Smithing Stone 2 is another tier of upgrade item in Elden Ring that will help strengthen your armaments to match the growing difficulty of enemies around you. By using Smithing Stones 2, you can upgrade your weapons and shields to +6 in Elden Ring.
If you are looking to level up multiple equipment, you are going to need to farm a lot of Stones. In this guide, we’ll go over where you can acquire and farm Smiting Stone 2 in Elden Ring, including the best early-game locations.
Elden Ring Smithing Stone 2 Locations
A major chunk of the Smithing Stone 2 locations in Elden Ring can be found in the Stornmveil Castle in Limgrave and the Liurnia East region. In contrast, others are spread out across the Weeping Peninsula, Main Limgrave, and West and North Liurnia. Limgrave and Liurna also serve as the best early-game locations to farm Smithing Stone 2 in Elden Ring
West and North Liurnia Smithing Stone 2 Locations

- This Smithing 2 location is found in the western part of the Liurnia region in Elden Ring where you can find three Smithing Stone 2s. You will have to travel toward Caria Manor. As you search the garden there, look in front of the fountain to find them.
- The second Smithing Stone 2 location is closer to the Four Belfries in Liurnia West. Traveling here will take you to an Elite Enemy called Lesser Mad Pumpkin. He will be patrolling the entrance to the camp here, look to the right to spot them. You must defeat this Elite Enemy to receive a whole host of loot rewards, including a Smithing Stone 2.
- You find 3 more Smithing Stones 2 at the Tetsu’s Rise temple area in the Liurnia region of Elden Ring. Search the altar area and look in front of the statue to find them.
- The next Smithing Stone 2 is in Liurnia North. Travel to the indicated location on the map to take you to the Frenzy Flaming Tower. Search the area below the tower to find a corpse. You can loot the corpse to find 2 more Smithing Stone 2.
- The last location in north Liurnia is another Elite Enemy spawn point. You must search the area in front of the Ainsel River Well to find this spot. This time you can defeat the Halberd Golem to obtain a few items including a Smithing Stone 2, Smithing Stone 3, and Golem’s Halberd.
East Liurnia Smithing Stone 2 Locations

- You can find three Smithing Stone 2 in the first location in the Liurnia East region of the Elden Ring. Search the area just below the Temple Quarter to find a Gazebo. Fight off the Squid monsters guarding the area to collect the Smiting Stone 2.
- You can find three Smithing Stones 2 in the small shrine by the water level, just below Raya Lucaria Academy in Liurnia.
- There are three more Smith Stones just before the Academy Gate Town in Liurnia. As you go past the Giant Crab look for a corpse along the way. You can loot this corpse to obtain the Smithing stones.
- You can find three more Smithing Stone 2 by searching the gazebo in the area just before Boilprawn Shack. You’ll have to fight off the lobsters in the area to get there.
- Follow this location to take you toward the poison swamp entrance, look underneath the mountain to see it. Here you need to look for the tree with small crabs surrounding it. You will find two Smithing Stone 2 once you get there.
- There is one Smithing Stone 2 at this location, which two Ghouls defend. The area is close to the Moonfolk Ruins; search by the large tree and rock to find a swamp area where you will find the item.
- This Smithing Stone 2 location takes you inside the Lakeside Crystal Cave in Elden Ring. As you travel to the end of the pit, you will find three dead bodies. You can loot all three bodies to obtain a Smithing Stone 2, Smithing Stone 4, and Lump of Flesh, respectively.
- You can find three more Smithing Stone 2 at the Purified Ruins in Liurnia. You will find all the on Altar, just behind the statue.
Limgrave Smithing Stone 2 Locations

- This Smithing Stone 2 location can be found in Main Limgrave at the Church of Dragon Communion island. As you head to the southern end of this island you will find one Smithing Stone 2.
- You can find another Smithing Stone 2 in Stormhill, Limgrave. The location indicated on the map will take you to a cracked maiden statue. You’ll have to lure a giant toward it to make them destroy the statue. Upon the statue’s destruction, you will receive a Smithing Stone 2 as well as 5 Smithing Stone 1.
- You can find yet another Smithing Stone 2 in Stormhill, Limgrave. This location is just near the Highroad cave so follow the point indicated on the map to get there.
- There is one more Smithing Stone 2 just past the Summon Water Village in Main Limgrave. Search the corpse sitting on the stone surface in the water to obtain the item.
- The last Smithing Stone 2 in Limgrave can be found in Mistwood. Travel to the Mistwood Ruins and open the chest in the middle to obtain the stone.
Stormveil Castle Smithing Stone 2 Locations

- In the Stormveil Castle main, search the area behind the barrels to find a Smithing Stone 2 on the Rampart.
- You can find two more Smithing Stone 2 in the Underground Crypt. Look for a corpse resting on a stone ledge and loot it to obtain both Smithing Stones. Alternatively, you can also access the area by taking the Living Jars Area Hidden Passage.
- This Smithing Stone 2 can be found by looting a corpse that you find resting against a castle wall. Follow the location on the map to find it.
- Head to the courtyard in Stormveil Castle and search its middle section to find a glowing statue. You need to break this statue open for which you must head to the Secluded Cell in the northeast direction. You will find a troll here, lure it to the location of the statue to have him destroy it. Once the statue breaks you will receive a Smithing Stone 2 and 5 Smithing Stone 1.
- Before heading to this location, you must first collect 8 Kukris after which you can leap over the wall and follow the route that leads to the marked point on the map. You will find three Smithing Stone 2 at this point.
- This location will take you to an alleyway inside Stormveil Castle. As you get to the end of this passageway you will find one Smithing Stone 2.
- You must traverse the rooftops to find this location. The Smithing Stone 2 can be found by looting a corpse that is resting on the roof of a building just behind a tall tower.
- Follow the location indicated on the map to take you to a corpse that you can loot to obtain the Smithing Stone 2. You can find the area just by the Ballistae.
- As you wall the marked location on the map, you will be led to a broken wall structure. Leap over this wall to find a corpse resting by the wall, you’ll spot it as soon as you look to your left. You can loot this body to obtain a Smithing Stone 2.
Weeping Peninsula Smithing Stone 2 Locations

