The Bull Goat Armor Set in Elden Ring is one of the unique armor sets available in the game. This armor set belongs to an NPC, Great Horned Tragoth, and boasts incredible damage negation. Actually, this armor set has the highest poise and physical defense values in the entire game.
You get excellent resistance against various ailments, making you strong against poison, frostbite, hemorrhage, rot, and other diseases. The Bull Goat Set is one of the best armor sets in Elden Ring, as its defensive capabilities and aesthetics provide a different kind of experience in the game.
The Bull Goat set is also the heaviest armor set, but since it provides the most vigorous defense against physical damage in the game, players who want to be tanky should get this.
You must obtain four pieces (Bull-Goat Helm, Bull-Goat Armor, Bull Goat Gauntlets, and Bull-Goat Greaves) to complete the Bull Goat armor set in Elden Ring.
Physical | 45 |
VS Strike | 33.6 |
VS Slash | 40.2 |
VS Pierce | 40.2 |
Magic | 28.9 |
Fire | 29.4 |
Light | 31 |
Holy | 27.9 |
Steps to find the Bull-Goat Set in Elden Ring
You can get the Bull Goat Armor set by invading Great Horned Tragoth’s World and defeating him in a battle. But how do you invade Great Horned Tragoth’s world? Well, you’ll need to follow Patches Questline. Let’s dive into the details.
1. Go to Volcano Manor after speaking with Patches
You’ll meet patches many times throughout Elden Ring. Make sure that you do not kill him on your first encounter in Murkwater Cave. Then progress his questline until he reaches Volcano Manor.
So, you must meet him at Murkwater Cave, the Scenic Isle Site of Grace, and then near the Fist of Mt. Gelmir Site of Grace.

Once at Volcano Manor, you will need to talk to Tanith, sitting in a chair next to the Site of Grace, and select the Join Volcano Manor option.
After that, she will give you the key to the Drawing Room. Now, you will need to go into the lobby and enter the second room on the left side to find the “Letter from Volcano Manor”.
2. Defeat Old Knight Istvan

Now you will need to go to the Volcano Manor Request: Istvan, and there you will encounter a boss called Old Knight Istvan.
Defeat that boss and you will get the Scaled Set Armor as a reward.
3. Back to Volcano Manor
After that, you will need to return to the Volcano Manor again and talk to Tanith. She will now give you the Magma Shot.
Now again, enter the lobby, enter the second room on the left side, and collect the “Letter from Volcano Manor” from the dining table.
4. Defeat Rileigh the Idle
After that, you must go to the Volcano Manor Request: Rileigh location shown on the map below, going through the Bridge of Inequality.

Here, you have to defeat Rileigh, the Idle boss, and as a reward, you will get the Crepus’s Vial and other items.
5. Third Visit to Volcano Manor
Back to Volcano Manor and talk with the Tanith, and once her dialogues end, you will get the Serpentbone Blade. Right there in the hall, you will find the patches sitting next to a wall. Grab the Letter to Patches from him.
6. Defeat Magma Wyrm Makar
Now you will need to travel to the Ruin Strewn Precipice Overlook Site of Grace going all the way through the Volcano Manor Request: Tragoth.

The final location can be seen on the map above as well. Once there, enter the door, and you will encounter the Magma Wyrm Makar boss there. Defeating that boss will reward you with Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword.
7. Invade Great Horned Tragoth World
After defeating the boss, you will need to invade the Great Horned Tragoths’ World, where you will encounter the boss. You’ll see the red invasion mark on the ground near the Site of Grace.
To defeat Great Horned Tragoth, you will need to have some good ranged attacks. This boss had a huge hammer, so it would be difficult for you to defeat that boss in a melee fight.
Try to avoid him and use the ranged attack to lower his health. Eventually, you will be able to defeat the Great Horned Tragoth Boss. Once the Boss is defeated, you will need to reload to get the Bull Goat Armor Set in Elden Ring.
How Good is Bull-Goat Armor in Elden Ring?
As mentioned already, the Bull-Goat armor set is the heaviest with the highest physical damage negation and poise stats. The armor also offers decent protection against other types of damage in Elden Ring. But since it has 63 Weight for the complete set, you will need a lot of Endurance, or maybe you can use Equip Load Talismans like Erdtree’s Favor +1 and Great Jar’s Arsenal. However, you will be considerably hard to kill once you have the stats right to medium roll with Bull-Goat armor. Greatswords will work well with this armor set or any other heavy weapons that hit hard when you are closer to the enemies.
If you don’t like the Bull-Goat armor set or have killed Patches, there are some other good alternates, like Lionel’s Armor set and Fire Prelate Armor Set.