Sorcery is not easy in Elden Ring, as your spells need to be cast fast and avoid getting hit, or your power will be wasted. You cast sorceries using staffs which act as an arcane focus to manifest the magical power into reality. Good staffs allows you to cast stronger spells, which make a lot of difference when you fight many late-game bosses in Elden Ring.
Some even improve your casting speeds. However, finding the right staff is hard, and this guide helps you find the best staffs and their locations in Elden Ring.
6. Carian Regal Scepter

The Carian Regal Scepter is a powerful late-game staff that boosts full moon sorceries, including Rennala’s Full Moon and Ranni’s Darkmoon. It’s worth noting that the passive effects of this weapon boost full moon sorceries also work in your offhand, so you can combine them with high sorcery scaling staffs in one hand to cast with and passives from another staff in your offhand in Elden Ring.
This stuff is probably the most powerful non-FP increase for pure intelligence builds, and it has a unique skill version of a spinning weapon, which is not just flashy but does great damage and massive stagger. This staff requires 60 intelligence to wield.
You can get the Carian Regal Sceptre by traveling to Ania at Roundtable Hold and exchanging Remembrance of the Full Moon for the Staff. You can get Remembrance of the Full Moon after defeating the Rennala, the Queen of the Full Moon.
5. Azur’s Glintstone Staff

Azur’s Glintstone Staff reduces the casting time of all sorceries but at the cost of an additional FP increase. This staff gives you around 40 virtual dexterity towards your sorcery and magic casting speed, around an 8% increase in casting speed. However, this staff also increases the FP cost of your spells by around 20.
Similar to the Carian Regal Scepter, the staff has an intelligence requirement of 52, which will be a mid-to-end game staff. You can use this weapon offhand while casting with another staff with higher sorcery scaling to benefit from the virtual dexterity increase.
The Azur’s Glintstone Staff is in Raya Lucaria’s Academy near the Debate Parlor Site of Grace. Get to the location of the Second Glintstone Key and then jump down to the platform. Here, kill the enemies and look for a bridge leading to a room guarded by a single enemy. Azur’s Glintstone Staff is inside this crystal-filled room, which is the perfect choice for Dex/Int builds.
4. Lusat’s Glintstone Staff

Lusat’s Glintstone Staff enhances the power of all sorceries at the cost of additional FP. This staff has a whopping 50 FP increase cost, making it less viable in the early game, but in the later game, when you can invest more in your mind stat, it becomes more powerful. This staff requires 52 intelligence to wield.
This staff has the highest scaling power of 300, and spells from this staff deal the most damage. Sorceries already strong, such as Comet Azur, are overpowered at destroying any enemy, even the bosses in the game.
Lusat’s Glintstone Staff is found in the Ruins of Sellia, Town of Sorcery in Caelid. After you break all three seals in the town, a boss will appear on the northeastern side of the area. Defeat the boss, and you will find Lusat’s Glintstone Staff at the back of the boss’s room.
3. Meteorite Staff
The Meteorite Staff is embedded with a dark purple flintstone said to be a fragment of a meteorite. It has a very low int requirement of 18 and is one of the best early-game staffs you can get.
However, this staff cannot be upgraded, so it does fall off at higher levels. It does have a passive gravity sorcery boost passive on it, which gives you around a 30% increased power to your sorceries of the gravity type, including rock sling, collapsing star, gravity well, and meteorite and meteorite of Astel.
You must head to the Selia Crystal Tunnel first to get this staff. Once you’re in the tunnel, run out of the area toward the south, and you will discover a site of grace. From there, you must move towards the south again to escape the tunnel. Use your horse to move southwest until you reach the Swamp of Aeonia. Keep moving southwest through the Street of Sages Ruins until you get to a broken tower; enter the little room where there will be some plants you’d want to kill and loot the corpse for the staff.
2. Prince of Death Staff

The Prince of Death Staff is embedded with the sullied amber, enhancing death sorceries. This staff scales quite well the higher level you are, but remember it’s a hybrid staff for faith and int, which means it usually won’t outperform pure focused builds. Still, you do get an added versatility and variety of spells and incantations.
The Prince of Death’s Staff is a Glintstone Staff that can be infused with Ashes of War in Elden Ring. The Prince of Death’s Staff is a strong weapon for death sorceries like Ancient Death Rancor, Explosive Ghostflame, Fia’s Mist, Rancorcall, and Tibia’s Summons since it scales largely with Intelligence and Faith.
To find the Prince of the Death Staff, head northeast beneath the huge tree and through the water from the Deeproot Depths site of grace. When you near the ruins from the northwest, you’ll notice a root ramp and several rooftops making a ramp. Go up either one and turn left at the first junction to continue climbing. The staff is in that tower, and you’ll notice a branch extending backward soon.
1. Albinauric Staff
The Albinauric Staff is of the shorter staffs with a blue glintstone added on it in Elden Ring. It is wielded by the Albinauric of old. This staff scales with int and arcane, making it perfect for int and arcane builds.
You can get this staff in the Volcano Manor near the Guest Hall Site of Grace. Once you get to the Site of Grace, take two lefts, use the stairs up to the next floor and head outside. Take the first left to get to the ladder on the roof and jump off down to the right; once you enter the room, there will be an omen killer, and you will find an Albinauric Staff and Mask there.