A sorcery used by the servants of death, Ancient Death Rancor in Elden Ring summons a torrent of ghosts that chase down your enemies and deal magic damage upon contact. These ghostflame spirits were collected by the Death Rite Birds so they could use them against others.
In this guide, we will tell you how to obtain the Ancient Death Rancor sorcery by killing a hidden mini-boss and how you can use it effectively against your enemies.
Ancient Death Rancor Location
Ancient Death Rancor sorcery can be obtained by killing a Death Rite Bird in Liurnia of the Lakes.

You must reach the Academy gate North Site of Grace to find this particular bird. This grace is to the east of the Academy of Raya Lucaria, and you can easily reach it once you leave Limgrave after completing the Stormveil Castle.
Rest at the site of grace and progress the time to nightfall as the Deathbird only appears at night. From the site of grace, go towards the ruins and wait for the Death Rite Bird to appear.

The Death Rite Bird is a mini-boss that uses death sorceries and physical attacks. The best way to defeat this enemy is by keeping closing to its legs and dodging all its attacks.
We don’t recommend blocking Death Rite Bird’s attacks, especially the peck attack, as it will drain your stamina instantly. Once defeated, the Deathrite Bird found east of Raya Lucaria Academy will drop the Ancient Death Rancor sorcery in Elden Ring.
Ancient Death Rancor Stats and Requirements
Ancient Death Rancor summons a horde of vengeful spirits that follow your enemies and deal magic damage. This sorcery requires 24 Faith and 24 Intelligence to cast in addition to a good staff.
As a Death Sorcery, it is boosted by Prince of Death’s Staff. You will also need 21 FP and 27 Stamina per cast in addition to 1 spell slot.
Ancient Death Rancor sorcery can be charged, and its damage can be increased by 15% by using the Godfrey Icon talisman.
This spell is highly effective against Malenia. To make it work, remove all other spells and only equip the Ancient Death Rancor spell. As soon as the fight starts, call your Mimic Tear ash and start spamming Malenia with this spell.
Keep your distance to avoid her attacks. This spell is enough to take her down in both phases without you needing anything else.