Breeding in Palworld is much more convoluted than you might think but it is well worth the time and resources required. It is not only a great way to increase the number of Pals in your Palbox, but it also allows you to breed new Pals with the ideal combat or work traits you want.
Before you start worrying about how to breed Pals in Palworld, you must make sure to have enough male and female Pals in your Palbox. You also need to be at least level 19 and have enough resources in your base like Ancient Civilization parts and Ingots.
Best breeding combos in Palworld
Before we start on how you can breed Pals in Palworld, let’s discuss the importance of breeding and why the process is useful in the first place.
You are indeed meant to hunt for Pals in the wild and find all of their Alpha variants to beat them, but sometimes you aren’t just high enough of a level to do that or just don’t feel like putting in the effort.
It is times like these when breeding comes in handy. The process allows you to get your hands on unique and rare Pals you otherwise wouldn’t be able to get without putting in a lot of hours’ worth of effort. All you have to do is select two Pals, feed them, and let them do their work.
The problem here, however, is that there are so many Pals that you can breed, each resulting in a random offspring Pal. Luckily, for you, we have made a list of the best breeding combos in Palworld. We recommend breeding the Pals below sooner than the rest as they can produce very strong and rare Pals.
Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Offspring |
Incineram | Maraith | Incineram Noct |
Helzephyr | Frostallion | Frostallion Noct |
Blazehowl | Felbat | Blazehowl Noct |
Lyleen | Menasting | Lyleen Noct |
Vanwyrm | Foxcicle | Vanwyrm Cryst |
Vanwyrm | Anubis | Felaris |
Rooby | Gobfin | Gobfin Ignis |
Rayhound | Mossanda | Grizzbolt |
Ragnahawk | Killamari | Kitsun |
Suzaku | Jormuntide | Suzaku Aqua |
Ragnahawk | Tombat | Anubis |
How to get a Breeding Farm for new Pals
The first step to breeding Pals in Palworld is to get a Breeding Farm. You will unlock the ability to build one at level 19. When at the required level, go to your Technology Tab and unlock the Schematic for two Technology Points.
After unlocking the schematics, open the build menu and navigate to the Pals tab. Select the Pal Breeding Farm and start constructing. To build it, you will require 100x wood, 200x stone, and 50x fiber.
Make sure to place it in an open space in your base and leave some room for Egg Incubators and some storage boxes nearby.
If you don’t have much space, we would recommend waiting till level 10, when you get the ability to make a new base. You can then dedicate this whole base to breeding your Pals. A good recommendation for this base would be in the large open area west of the Rayne Syndicate Tower.
How to breed Pals in Palworld
Building the Breeding Farm was the easy part. The breeding process itself can be a bit tedious and time-consuming job and will require a lot of trial and error to get that perfect Pal in Palworld. We have listed down a few simple steps that will make your job a lot easier.
Step 1. Select the Perfect Pair of Pals to Breed
As you might have guessed, you will need a male and a female Pal to start the Breeding process. Do note that if the Parent Pals are of the same species, you will always get the offspring of the same species. If you choose to crossbreed 2 pals of different species it will result in a hybrid Pal with different elemental traits.
Moreover, if you breed two Pals that have the same attack and defense stats, the offspring Pal will always have the same amount of stats.
Another important detail to know is that the offspring Pal will inherit the traits of the Parent Pals as well. For example, if you choose a Pal with a negative Passive skill like “Coward” or “Glutton”, this Passive skill will be transferred to the newly hatched Pal as well.
On the other hand, you can choose Pals with positive passive skills or traits like “Legend, Serious, or Swift” to get the best possible Pal to hatch after the breeding process.
You can look at a Pal’s Passive Skills in the bottom left section of the Pal Stats box.

