A Shot Creator in NBA 2K23 is one of the most vital members of your team that determines how dominant you are on the court and if you can take the trophy home. With a proper playmaking shot-creator build, these offense players have exceptional perimeter and interior isolation rates. Moreover, shooting the shots within the offense becomes their significant skill set.
This NBA 2K23 guide focuses on the Best Playmaking Shot Creator Builds that make your basketball team the dream! So without further ado, let’s begin.
- Meta Shot Creator Build
- Ultimate Shot Creator Build
- 2-Way Shot Creator Playmaking Build
- 3 Level Shot Creator Build
Meta playmaking shot creator build (next-gen/current-gen)

As the name suggests, this build is about customizing a Meta Shot Creator with excellent precision that knows how to dribble and execute face shots very well. This build lets your character secure the ball well against the opponents and keep it within the team for a decent period.
This build can reach an overall 99 rating and can be further upgraded with various Badge Points including dunk animation with the help of best dunk build in nba 2k23.
Some of them include Finishing Badges, Shooting Badges, Playmaking Badges, and Rebounding Badges.
With the build below, you’ll feel like a fierce beast on the court with no one stopping you from stacking up scores for your team. Moreover, with this build, you also have some of the best takeovers in NBA 2K23.
Body Settings
- Height: 6’4
- Weight: 230lbs
- Wingspan: 7’1″
- Body Shape: Compact
- Close Shot: 56
- Driving Layup: 77
- Driving Dunk: 90
- Standing Dunk: –
- Mid-Range Shot: 85
- Three-Point Shot: 87
- Free Throw: 72
- Pass Accuracy: 86
- Ball Handle: 87
- Speed with Ball: 90
Defense / Rebounding
- Perimeter Defense: 62
- Steal: 27
- Speed: 85
- Acceleration: 85
- Strength: 27
- Vertical: 70
- Stamina: 99
Finishing Badges
- Acrobat: Silver
- Slithery: Silver
- Fearless Finisher: Silver
- Limitless Takeoff: Silver
- Posterizer: Bronze (Core Badge)
Shooting Badges
- Amped: Bronze
- Guard Up: Gold
- Volume Shooter: Silver
- Agent 3: Silver
- Green Machine: Bronze
Playmaking Badges
- Clamp Breaker: Silver
- Handles for Days: Bronze
- Killer Combos: Bronze
- Dimer: Silver
Defense / Rebounding Badges
- Interceptor: Bronze
- Menace: Silver
- Work Horse: Silver
- Boxout Beast: Silver
- Challenger: Bronze
- Chase Down Artist:Gold
Primary Takeover: Limitless Range
Secondary Takeover: Finishing Moves
Ultimate demigod shot creator build (next-gen/current-gen)

This Demigod Shot Creator Build focuses on having a solid shooter who acts like a center during matches. The customizations below are focused on guarding the ball for as long as possible and, with the proper shooter abilities, scoring well during the games.
Since it is a shooter build, we’ve mainly focused on skills and badges that promote ball shooting and dribble skills. While executing the best post fade animations in NBA 2k23, the dribble skills and high shooter skills of this build will all come in handy.
Like the previous build, this build can reach an overall 99 rating and be further upgraded with various Badge Points. Some of them include Finishing Badges, Shooting Badges, Playmaking Badges, and Rebounding Badges.
Body Settings
- Height: 6’1″
- Weight: 160lbs
- Wingspan: 6’2″
- Body Shape: Slight
- Close Shot: 53
- Driving Layup: 75
- Driving Dunk: 80
- Standing Dunk: –
- Mid-Range Shot: 82
- Three-Point Shot: 97
- Free Throw: 73
- Pass Accuracy: 86
- Ball Handle: 94
- Speed with Ball: 90
Defense / Rebounding
- Perimeter Defense: 50
- Steal: –
- Speed: 80
- Acceleration: 90
- Strength: 30
- Vertical: 60
- Stamina: 95
Finishing Badges
- Acrobat: Bronze
- Giant Slayer: Gold
- Pro touch: Gold
- Fearless Finisher: Gold
- Posterizer: Silver (Core Badge)
Shooting Badges
- Amped: Bronze
- Guard Up: Gold
- Dead Eye: Silver
- Volume Shooter: Silver
- Green Machine: Silver
- Blinders: Gold (Core Badge)
Playmaking Badges
- Quick First Step: Silver
- Dimer: Silver
- Bail Out: Gold
- Upluckable: Gold
- Handles for Day: Gold (Core Badge)
Defense / Rebounding Badges
- Boxout Beast: Silver
Primary Takeover: Limitless Range
Secondary Takeover: Pull-Up Precision
2-way shot creator playmaking build (next-gen/current-gen)

