Sacred Tears are key consumables in Elden Ring that can be used to enhance the HP or FP restoring powers of either Flask of the Crimson Tears or Flask of the Cerulean Tears. Sacred Tears can only be used at a Site of Grace and once consumed, they add +1 effect to the Flask they have been applied to.
Elden Ring is a massive game that gets more difficult with each passing moment. Even a small sliver of health can be a significant difference between a victory or a crushing defeat. However, the game is very generous towards the explorers and grants them items, which aid the players to survive encounters with tough enemies. One such item is Sacred Tears, to increase the efficiency of the HP and FP restoring Flasks. We will be helping you with all the Sacred Tear Locations the game has to offer.
Every Sacred Tear Location in Elden Ring
There is a total of 12 Sacred Tears in Elden Ring which are scattered across The Lands Between and can only be found above ground. Being a holy miracle in nature, each Sacred Tear can be obtained from the base of Marika’s Statues present in the churches only.
Depending upon their availability, we will be covering the Sacred Tears, region-wise based on their locations in the game (not the time or difficulty of obtaining them).

There is only 1 Sacred Tear available in the Limgrave region.
Third Church of Marika Sacred Tear Location
The first Sacred Tear can be obtained from the Third Church of Marika, North of minor Erdtree, in the Eastern part of Limgrave. The easiest way to reach this church is by going Northeast from the Mistwood Outskirts site of grace. Players can also get to this place by going North from Fort Haight.
Weeping Peninsula

The southern region of Limgrave, also known as Weeping Peninsula, has 3 Sacred Tears for the players to find.
Callu Baptismal Sacred Tear Location
This Sacred Tear can be obtained from the base of Marika’s statue in Callu Baptismal Church. This church is in the eastern part of the Weeping Peninsula (East of Minor Erdtree) and can be accessed by going South from the Ailing Village Outskirts site of grace.
Fourth Church of Marika Sacred Tear Location
This Sacred Tear is present in the Fourth Church of Marika, at the base of her statue. This location is in the Northwestern part of Weeping Peninsula and players can reach it by going West from Tombsward cave’s entrance. The nearest location to this church is Weeping Evergaol to the East.
Church of Pilgrimage Sacred Tear
The third and final Sacred Tear of Weeping Peninsula can be found inside the Church of Pilgrimage. This church is to the extreme North of the Weeping Peninsula and can be reached on foot by going North from the Tombswards Catacombs’ entrance.

The scarlet rot-infested Caelid has only 1 Sacred Tear to offer.
Church of Plague Sacred Tear Location
This Sacred Tear can be obtained from the base of Marika’s statue inside the Church of the Plague. This church is located East of Aeonian Swamp and can be accessed by going Southeast from Sellia Backstreets site of grace. Players need to complete Sellia’s puzzle first to reach the Church of the Plague.
Liurnia of the Lakes

The second area of The Lands Between and home to Raya Lucaria Academy, Liurnia has 3 Sacred Tears that players can find.
Church of Irith Sacred Tear Location
The first Sacred Tear of Liurnia is present in the Church of Irith. This church is in the southern part of Liurnia and can be accessed by going South from the Lake-Facing Cliff site of grace (right after leaving Stormveil Castle)
Church of Inhibition Sacred Tear Location
The next Sacred Tear can be obtained from the foot of Marika’s statue inside Church of Inhibition. This church is present in the Northeast corner of Liurnia and can be accessed by going Northwest from the Frenzied Flame Village Outskirts site of grace.
Bellum Church Sacred Tear Location
This Sacred Tear is present inside the Bellum Church. To reach this church, go North from East Raya Lucaria Gate site of grace. Follow the road until you pass through a forest. Turn left and keep going to find Bellum Church near the ledge of the cliff.
Altus Plateau

Altus Plateau, the home of the gods has 2 Sacred Tears to offer to the players.
Second Church of Marika Sacred Tear Location
The Altus Plateau also has the Second Church of Marika. You will be able to find a Sacred Tear Inside it. Players can reach this church by going Northwest from the Altus Highway Junction site of grace. Turn left from the road as soon you see some branching hills and keep going North.
Stormcaller Church Sacred Tear (#10)
The next Sacred Tear is present inside the Stormcaller Church, at the base of Marika’s statue. From Atlas Highway Junction site of grace, go North and then turn right to avoid the craters. This church can also be accessed by going South from Sainted Hero’s Grave dungeon.
Mountaintop of the Giants

This final area of the game has 2 Sacred Tears that can be obtained by visiting the churches.
Church of Repose Sacred Tear Location (#11)
The first Sacred Tear of Mountaintop of the Giants can be obtained from the Church of Repose. This church is in the Southern region of the map and can be accessed on foot by going West from the Foot of the Forge site of grace.
First Church of Marika Sacred Tear Location (#12)
The final Sacred Tear is slightly difficult to find as it is hidden inside the First Church of Marika. To reach this church, start from the Whiteridge Road site of Grace. This site of grace can be accessed by crossing a bridge to the North from Giant’s Gravepost. From Whiteridge Road, turn East and cross the cliffs until you reach the very edge. The First Church of Marika is located on this ledge.
These are all the Sacred Tears players can find in Elden Ring, alongside their complete maps and descriptions.