For strength-scaling characters, the Fingerprint Stone Shield is a pretty good choice in Elden Ring. This Greatshiled will weigh you down a lot but in return, you will be able to block (and mitigate) a lot of incoming damage.
You can further boost your defenses by pairing the right talisman with the Fingerprint Stone Shield. Keep in mind that as good as its defensive stats are, the Fingerprint Stone Shield is only to reduce damage or take the guard stance. You cannot parry using this Greatshield.
Where to find the Fingerprint Stone Shield in Elden Ring?
The Fingerprint Stone Shield location is inside the Cathedral of Forsaken. You will first need to defeat Morgott, The Omen King here before taking the shield.

You can fast-travel to the underground roadside site of grace and go onwards.
Once you have defeated the boss, you will see a chest best which is an altar that you can strike, causing it to lower into the ground, revealing a passage behind it.
Head straight down the stairs and continue forward until you reach a balcony filled with bodies. In front of you, you will see a wooden beam. Balance on top of the beam, and below, you will see another wooden beam.
Dropdown onto the beam below and then again onto the wooden beam below the second beam. After that, you will see a coffin extending from the wall, which you can use as a platform to jump on.
Keep using these coffins to drop further down until you reach a balcony filled with bodies, like the one at the top. Turn right from there, and at the end of the hall, again, turn right. Finally, you will find the Fingerprint Stone Shield at the very back in the corner in Elden Ring.
How to use the Fingerprint Stone Shield in Elden Ring
Fingerprint Stone Shield is a Greatshield in Elden Ring, and it is one of the best ones in the game. It gives the player 100% physical damage negation that too with very little stamina usage. This shield also has the highest guard boost in the game.
This shield is quite heavy and thus will limit mobility, although the pros outweigh the cons. If this shield is fully upgraded, you can block any attack with little to no stamina cost.
You can also apply Ashes of War such as Shield Bash to this shield to make it more potent. Along with the ashes of wars, if you pair the Fingerprint Stone Shield with a Greatshield Talisman, you will have a very powerful combination in Elden Ring.
You will require the following stats to equip the shield:
- Strength: 48