Marvel’s Spider-Man Token Farming Guide

Tokens are farmable currencies in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered that are required to purchase new suits, suit mods, and gadgets for...

Tokens are farmable currencies in Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered that are required to purchase new suits, suit mods, and gadgets for progression.

Some tokens are simply tied to a certain type of collectible while others feature their own side activity for you to complete. Either way, you will need tokens to unlock upgrades for yourself.

The following guide explains all the types of tokens featured in Spider-Man Remastered and the ways to get them with ease.

How To Farm Spider-Man Remastered Tokens

There are a total of six different tokens that you must farm in the game. Most of them are further split into multiple activities for you to complete.

Base Tokens

There are various enemy bases scattered all across New York City in Spider-Man Remastered. Clearing out all of these bases by defeating the enemies on the premises is how you earn Base Tokens.

There are four types of enemy bases that you have to complete:

  • Fisk Hideouts
  • Demon Warehouses
  • Sable Outposts
  • Prisoner Camps

Base Tokens are unlocked after you complete the respective mission for each enemy base type. Fisk Hideouts and Demon Warehouses need you to complete the “Fisk Hideout” and the “Dual Purpose” missions respective. On the other hand, both Sable Outposts and Prisoner Caand need you to complete the one “Out Of The Frying Pan” mission.

Your objective for each base will always be the same. The type of enemies you face however depends on the type of base you are clearing. Sable Outposts, for example, feature professional soldiers who are armed with modern-day weaponry. Fisk Hideouts, though, features thugs and goons.

You get up to two Base Tokens from each base if the optional objectives have been completed.

Crime Tokens

There are various crimes taking place in every district in Spider-Man Remastered. You can stop them by intervening every time you spot a crime taking place nearby. Doing so is how you earn Crime Tokens in the game.

There are four types of crimes that you have to stop:

  • Thug Crimes
  • Demon Crimes
  • Prisoner Crimes
  • Sable Crimes

There are also Maggia and Hammerhead Crimes which are part of the “City That Never Sleeps” DLC. Spider-Man Remastered bundles all previously released content. Hence, you do not have to purchase this separately.

The DLC crimes do not feature any optional objectives. For the rest of the crimes though, you get up to three Crime Tokens from each crime if the optional objectives have been completed.

Crime Tokens are unlocked after you repair the Surveillance Towers for each police station as part of a mainline quest given by Yuri.

You can spot crimes in the vicinity through your map. You can also use police communications systems to check for a nearby crime scene or emergency. Later in the game, you can simply scan with your suit by pressing R3 to track nearby crimes and heists.

Challenge Tokens

The Taskmaster has left behind various challenges for you to endure in the game. Completing these challenges is how you earn Challenge Tokens.

There are six types of challenges in Spider-Man Remastered:

  • Drone Challenges – chase and catch flying drones while destroying spy cameras in a given time.
  • Bomb Challenges – find and destroy explosives in a given time.
  • Combat Challenges – defeat enemies in a given time.
  • Stealth Challenges – defeat enemies using stealth in a given time.
  • EMP Challenges – disable EMP devices at the top of buildings in order in a given time.
  • Gadget Challenges – defeat enemies using gadgets in a given time.

Screwball Challenges are another type of challenge that is added with the “City That Never Sleeps” DLC. These add a Photobomb area for you to encounter during each challenge.

Every challenge has three levels of scoring parameters. Completing a challenge on Amazing, Spectacular, and Ultimate gets you one, three, and six Challenge Tokens respectively. If you manage to finish a challenge on Ultimate with an impressive enough score, you can get up to six Challenge Tokens.

Challenge Tokens are unlocked after you complete the “What’s In The Box?” mission in the game. You will initially only see eight challenges on your map, five of which need to be completed to show eight more challenges.

Research Tokens

Spider-Man Remastered has several Research Stations in every district that need to be completed. Some pigeons need to be captured and a couple of puzzle-solving activities need to be solved. Doing these three activities is how you earn Research Tokens.

Completing the “Harry’s Passion Project” mission unlocks Research Stations in the game where each Research Station has its own activity for you to complete. Completing each Research Station gets you two Research Tokens.

Completing the “Helping Howard” mission allows you to track down and catch pigeons across the city.

Spectrographs and Circuit Projects can be accessed from Octavius Labs. Both projects feature their own puzzles where you must align fragments. Completing all Spectrograph puzzles and Circuit puzzles get you eight Research Tokens in total.

Backpack Tokens

Peter has hidden several backpacks all over the city. Each backpack contains a personal item that dates back to Peter’s high school year. Finding these backpacks is how you earn Backpack Tokens.

To unlock Backpack Tokens, complete the “Keeping The Peace” mission. This will unlock Radio Towers that you must unscramble to show the backpack locations in the area.

Landmark Tokens

Spider-Man Remastered features a beautiful New York City that is filled with numerous landmarks and sights. Finding and taking a photo of these special landmark locations using the in-game camera feature is the way to get Landmark Tokens.

Bring up the camera by pressing “Up” on the D-Pad. Make sure to place the subject in the center of the frame. When the light flashes green, take the picture with “R1” on your controller.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...