Sorcery of claymen who constantly search for their oracle, the Great Oracular Bubble in Elden Ring creates a bubble that floats towards the enemy and deals magic damage on contact.
The Great Oracular Bubble is one of the more difficult sorceries to obtain in the game. But fret not. Let us help you obtain this spell and tell you how to use it effectively with a mage build.
The Great Oracular Bubble Location

The Great Oracular Bubble sorcery can be obtained by killing a teardrop scarab in the Siofra River region. You can access this area by going through an opening near Mistwood Ruins once you defeat Radahn.
Go through this region until you reach the Ancestral Woods site of grace after defeating the Mimic Tear boss. From the site of grace, turn back and go right.

Keep following the road on the right until you come across a bridge overhead. Turn left and go down the path below the bridge. Go left on the lower part of the bridge until you reach its end.

Look below closely and use Torrent to jump down. This is a tricky jump, so make sure to time it well. Once you land, go further down using the pillars until you reach the floor.

Leave the room from the main door and immediately turn right. Go further down from the left ledge until you reach the broken pillar. Use this pillar to reach the ground floor.

Turn left to find a room beside a broken statue. This room has a teardrop scarab among a lot of claymen. Ignore the enemies and focus on killing the scarab.
Once killed, this scarab drops the Great Oracular Bubble sorcery in Elden Ring.
Great Oracular Bubble Stats and Requirements
The Great Oracular Bubble requires 25 Intelligence and 18 Arcane to cast. It also requires 16 FP and 27 Stamina in addition to one spell slot.

Being an intelligence-based sorcery, you will need a staff to cast it. Great Oracular Bubble can be cast both charged or uncharged. The charged bubble covers more distance and deals more damage.
You can increase the magic bubble range by using Arrow’s Reach Talisman. It is different from the Oracular Bubble skill that is unique to Envoy’s Horn. Simple Oracular Bubble skill deals Holy damage and can’t be charged. Great Oracular Bubble is an interesting sorcery that fits a sorcerer’s build perfectly. This spell can be used to spam larger bosses or enemies in confined areas to deal massive damage.