Baldur’s Gate 3 Oliver Hide And Seek Guide

Oliver has been infected by the Shadow Cursed Lands and requests to play hide and seek with you. However, the outcome depends upon your answer and technique to find this elusive child in BG3.

The Shadow Cursed Lands of Baldur’s Gate 3 are infested with a peculiar curse. A young child, namely Oliver, seems to be involved in the matter, and the only way to lift the Shadow Curse is by beating him in a game of Hide and seek in BG3. If you choose to side with the Druid Grove in Act 1, then Druid Halsin will be involved. He will tell you that Oliver is the other half of a child named Thaniel. 

Halsin will be looking for Thaniel, who you can find in the Wake Art Cullagh questline. After finding Thaniel, your next task will be to find his other half, Oliver, and reunite them in BG3. However, Oliver will be less than thrilled to go back and instead will want to play hide and seek with you in BG3. 

Baldur’s Gate 3 Oliver location

Oliver can be found to the east of Shadowed Battlefield in the Shadow Cursed Land. He is inside a ruined house known as House in Deep Shadows (X: 65, Y: 23) and will jump the party to scare you. Halsin will immediately recognize the boy as being Oliver. He will ask us to reunite Oliver with Thaniel to stop the Shadow Curse once and for all.

How to win Oliver Hide and Seek

As Oliver appears at the scene, he demands that you play hide-and-seek with him. The hide-and-seek takes place in two rounds. The first phase is relatively easy to pass, while the second poses a challenge to the players. 

In the first phase, you will have the role of the seeker, and the child will hide. However, the roles will go in opposite directions in the second round. We recommend choosing a character with high stealth and perception stats so that you have a high chance of winning this hide-and-seek game against Oliver in BG3.

Hide and Seek Round 1

The first phase will pass like a breeze for the most part without facing any difficulties. Oliver will turn invisible and try to hide behind the wooden cart near the house. You can approach the cart and pass a perception check to locate him.  

Another way is to use the Seek Invisibility spell or Ersatz eye, which you can obtain by allowing Volo to perform eye surgery on you. Both these will help you locate Oliver instantly. Oliver will get angry at being discovered so easily. However, he will offer another round to avenge his first defeat.

Hide and Seek Round 2

In the second phase of this hide-and-seek play, Oliver drastically changes the game’s rules to his benefit. You not only have to spot the boy using perception checks but also need to avoid facing his parents at all costs. If you encounter the parents before finding the child, they will immediately attack, even without provocation. 

Another catch to the story is that Oliver will not rest in one place after hiding. Instead, he will keep changing position throughout the game, making it harder for you to spot him in the area. To win this phase, you need to disband your party such that three of the members stay at the house at different locations while one starts searching for Oliver. 

It will make it easier to avoid being spotted by the parents if you are less in number at a time. You will automatically be put into the turn-based mode, during which Oliver will run back and forth in the house to perplex your senses. Cast the Greater Invisibility spell to avoid being detected by Oliver’s parents and his dog in the meantime while you search for him. 

Watch for small orbs, which will help you reveal Oliver’s location in BG3. He will roam around different areas of the house, including the middle part, the leftmost corner, and the place where you first met him. Eventually, you will spot Oliver inside the house. 

You will have to wait for Oliver to stop running and then ask one of the closest party members to talk with him. This will allow him to realize that you have found him. After you find him again, Oliver appreciates by saying you’re good at his favorite game.

Oliver’s Family Fight in Baldur’s Gate 3

Things can get serious if you refuse to play with Oliver or get caught by the family during the second round. This will cause an eventual fight between the party and Oliver’s parents. The family members include 

  • Mummy 
  • Daddy 
  • Doggy 

Both the parents are superior shadow enemies, having an aura around their bodies. Ensure this aura does not touch you, as its shadow curse abilities will deal Necrotic damage to your character. They can also teleport to the house’s roof and attack your companions from different positions. 

The dog is a lesser shadow creature with no aura around its body. Its hobby is running into its targets, turning invisible, and repeating the cycle. The dog’s disappearing act can be stopped easily by using a simple light source or using an AoE attack. 

Try to utilize your ranged attacks without getting in the radius of the shadow aura of your enemies. In this way, you will easily deplete their health without receiving any damage from them.

Oliver Hide and Seek Rewards

Although Oliver seems shocked at his defeat during Hide and Seek in BG3, he will show appreciation by rewarding you with Ring of Shadows. It is an uncommon ring that allows you to cast the level 2 Abjuration spell Pass Without Trace. As you cast this spell, you and all your nearby companions will get an additional +10 bonus in Stealth Checks.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...