One of the most agile and deadly classes in Diablo 4, Rogues believe in dark arts like shadow magics and poison as their main tools. Rogue class in Diablo 4 is extremely diverse with its basic skill set; however, it can be further improved with additional skills that players can unlock through the skill tree and imbue into their Rogue characters.
Deciding the skills to equip which suit you better, while dungeon crawling and slaying demons in Diablo 4, can be overwhelming for newcomers. This is where we come in with our detailed guide regarding all the skills of the Rogue class in Diablo 4. It will give you a better understanding of how skills work, and which skills and their enhancements will make your journey to slay Lilith a bit easier.
Here is a complete list of the abilities and the skill trees they belong to for the Rogue class in Diablo 4.
- Basic Skill Tree
- Core Skill Tree
- Agility Skill Tree
- Subterfuge Skill Tree
- Imbuement Skill Tree
- Ultimate Skill Tree
- Key Passives
Diablo 4 Rogue Basic Skill Tree

The Basic skill tree is the very first node you will unlock once you gain a skill point. Rogue’s basic skills will determine whether you want to play a melee character, ranged, or a mix of both. Basic skills also cost no resources and instead act as Energy generators for other skills.
Puncture allows Rogue to throw blades over a short distance which causes moderate damage to enemies. Every third Puncture skill cast slows down the enemies for some time. In case of a critical strike with the Puncture Skill, enemies always slow down regardless of the cast number.
Puncture is a physical damage skill that requires dual wielding. It belongs to the marksman category.
- Enhanced Puncture: Hitting a Crowd Controlled enemy always results in Rogue obtaining 2 energy.
- Primary Puncture: Every third cast of Puncture skill makes every blade to ricochet 2 times. In case of a critical hit, blades always ricochet regardless of the cast number.
- Fundamental Puncture: Each puncture cast now throws 3 blades with the damage output divided between them (35% each of base value). If any gets hit by two blades simultaneously, they become vulnerable for 2 seconds
Heartseeker allows Rogue to fire a homing arrow which inflicts moderate damage on the enemies. In case of a successful hit, Critical strike chances increase for a little time period (stacks up to 5 hits).
Heartseeker is a physical damage skill that requires a ranged weapon. It belongs to the marksman category.
- Enhanced Heartseeker: Grants +8 attack speed for 8 seconds with a Critical strike. +16 attack speed for 16 seconds if the critical strike lands on a vulnerable enemy.
- Primary Heartseeker: This enhancement makes the arrow to ricochet to another enemy. However, it only delivers 30% of the base damage to the additional enemy.
- Fundamental Heartseeker: Increases the Critical strike damage by an additional 5% which only stacks up to 25% (5x) for 4 seconds.
Forceful Arrow
Forceful Arrow ability allows Rogue to hit an enemy with a powerful arrow dealing moderate damage. On every third cast of this ability, the enemy becomes vulnerable for a few seconds.
Forceful Arrow is a physical damage skill that requires a ranged weapon. It belongs to the marksman category.
- Enhanced Forceful Arrow: Grants an additional 15% chance of Critical Strike with every third cast.
- Primary Forceful Arrow: Grants the ability to pierce vulnerable enemies.
- Fundamental Forceful Arrow: Forceful Arrows can now Knock Back close enemies (non-elites only). In case of a collision with another enemy, they both get knocked Down for 1 second.
Invigorating Strike
Invigorating strike skill allows Rogue to deliver a melee strike for moderate physical damage. It also increases energy regeneration for a few seconds with each successful hit. Invigorating Strike is a physical damage skill that requires dual wielding. It belongs to the cutthroat category.
- Enhanced Invigorating Strike: Increases energy regeneration by 30% by hitting a Crowd Controlled or Injured enemy.
- Primary Invigorating Strike: Grants an additional 8% chance to deliver a Lucky Hit. However, hitting a Crowd Controlled or Injured enemy increases this chance to 16%.
- Fundamental Invigorating Strike: Makes enemies vulnerable for 3 seconds. Requires the players to be below 50% energy levels for this enhancement to activate.
Blade Shift
Blade shift skill allows Rogue to stab a close enemy for low damage. However, it grants Shift on successful strike which allows the players to move freely through enemies for a few seconds. Blade Shift is a physical damage skill that requires dual wielding. It belongs to the cutthroat category.
- Enhanced Blade Shift: Grants 5% additional movement speed with Shift, but it only stacks up to 20% (4x).
- Primary Blade Shift: Increases non-physical resistances by 15% and reduces control impairing effects by 20%.
- Fundamental Blade Shift: Blade Shift attacks Daze enemies for 2 seconds after using the Shift (pass through enemies) 5 times.
Rogue Core Skill Tree

