Elden Ring has a lot of ruins of past civilizations that inhabited The Lands Between before The Shattering. This guide aims to help you with the Wyndham Ruins location and how to get there in Elden Ring. The most notable thing in these Ruins is Wyndham Catacombs which has some valuable loot which we will also discuss in this guide.
There are two ways through which you can reach Wyndham Ruins and Elden Ring and we will be discussing both in this guide.
How to reach Wyndham Ruins in Elden Ring
Wyndham Ruins are found at the start of the Altus Plateau region and is one of the first locations you can get to in this region.
If you have reached Altus Plateau through the Grand Lift of Dectus, just head north from the Altus Plateau Site of Grace to get to the Erdtree Grazing Hill Site of Grace. If you came through the Ruin-Strewn Precipice tunnel, continue east from the Magma Wyrm Makar Site of Grace to get to Erdtree Grazing Hill Site of Grace.
Either way, once you get to Erdtree Grazing Hill Site of Grace, follow the path to your east, leading on the cliff with the soul-guiding statue. On this cliff are the Wyndham Ruins.

What to do in Wyndham Ruins?
Wyndham Ruins, other than being directly on the path to Mt. Gelmir, also houses one of the Tibia Mariners. Defeating Tibia Mariner will get you a Death Root, that you can then present to Gurranq, Beast Clergyman to progress his questline and get the bestial incantations.
Defeating the Wyndham Ruins Tibia Mariner also drops the Tibia Summons Incantation for players to use.
There are no NPC interactions in Wyndham Ruins, however, Millicent can be found close to the ruins after you help her in Caelid, in case you are progressing Millicent’s questline.
Other items you can find in Wyndham Ruins are:
- Human Bone Shards
- Stormhawk Feathers
- Altus Bloom
- 1x Smithing Stone 5
- Pearldrake Talisman +1
Heading deep into Wyndham Ruins, you can find the entrance to Wyndham Catacombs. The final boss of Wyndham Catacombs is Erdtree Burial Watchdog. Wyndham Catacombs can be completed to get the following items:
- Glass Shard
- Grave Violet
- Magic Grease
- 1x Ghost Glovewort 6
- 2x Grave Glovewort 5
- 2x Grave Glovewort 4
- Smithing Stone 5
- Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 1
- Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing 1
You can also find the Lightning Scorpion Charm locked behind a fog wall that you can unlock through Stoneword Key.