Seluvis is a character who you will come across while working for Ranni, the Witch and has a unique, sinister questline of his own. Seluvis cannot be trusted but you’ll be forced to do so in order to see what his grand plans are.
Your task will be to give a potion he made to Nepheli Loux, but should you? The following guide will explain if you should give Seluvis’ potion to Nepheli in Elden Ring or not.
Where to Find Seluvis

Seluvis can be found inside his rise in the Three Sisters area. You will gain access to this area once you complete Caria Manor and defeat the Royal Knight Loretta. However, his rise will be closed with a magic barrier, and you can’t enter it.

To find Seluvis and open his rise, go to Ranni’s Rise first and enter her service to start Ranni’s Questline. Once you try to leave Ranni’s Rise, you will come to an astral projection of Seluvis, who will ask to meet you in his rise.

Go to Seluvis’ Rise and talk to him. He will give you a potion and ask you to give it to Nepheli Loux. This is where Nepheli Loux and Seluvis’ questlines will intermingle.

Where to Find Nepheli Loux
You will find Nepheli across different locations. If you go looking for her before killing Godrick the Grafted, you will find her in a cage in Stormveil Castle. Free her, and she will help you defeat Godrick as a summon.
If you look for her after defeating Godrick, you can find her at the Roundtable Hold, standing next to the table. After talking to her, she will again change her position and go to the Village of the Albinaurics, where you can find her under the bridge.

The last location where you will find her is again the Roundtable Hold, but this time, you have to use the stairs next to the blacksmith, Hewg, and you will find her there. However, she won’t respond to you until you talk to Sir Gideon Ofnir.
For the quest, you will probably find Nepheli at the Roundtable Hold or the Village of the Albinaurics. Now, when you talk to Nepheli, there is more than one possible outcome, which is discussed in the following paragraphs.
Seluvis Potion Outcomes
You will be presented with two choices: give Nepheli the potion or not give her the potion. Detailed outcomes of both choices are discussed below.
After talking to Nepheli at any of the locations above, you can choose to give her the potion.
She will drink the potion and become motionless if you do so, making Seluvis very happy. He will then agree to sell you his puppets.
If you decide not to hand over the potion to Nepheli, the questline will ask you to hand over the potion to Sir Gideon Ofnir instead.
Once you hand over the potion to Gideon, he will ask you to tell Seluvis that you have handed over the potion to Nepheli.
Seluvis will not suspect you and still agree to teach you sorcery. Hence, in both situations, the outcome is the same. Now, the question arises: who should you give the potion to?
Seluvis Potion Best Choice
Should you give Nepheli the potion? Well, the answer to this question is no. You don’t know what the potion does, nor does Seluvis tell you anything. However, the world of Elden Ring has a few clues to bank on.
You will find a hidden underground room just outside Ranni’s Tower, which is full of unresponsive dolls.
These are possibly the people who drink the Seluvis potion. Moreover, you also get some messages like not touching the Seluvis Dolls in the game.
So, keeping these things in mind, it is better to give the potion to Sir Gideon Ofnir and lie to Seluvis that you give the Potion to Nepheli.
Locate the Hidden Chamber
To find Seluvis’ Secret, go east of Ranni’s Rise to find a hidden chamber. You need to roll on the floor or do a slam attack to make the imaginary wall disappear.

Inside the chamber, you will find a lot of puppets that look like real humans. You will get a notification to not touch them. Return to Seluvis and tell him that you know of his secret. As Seluvis thinks, you are his partner in crime. He will allow you in on his secret and let you purchase multiple Spirit Ashes.
- Jarwright Puppet
- Finger maiden Therolina Puppet
- Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet (only if you give Seluvis Potion to Nepheli Loux).
Seluvis Potion Rewards
Rewards vary depending on the choice you make. If you give Nepheli the potion, you will receive Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet Spirit Ash after finding it in Seluvis’ Hidden Laboratory, but you will not be able to continue with Nephlie’s Questline anymore.
If you give Sir Gideon Ofnir the potion, you will not receive her spirit ash, but you can continue with Nepheli’s Questline.
Help Seluvis Create Amber Draught
Seluvis will ask you for one last thing to complete his questline. To find an Amber Starlight to create a potion that can immobilize even a demi-god. This item can be obtained from the Altus Plateau.

Go to the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace and travel Northeast of there. You will come across a shrine of a child and a woman. Interact with it to obtain Amber Starlight.

Bring the item to Seluvis, and he will create another potion, Amber Draught, from it. He will ask you to give it to Ranni, the witch, to kill her. He will also give you the Magic Scorpion Charm as a reward.
Give Ranni Amber Draught Potion or Not?
Go to Ranni’s Rise and give her the potion. She will wake up and denounce you on the spot. Even if you kill Seluvis at this point, Ranni’s Quest will fail and you can no longer progress it.

In our opinion, this is the worst outcome. You can still learn sorceries or purchase puppets from Seluvis’ dead body in his rise if Ranni kills him. Ranni’s Questline is directly related to a secret ending, and we recommend that you see it through for an additional legendary weapon.