Everyone who plays NBA 2k23 knows that play shots are extremely overpowered this is a build that focuses on the overpowered play shots and is called the 2-way shot creator build.
The main power this build holds is offensive power, with top-notch shooting stats in mid-range for the best free throws and three-pointer shots.
Body Settings
- Height: 6’1″
- Weight: 186lbs
- Wingspan: 6’6″
- Body Shape: Compact
- Close Shot: 55
- Driving Layup: 51
- Driving Dunk: 70
- Standing Dunk: 29
- Post Control: 32
- Mid-Range Shot: 96
- Three-Point Shot: 95
- Free Throw: 95
- Post Fade: 86
- Pass Accuracy: 82
- Ball Handle: 85
- Speed with Ball: 49
- Perimeter Defense: 50
- Perimeter Defense: 86
- Steal: 94
- Lateral Quickness: 87
- Offensive Rebound: 42
- Defensive Rebound: 71
- Speed: 99
- Acceleration: 98
- Strength: 53
- Vertical: 89
- Stamina: 99
Finishing Badges
- Limitless Takeoff: Bronze
Shooting Badges
- Blinders: HOF (Core Badge)
- Deadeye: HOF
- Green Machine: Gold
- Hot Zone Hunter: Gold
- Mismatch Expert: HOF
- Sniper: HOF
Playmaking Badges
- Quick First Step: Gold
- Bullet Passer: Gold
- Handles for Day: Gold
- Unpluckable: Gold
Defense/Rebounding Badges
- Chase down artist: Gold
- Interceptor: Gold
- Intimidator: Gold
- Pick Pocket: Gold
- Clamps: Gold
Primary Takeover: Shot up Shooter
Secondary Takeover: Shot Creator
3 level shot creator build (next-gen/current-gen)
The level 3 shot creator build is a shooting guard build. The stats for the build are as follows.
Body Settings
- Height: 6’3″
- Weight: 210lbs
- Wingspan: 6’7″
- Body Shape: Solid
- Close Shot: 76
- Driving Layup: 75
- Driving Dunk: 85
- Standing Dunk: –
- Post Control: –
- Mid-Range Shot: 80
- Three-Point Shot: 86
- Free Throw: 75
- Pass Accuracy: 85
- Ball Handle: 87
- Speed with Ball: 90
- Perimeter Defense: 33
- Perimeter Defense: 80
- Steal: 81
- Lateral Quickness: 63
- Offensive Rebound: –
- Defensive Rebound: 42
- Speed: 88
- Acceleration: 87
- Strength: 37
- Vertical: 75
- Stamina: 95
Finishing Badges
- Giant Slayer: Gold
- Slithery: Silver
- Fearless Finisher: Bronze
Shooting Badges
- Guard up: Gold
- Amped: Silver
- Middy Magician: Gold
- Deadeye: Silver
Playmaking Badges
- Quick First Step: Gold
- Unpluckable: Gold
- Clamp Breaker: Gold
- Handies for days: Silver
Defense/Rebounding Badges
- Chase down artist: Gold
- Interceptor: silver
- Work horse: Silver
- Pick dodger: silver
- Clamps: bronze
- Ankle braces: silver
Primary Takeover: Team ratings boost
Secondary Takeover: Limitless Range
Best badges for playmaking shot creator
- Amped Badge
- Middy Magician Badge
- Deadeye Badge
- Guard Up Badge
- Volume Shooter Badge
- Agent 3 Badge
- Blinders Badge
- Green Machine Badge
- Hot Zone Hunter Badge
- Mismatch Expert Badge
- Sniper Badge
- Quick First Step
- Unpluckable
- Clamp Breaker
- Bullet Passer
- Dimer
- Bail Out
- Handles for Days
- Killer Combos
- Hyperdrive
Best animations for playmaking shot creator
- Dribble Style: M. Johnson
- Signature Size-ups: D. Rose
- Signature Combos: D. Rose
- Size-up Escape packages: T. Young
- Moving crossovers: L. James
- Moving behind the backs: S. Pippen
- Moving Spins: P.Hardaway
How to create a playmaking shot creator

The playmaking shot creator build is the build that is absolutely dominating NBA 2K23. The build is always green no matter what and is easily the fastest and one of the most overpowered builds on current-gen and next-gen.
In order to create a playmaking shot creator, you need a point guard. It doesn’t matter whether he is right-handed or left-handed. The only thing that matters are the following settings.
Body Settings
- Height: 6’2″
- Weight: 165lbs
- Wingspan: 6’7″
- Body Shape: Solid
- Close Shot: 55
- Driving Layup: 52
- Driving Dunk: 60
- Standing Dunk: 25
- Post Control: 30
- Mid-Range Shot: 94
- Three-Point Shot: 91
- Free Throw: 90
- Post Fade: 80
- Pass Accuracy: 88
- Ball Handle: 89
- Post Control: 58
- Perimeter Defense: 32
- Perimeter Defense: 74
- Steal: 74
- Block: 34
- Lateral Quickness: 74
- Offensive Rebound: 45
- Defensive Rebound: 62
- Speed: 91
- Acceleration: 90
- Strength: 40
- Vertical: 64
Finishing Badges
- Giant Slayer
- Slithery
- Fearless Finisher
Shooting Badges
- Stop & Pop
- Mismatch Expert
- Sniper
- Blinders
Playmaking Badges
- Bullet Passer
- Quick first step
- Handles for day
- Quickchan
- Hyperdrive
Defense/Rebounding Badges
- Chase down artist
- Interceptor
- Intimidator
- Clamps
Primary Takeover: Spot up Shooter
Secondary Takeover: Shot Creator