The Aspect of Ancestral Force is one of the several legendary aspects that are pretty much mandatory to get if you are playing the Barbarian class in Diablo 4.
The aspect perfectly boosts the damage potential and reach of your Hammer of the Ancients skill, making it possible to clear a hoard of enemies.
This is an offensive-enchantment that increases the reach of your Hammer of the Ancient skill, inflicting massive AOE damage to clear waves of enemies.
Its clearing speed is also another factor that makes it one of the best Barbarian aspects category in D4. Just make sure to have the Hammer of the Ancients skill unlocked in the Barbarian skill tree.
Aspect of Ancestral Force location in Diablo 4
The Aspect of Ancestral Force can be easily obtained by completing the Sunken Ruins dungeon in Diablo 4.
Make your way northeast of Northshore to locate this dungeon. The area is a part of the Scosglen region, and you can access the location by making use of a particular waypoint.

You should use the Marowen waypoint to travel to the Sunken Ruins dungeon and get the Aspect of the Ancestral Force. Moreover, the same waypoint gives you access to other dungeons, such as Calibel’s Mine, Howling Warren, and Flooded Depths in D4.
So it is imperative to unlock this waypoint by progressing in the game.
Aspect of Ancestral Force builds in Diablo 4
Since you are improving your Hammer of the Ancient skill, it becomes obvious that the Aspect perfectly pairs with the Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build in Diablo 4.
The build allows you to make use of the AOE attacks and Fury to generate maximum damage against the enemies.
Moreover, the Aspect of Ancestral Force improves the damage and radius for your AOE attacks, making you a beast on the battlefield.