- You can loot a corpse sitting next to a wagon found in the western part of the Weeping Peninsula to obtain one Smithing Stone 2.
- This location is for the Nomadic Merchant in the Weeping Peninsula, who will sell you the Smithing Stone 2 for 400 ruins.
Castle Morne Smithing Stone 2 Locations

- The first Smithing Stone in Castle Morne is found by the southern battlements. To get to the area you’ll need to head to the eastern section of the central battlements. From there, you’ll need to take a ladder to drop down to the southern battlements area. You’ll see the smithing stone once you get there.
- Upon entering Castle Morne’s main area, you must head to the far left side to find a few battlements. This is where you’ll find another Smithing Stone 2.
- This Smithing Stone 2 is found at the far rear end of Castle Morne. You’ll need to search the area where you drop down next to the wooden beams. You’ll find the Smithing Stone 2 just on top of this wooden beam structure.
Ainsel River Smithing Stone 2 Locations

- You must fast-travel to the Ainsel River Downstream Site of Grace and track in the western direction to find the location where you will find three Smithing Stone 2 pieces in Elden Ring.
Siofra River Smithing Stone 2 Locations

- This Smithing Stone location is just past the Hallowborn Grounds in Ainsel River. Head toward the Nokron Bridge and drop down to enter the structure. You will find a corpse here looting which will give you a Smithing Stone 2.
- You can fast-travel to the Worshipers’ Woods Site of Grace and track in the north direction to find a corpse sitting beside a rock. You can loot this corpse to obtain 3 Smithing Stone 2s.
- You can fast-travel to the Worshipers’ Woods Site of Grace and track in the south direction to find a corpse. You can loot this corpse to obtain 3 Smithing Stone 2s.
Merchant / Vendor you can buy Smithing Stone 2 from
You can also purchase the Smithing Stone 3 in Elden Ring. A few NPCs can sell you the Smithing Stone 2, the first of them being the Nomadic Merchant you find at Castle Morne Rampart. He will sell you only 1 Smithing Stone for 400 Runes.
You can buy the next 3 more Smithing Stone 2 by heading to the Weeping Peninsula where an Isolated Merchant NPC will sell them for 400 Runes each.
You can buy another 3 Smithing Stone 2 by heading to Liurnia of the Lakes, where a Nomadic Merchant NPC will sell them for 400 Runes each.
While these merchants will eventually run out of Smithing Stone 2, there is a way to get unlimited amounts of this upgrade material.
Once you unlock the Roundtable Hold, you can purchase an unlimited amount of Smithing Stone 2s from the Twin Maiden Husks NPC. However, the option to purchase the Smithing Stone 2 only becomes available after you give them the Smithing Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing 1.
To find Smithing Stone Miners Bell Bearing 1, go to Raya Lucaria Crytal Tunnels. From the Liurna of the Lakes site of grace, head north along the coast until you see an indentation in the cliff face. Go in, and you’ll be at the entrance.
Traverse the tunnel and kill every enemy you find because there is a lot of loot to pick up here, and a few enemies can even drop some Smithing Stone 2 at the entrance. Once you reach the end of the tunnel, you’ll encounter a Crystillian boss fight. Killing him will give you Smithing Stone Miners Bell Bearing 1, which you can give to the Twin Maiden Husks to acquire an unlimited amount of Smithing Stone 2.
Like all other merchants, they sell it for 400 Runes each.
Where to Farm Smithing Stone 2 in Elden Ring?
There are several areas in Elden Ring where you can farm Smithing Stone 2. While purchasing them is undoubtedly the easiest option, if you find yourself without enough Runes, you can go this route as enemies within these areas drop this item fairly regularly.
The Limgrave Tunnels in Limgrave are an excellent place to farm Smithing Stone 2; killing the enemies in the tunnel will make them drop this item very frequently. They also drop Smithing Stone 1
Stormveil Castle is another place where you can farm Smithing Stone 2. After you’ve picked the area clean, you can return here, and on occasion, the enemies will drop Smithing Stone 2.
Redmane Castle is another excellent place to farm Smithing Stone 2. The skeletal slim enemies frequently drop Smithing Stone 2 here, and they are fairly easy to defeat.
How to use Smithing Stone 2 in Elden Ring
Smithing Stone 2 allows you to upgrade your weapons and shields to +6. After you’ve acquired enough stones, go back to the Roundtable Hold and locate Smithing Master Hewg. Enter the hallway to the left of the fireplace and then take another immediate left.
Talk to him and select the Strengthen Armament option. All weapons that are ineligible for an upgrade will be greyed out. Select the weapon or shield you want to upgrade and confirm. Apart from the Smithing Stones, upgrading weapons and shields also costs a few hundred Runes, depending on what level you’re upgrading to.
You can also upgrade weapons using Smithing Tables. Smithing Tables aren’t as robust as Hewg and only allow upgrades to a certain degree. They can be found all over Elden Ring, including the Church of Elleh.