Starfield Starsap Tours Mission Walkthrough

Take some time off to go on a Starsap Tour of New Homestead with Bill in Starfield. You will get to see all of its locations.

Starsap Tours is a miscellaneous mission that explores the history of New Homestead. It is a fairly short mission where you will be following Bill to tour the major landmarks in the area. There are no pre-requisites for the quest and completing it will reward you with 200 XP.

You can access the Starsap Tours mission by visiting Bill Starsap at New Homestead on Titan in the Sol System. He owns the Starsap Tours Kiosk, located in the downstairs area of the bunker, past the Chunks shop. Speak to Bill to start your journey but there is something you need to do first.


You cannot kill Bill. If you shoot him down, he will get back up and simply continue with the tour.

Set the price of the tour

When Bill offers to be your tour guide of New Homestead, he will set his price at 100 Credits. The price is already pretty cheap but you will have the option to persuade Bill to lower the price.

It is recommended to just save yourself time and extra dialogues by paying Bill the 100 credits. You can cover the measly amount by selling a few junk items in your inventory.

Follow Bill to all the New Homestead locations

The Starsap Tour will take you through eight different locations in Starfield’s New Homestead. There are no other objectives. You just have to follow Bill and listen as he talks about each location. You will also have the option to ask him questions about each landmark if you are interested in the game’s lore.

You will start the tour by visiting the Worker’s Living Quarters, an underground residential area. Bill will give you the chance to explore the area if you want. Otherwise, you can head to the next location.


You can loot different NPCs in the area for some extra cash like Tourists Go Home quest giver Dr. Giuliana Lakota

You will then visit the Botanical Gardens, the Bio-Labs which will not be operational (you can ask him why), the Wind Farms, and the Methane Processing Plant.

Continuing with the Starsap Tours in Starfield, Bill will take you to the only natural landmark on New Homestead called Ymir’s Horn. It is a glacial spire that looks rather intimidating.

After that, he will take you to the Ice Mines. It’s up to you to ask questions; otherwise, proceed to the next one. The last place to visit on that tour is Brown Horse Tavern. You can purchase aid items from Brown House Tavern. While they are not required for this mission, it can be good to restock while you’re in the market.

Optional: Tip Bill

After completing the tour, Bill and you will end up in the museum. Speak with him again and you will have the option to pay Bill 500 credits as a tip.


Tipping Bill will increase your affinity with companions. It is an easy way to access their character missions, especially if you are trying to romance companions.

Starfield – Starsap Tours bugs and fixes

There is a rare bug where persuading Bill to give you the tour for free ends up bugging the Starsap Tours mission in Starfield. Bill will just keep standing there. You will not be able to speak with him, and the tour will not commence. The cause of the bug is unknown but there are a few things you can try to resolve it.

  • Try talking to him again and offer the full price of the tour. If you paid then try persuasion instead.
  • Check if there are other tourists in the area. Scare them away and try talking to Bill again to start the mission.
  • If you can’t interact with him then it may be because he is out of the activation area. Try pushing him towards the kiosk to see if you can speak with him again. If all else fails, you might have to reload an old save.
  • You can also use console commands to reset or complete the Starsap mission if you don’t mind missing out on achievements. They can be countered by using mods in Starfield. Use the following commands for Starsap Tours:
    • startquest 0021710B
    • resetquest 0021710B
    • completequest 0021710B
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Urooj Zia is your local indie games enthusiast who spends the majority of her time farming in Stardew Valley. When she is not obsessing over the virtual world, she likes to guide lost gamers to ...