Once you have decided on the Pals to breed, approach them and lift them. Now take them to the breeding farm and throw them at it. Doing so will assign them to the Breeding Task. You need to do this individually for each Pal you want to breed.
If your Pals are unassigning themselves and heading out of the Breeding Farm again and again, try unassigning the rest of their tasks and wall the Breeding Farm off. Another way is to make sure that your Breeding Farm isn’t pushed off agaisnt the edge of your base.
Step 2. Get some Cake

Pals in the Breeding Farm will only lay an egg in exchange for a Cake. To do this you need to build a storage box as close to the Breeding Farm as possible and put cake in it.
Cake in this game is a complex recipe and takes a lot of time to prepare but it is necessary to breed Pals in Palworld. Below we will describe all the items needed to prepare cake and how to get them.
Cooking Pot
The first thing you need to get out of the way is a cooking pot. You can build one after unlocking it from the Technology menu and have at least one Pal with a Kindling Work Suitability to make it functional.
To obtain Flour, you need to have 2 things in your base, a Wheat Plantation and a Mill. Both of these can be built after unlocking them from the Technology Menu.
Make sure to have appropriate Pals in your base to tend to both of these. You will need at least 1 pal for each of the following tasks:
- Planting
- Watering
- Handiwork
When the Wheat is harvested, take it to the Mill to create some Flour.
Eggs and Red Berries
You will need 8x eggs and 8x red berries for each piece of Cake you bake in Palworld. You can find plenty of eggs and red berries in Palworld by exploring the open world. Or you can build a ranch and Berry Plantation in your base.
Milk and Honey
The last two items needed for the Cake are milk and honey, which are relatively hard to come by. To get Milk, you need to find and catch a Mozzarina and assign it to your Ranch.
The schematics for a Ranch are unlocked quite early in the game at level 5. After getting the schematics, you will need 50 wood, 30 stone, and 20 fiber to build it.
You can also use Pals like Elizabee at the Ranch to make Honey, but that is not the only way. This material can also be obtained as a drop from several Pals like Beegarde, Cinnamoth, Elizabee, and Warsect.
Once you have all the required items, go to the cooking pot and select the Cake recipe to start baking.
Baking Cakes is a process that takes quite a lot of time. If you want the most optimal way of baking Cakes in Palworld, you will need a Jormuntide Ignis. This Pal is mainly found in the No.2 Wildlife Sanctuary, but to get it early, you can try finding and hatching a Huge Dragon Egg.
Once you obtain one, you can assign it to heat your cooking pot with its handy Kindling Work Suitability. This is not the only way you can use this Pal though, as it is also one of the best Fire Pals in the game and can be used effectively in combat as well.
Step 3. Acquire and Incubate the Egg
Once you have the cake, put it in a storage box next to the Pal Breeding Farm and wait for the parent Pals to lay an egg. Meanwhile, head to the Technology Menu and unlock the Egg Incubator. Build the Egg incubator near the Breeding farm to keep things smooth.
Building an Egg Incubator requires 30x Stone, 5x Cloth, 10x Paldium Fragments, and 2x Ancient Civilization Parts. We recommend building 2 or 3 Egg incubators in the same base so be sure to stock up on these items in advance.

Recover this egg and place it inside an Egg Incubator. Depending on the type of Pals used for Breeding and the quality of the egg, it can take anywhere between 6 minutes and an hour to Incubate. This time can be substantially decreased by maintaining the optimal temperature for the egg.
Carefully observe the incubator and it will say whether the egg is comfortable or not. If it says too hot or too cold, the egg will take longer to incubate but you can fix this by placing a heater or a cooler near the Egg Incubator.
As always, you will need to unlock the crafting option for the heater and cooler from the Technology menu and you will additionally need some fire and ice organs, which can be found by hunting fire and ice-type Pals.
Step 4. Hatch the Egg
Once the Incubation Process is done, it is time to welcome a new Pal to your family, or your “workforce” depending on how you like to go about your business in Palworld.
Simply approach the egg incubator and hold the hatch button. You will see the notification of the new Pal on the right side of the screen and you can access it right away using the Palbox.