Honey, Bee Mine is an important side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This quest is tied to the completion of Serenade to Cotera which unlocks a Great Fairy Fountain.
This quest allows you to help a drummer who has gone rogue. He will return to his band, Stable Trotters, once you help him and make Cotera leave her bud to help you in upgrading your armor pieces.
In this guide, we will tell you how you can start the Honey, Bee Mine side quest and complete it easily. The prerequisites are a bit confusing so stay with us.
Talk to Mastro at the Dueling Peaks Stable

While you can find Beetz accidentally and start the Honey, Bee Mine side quest, we recommend that you follow the path intended by the developers. It involves completing a series of quests to unlock all Fairy Fountains across Hyrule.
This all starts at the Lucky Clover Gazette near Rito Village’s entrance. Talk to Tyrasi about becoming a reporter and starting The Potential Princess Sightings’ main quest. Now, you can attempt and complete the Serenade to a Great Fairy side quest which will unlock Tera’s Fairy Fountain.

Travel to the Dueling Peaks Stable in West Necluda and talk to Mastro who will be performing near the stable. He will tell you about Cotera, another Great Fairy who has gone into hiding and won’t come out unless they perform a serenade for her.
To perform the serenade, Stable Trotters need their Drummer named Beetz back. He is missing and was last seen near Kakariko Village.
Find Beetz near Kakariko Village

Kakariko Village is to the north of the Dueling Peaks Stable. However, Beetz is standing south of Bonooru’s Stand, southwest of Kakariko Village. He will be standing outside his out and his exact coordinates are (2162, -1383, 0111).

Speak with Beetz to begin the “Honey, Bee Mine” side quest adventure in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. He will tell you that he wants to impress the leader of his band, The Stable Trotters, by giving him some honey crepes.
Unfortunately, he is not able to do so because of the unavailability of courser bee honey and that is the reason he is humming that strange beat.
He thinks that this beat will attract the bees and he might get some honey out of them, but his practice is in vain.
He will tell you about the beehives around the village, but he cannot go there himself, so you are the one who must help him.
Collect Honey for Beetz
Near Beetz’s hut, you will see a forest which the perfect place is to look for beehives. Head over to the forest and look for trees that have beehives on them.

Shoot them down and collect the courser bee honey. As Beetz mentioned earlier, he only needs three of them for his crepes so you can go back to him after you have shot down and collected three of them.

You can also visit the forest behind Cotera’s location to collect some courser bee honey near a Moblin Camp. Make sure that you are fully prepared as you will encounter a Silver Moblin in the camp.

Now make your way back to Beetz who is still humming the strange beat and give him the courser bee honey you just collected. This will complete the Honey, Bee Mine side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Quest Reward

Beetz will thank you and give you a Silver Rupee (100 Rupees) as a reward for helping him. He will now return to the Dueling Peaks Stable and you can follow him to progress the Serenade for Cotera side quest.