White-faced Varre is one of the many NPCs you will find in Elden Ring with a questline to complete. Varre is a faithful knight of Mohg who is looking for potential recruits. He is also responsible for unlocking the online invasion mechanism in Elden Ring.
In this guide, we will provide you with the complete details on White-Faced Varre’s Questline in Elden Ring.
Where to Find White-Faced Varre in Elden Ring
Varre is a friendly NPC in Elden Ring that you’ll encounter at your very first site of grace outside the tutorial area. To start the Varre questline, you have to return to this location once you have defeated Godrick the Grafted.

Once you’ve defeated Godrick the Grafted, you must speak to Varre at The First Step Site of Grace location. Here, he will congratulate you and ask you that you should seek an audience in the Roundtable Hold with Two Fingers.
Speak With Finger Reader Enia
After Varre tells you to meet with Two Fingers, you will need to go to the main chamber in the Roundtable Hold, which is only possible if you have progressed to Stormveil Castle.
Here you will find Finger Reader Enia who is sitting next to the giant fingers. Start a conversation with her and you will be shown the Power of Remembrance menu during the conversation.
Finish her dialogue options and you are good to move to the third step.
Speak with Varre at Rose Church
Now, you have to speak to Varre again, but if you return to The First Step, you will see that Varre is not there, and you will get his message asking you to come to the Rose Church in Liurnia.
The Church of Rose is west of the Sunken Academy Gate Town in Liurnia of the Lakes. To go to the Rose Church, you can first fast-travel to the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace and, from there, head west on the Torrent.
Moving forward, you will see a small island with a ruined Church in the middle of wetlands. Go to the Church, and you will find Varre there.
The Rose Church location can be seen in the map given below as well.

Varre Dialogue Options
Once you find Varre, start the conversation with him. When he gives you the option, you have to tell him that the two fingers didn’t seem right to progress the quest further.

If you pick the other option, the quest will stop here. After that, Varre will share his opinion about the two fingers and tell you that they are corrupt and you can’t trust them.
Continue the conversation with him, and he will hand you the five Festering Bloody Fingers. These fingers are a consumable item that you can use to invade and kill other players by going to their world.
Invading Other Players
So, in step five, you have to use these Festering Bloody Fingers three times to progress further in the Varre’s questline. You don’t have to kill anyone. Simply invading the other worlds will work for you.

Go to the inventory, select the Festering Bloody Fingers from there, and hit the use button. After a while, you will be transported to the world of other players.
Defeat Magnus the Beastclaw
As of patch 1.06, Varre’s Questline can be progressed offline. Go to Writheblood Ruins on Altus Plateau and use the invasion sign to enter Magnus the Beastclaw’s world.
Writheblood Ruins are just north of Road of Equity. Once you defeat Magnus, you won’t have to invade other people’s worlds online, and this part of Varre’s quest will be considered completed.
Varre Anointment
In this sixth step, you must return to the Varre at the Rose Church and select the anoint me option during the conversation.

Now Varre will give you the Lord of Blood’s Favor, a white fabric that you must soak in a maiden’s blood for the final test. This can be done in one of three ways.
1. Chapel of Anticipation

In this step, you must return to the Chapel of Anticipation. You can do this by using a Stonesword key at one of the teleporters at the Four Belfries.

Defeat the tutorial boss, the Grafted Scion, to proceed. In the next room, a dead maiden sits on a chair. Get close to it and you will get the option of dying the cloth.
You will encounter many enemies on the way and at the Church of Inhibition as well, so you will need to be ready for them, too.
2. Kill Irina in Weeping Peninsula
You can kill Irina on your way to Castle Morne in the southeastern Limgrave. Once she is dead, use her blood to soak the cloth. However, this will lock you out of both Irina’s and Edgar’s Questlines.
3. Church of Inhibition

The final way to dye the blood of a maiden’s blood is to visit the Church of Inhibition in Northern Liurnia. This church is past Frenzied Flame Village, and you must defeat an invader, Festering Finger Vyke, to reach it.
You will find a dead maiden right next to Marika’s statue. Interact with her body to soak Varre’s Favor with her blood.
Return to Rose Church
Now, it’s time for you to return to the Rose Church to meet Varre. This time, he will name you the Knight of Mohg. Here, a prompt will appear once you move a little forward in the conversation with him to offer him your fingers.
Offer him your fingers so he can cut them and keep talking to him after that as well so you can get all rewards.
Varre Questline Rewards

You will be rewarded with the Bloody Finger and a Pureblood Knight’s Medal. Both these items are going to help you a lot in your journey forward in Elden Ring.
Defeat Varre at Mohgwyn’s Palace

Use the Pureblood Knight’s Medal to reach Mohgwyn’s Palace. Keep going forward until you reach the Mausoleum Dynasty Midpoint site of grace.

Rest at this grace, and an invasion sign will appear. Use this sign to invade Varre’s World. Defeat Varre in his world and then return. You will find Varre, who will be on his final breaths. Exhaust his dialogue, and he will die.

Loot his body to obtain Festering Bloody Fingers and Varre’s Bouquet. This will end Varre’s Questline in Elden Ring.