Elden Ring has many hidden puzzles which can be hard to figure out. Like many other locations in the game, the Converted Fringe Tower is locked and can only be accessed by solving a puzzle. The Converted Fringe Tower is a location in the Liurnia of the Lakes and two spells are waiting for you behind its barrier. You must fulfill some prerequisites and solve the puzzle to get those spells.
Fortunately, we are here to help you along. This guide will help you solve the Converted Fringe Tower puzzle in Elden Ring.
Converted Fringe Tower location in Elden Ring

You need to make your way to the Mausoleum Compound in Liurnia of the Lakes to reach the Converted Fringe Tower in the Elden Ring. Its exact location has been marked on the map above.
You must find a couple of high mountain tops or similar high locations from which you can jump directly to the point shown on the map. Once you reach the area on the map, watch for such peaks on the horizon. Players can also reach the Converted Fringe Tower by starting from the Minor Erdtree and heading northeast till they see the tower.
How to solve the Converted Fringe Tower puzzle?

Converted Fringe Tower is a legacy dungeon in Liurnia of the Lake. You can access this area after you unlock the Academy of Raya Liurnia. To solve this puzzle, you must follow multiple steps and complete various tasks beforehand, and they require you to collect the Erudition emote and a Glintstone Crown.
In the tower, you will notice a statue in the middle of the room with a hint. The hint will say, ‘May Erudition Light the Way!’ which explains the two items you need. The hint means that you require the Erudition emote and the Glintsone crown (which lights up) to solve the puzzle of the Converted Fringe Tower.
With the Erudition Emote and Glintstone Crown in your possession, head to the Converted Fringe Tower. Once at the tower, equip the crown, and in front of the Blue Seal, do the emote while the crown is equipped. The Glintstone will glow, and the seal will be removed.

Inside the tower, you will find a single enemy, the School of the Graven Mages, which looks like a giant stone with a face. Kill it and head to the top to find a chest with two spells, the Cannon of Haima and the Gavel of Haima.
How to get the Erudition Emote Gesture?

The first thing you need is the Erudition Emote, one of the many gestures found in Elden Ring. This gesture requires you to get to the academy and get a second Glintstone Key to give to Sorcerer Thops in the Church of Irith.
The biggest part is getting the second Glintstone key, which is hidden away inside the academy. It was looted from a corpse.
To reach this corpse, start at the Debate Room Site of Grace. Head out the gate and head up the stairs on the right, where debris has fallen from the destroyed buildings. Kill the enemies here, including the two sorcerers. From where the sorcerers were, look to the left and jump over the railing.
When you reach the platform below, turn around and kill a sorcerer behind you. Kill him and head up the stairs in front of you.
Deal with the second sorcerer here and again jump off the railing on your left. From here, follow the rooftops.

When you face two of the mechanical dummies, look to the building on the right with the ledge. Here, you can see a staircase heading up. Climb this ladder. You will face multiple stone gargoyles and a mage on the bridge above.
Turn right on the ledge from the building opposite the bridge and jump down. Keep jumping until you get to the roof, where two more mechanical dummies await you. There is a hidden ledge you can drop to as shown below.

From here, jump on to the next building. Here, kill the enemies and use the window to get on the rafters. As soon as you enter. Look at one of the chandeliers hanging with a dead body on it. The loot on this body is the second Glintstone key you need.

Take this key to Sorcerer Thops. If you don’t know where to find him, he is in a ruined church, the Church of Irith, just to the left of where you come from after clearing the Stormveil Castle.
Give him the Glintstone key to get the emote.
Where to find the Glintstone Crown in Elden Ring?

The second item you need for this puzzle is a Glintstone Crown. There are 8 Glintstone Crowns, but only 5 of them work for this puzzle.
These five Glintstone Crowns include the Karolos, Lazuli, Olivinus, Twinsage, and the Witch’s Glintstone Crown. The other four crowns i.e. The Hierodas, Lusat, Azur, and the Haima Glintstone Crown, cannot be used. Just in case you don’t have one, here is the location of the easiest crown to get.

From the Debate Parlor Lost Grace, go to the right of the courtyard and follow the wall of the stairs you took earlier. Keep hugging the wall on your left. We recommend crouching as you go to avoid aggro-ing the Iron Maiden.
Keep on hugging the wall and around the castle on the cliff, and you will see a small white glowing crab hiding in the bushes. Kill it.
This crab has a guaranteed drop for Karolos Glintstone Crown.