete A Serenade to Kaysa side quest.

Make your way southwest of Lookout Landing to reach Outskirt Stable to look for a band of musicians called the Stable Trotters. They will be near a stage, so you will not have a hard time finding them.
Speak to their conductor Mastro to know that one of their band members – the flute player Pyper – has gone missing. Naturally, it is up to you to find where Pyper has disappeared to, and that too in time for their upcoming performance.
Once your conversation with Mastro is over, one of the stable hands will give you a hint that Pyper may have gone to Highland Stable with his little sister.
Find and Talk to Pyper at Highland Stable

Head over to the Highland Stable to find the tree outside the stable and climb atop to find Pyper (0528, -3394, 0056) playing his Flute. Talk to Pyper as he explains why he went missing due to causing a fire by accident. After talking to him, you will unlock the Flute Player’s Plan side quest in Tears of the Kingdom.

As you talk to Pyper, he explains the reason what caused the fire. Pyper wanted to show Haite a glowing tree but ended up causing a fire. Therefore, he asks you to bring him 10x Sunset Fireflies so he can show them to Haite once more.

To find sunset fireflies, you must venture into the woods at nighttime. So, wait till it is night to catch them. You can find a bunch of fireflies near the tent set up opposite the stable.

However, you must head up the cliff behind the tents (north of Pyper’s location) and glide your way down into the woods (Pagos, Faron, and Finra). Here you will find several fireflies to collect near the statues.
It is recommended that you slowly approach the fireflies in a crouched position. This is a proven method of catching them. You can also drink Stealth Potion or wear the Yiga Clan Armor to increase your stealth.

After collecting all the required Sunset Fireflies, fast travel back to the Highland Stable using the Ishokin Shrine. Talk to Pyper as he further tasks you with bringing Haite outside to the tree.

After accepting the task from Pyper, sit by the Fire at the stable till it is night again. Once it is nighttime head inside the stable, talk to Haite, and convince her to follow you to the tree. As she starts following you, head up the tree and talk to Pyper.

This will trigger a cutscene where Pyper plays his Flute while all the Fireflies lighten up the tree. This will complete the Flute Player’s Plan in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Pyper will return to its group to perform a Serenade for Kaysa.
Quest Rewards
Pyper will give you a Big Heart Truffle as a reward for helping him show his sister a glowing tree. This will also progress your A Serenade to Kaysa side quest so you can further upgrade your armor pieces.