Core skill tree of Rogue, as the name suggests, are extremely essential to your playstyle in Diablo 4. These skills will be at the heart of your builds and are the determining factor in your damage output. Core skills require Energy to use.
Barrage Skill allows Rogue to fire a volley of 5 arrows, with the base damage divided equally amongst them. Each arrow has a small chance to ricochet once and hit another enemy for minor damage.
Barrage is a physical damage skill that requires a ranged weapon. It belongs to the marksman category and can be imbued.
- Enhanced Barrage: In case of a Critical strike or hitting a vulnerable enemy, the chances for the arrows to ricochet increase to 100%.
- Improved Barrage: Makes the enemies vulnerable for 2 seconds if they get hit with the arrows of the third cast.
- Advanced Barrage: If 4 arrows from one cast get ricochet, it increases the chance of critical strike by 20% for the next cast.
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire allows Rogue to fire 5 arrows rapidly, each inflicting moderate damage to the enemies. Rapid Fire is a physical damage skill that requires a ranged weapon. It belongs to the marksman category and can be imbued.
- Enhanced Rapid Fire: Critical Strike chances with each subsequent arrow increases by 5% up to 25% for the fifth arrow.
- Improved Rapid Fire: Hitting a vulnerable enemy with Rapid Fire allows the players to earn 15 energy.
- Advanced Rapid Fire: Increases critical strike damage by 30% for 3 seconds after a successful evade (rapid fire cast only).
Penetrating Shot
Penetrating Shot allows Rogue to shoot a powerful arrow that pierces through all the enemies in its line of attack, causing high amounts of damage. Penetrating Shot is a physical damage skill that requires a ranged weapon. It belongs to the marksman category and can be imbued.
- Enhanced Penetrating Shot: Damage output of the arrow increases by 10% with each enemy it pierces through.
- Improved Penetrating Shot: Grants 20% additional chance for a critical strike with the next cast if the first one pierces through at least 3 enemies.
- Advanced Penetrating Shot: Slows down all enemies by 3 seconds if the penetrating shot is cast with full energy. In addition, Elites get knocked down for 1 second.
Flurry skill allows Rogue to strike close enemies in rapid succession with 4 slashes, inflicting a great amount of physical damage. Flurry is a physical damage skill that requires dual wielding. It belongs to the cutthroat category and can be imbued.
- Enhanced Flurry: Hitting a Crowd Controlled or Vulnerable enemy restores 1% health of the players but only up to 12% per cast.
- Improved Flurry: Hitting a vulnerable enemy makes all the other enemies vulnerable too for 3 seconds.
- Advanced Flurry: Next Flurry cast stuns enemies for 2 seconds after a successful evade.
Twisting Blades
Twisting Blades skill allows Rogue to impale enemies and inflict moderate damage to them. Impaled enemies take additional damage. The blades return to Rogue after a short interval delivering high piercing damage to the enemies in their path.
Twisting Blades is a physical damage skill that requires dual wielding. It belongs to the cutthroat category and can be imbued.
- Enhanced Twisting Blades: Deals 30% additional piercing damage to the enemies when returning.
- Improved Twisting Blades: Daze the enemies that are struck with the Twisting Blades ability.
- Advanced Twisting Blades: Reduces active cooldown for the next cast by 0.25 seconds per enemy they pierce through. It only stacks up to 3 seconds (12x)
Diablo 4 Rogue Agility Skill Tree

Agility skill tree is all about enhancing the movement of a Rogue in D4. This skill tree provides you abilities that focus more on a hit and run playstyle, allowing you to dash around the area and wound enemies in passing.
Shadow Step
Shadow Step ability allows the Rogue to stab the enemies from behind undetected for great amount of damage. The character becomes Unstoppable during this phase and gains increased movement speed for a few seconds. Shadow Step is a physical damage skill that requires dual wielding. It belongs to the cutthroat category and can be imbued.
- Enhanced Shadow Step: On a successful Shadow Step attack, critical strike chances increase by 8% for 3 seconds.
- Methodical Shadow Step: Stuns the damaged enemies for the next 2 seconds.
- Disciplined Shadow Step: Reduces cooldown time for the next Shadow Step cast for 3 seconds. It only triggers by hitting an enemy with Shadow Step that hasn’t been attacked in the last 4 seconds or more.
Dash Skill allows Rogue to inflict moderate damage to enemies while dashing forward. Dash is a physical damage skill that requires dual wielding. It belongs to the cutthroat category and can be imbued.
- Enhanced Dash: Grants an additional 20% critical strike damage against the enemies already hurt by Dash for next 5 seconds.
- Methodical Dash: Reduces Dash cooldown by 0.5 seconds by hitting the Crowd Controlled enemies. It only stacks up to 3 seconds (6x).
- Disciplined Dash: Slows down the hit enemies by 30% for 3 seconds. Hitting the already Slowed enemies makes them Dazed for 2 seconds.
This skill allows Rogue to step back and throw Caltrops. Enemies that encounter the caltrops receive moderate damage and slow down for a few seconds. Caltrops is a physical damage skill that belongs to Trap category.
- Enhanced Caltrops: Allows the players to inflict 3% additional damage to the trapped enemies.
- Methodical Caltrops: this enhancement inflicts cold damage to the trapped enemies and chill them for 20% per second.
- Disciplined Caltrops: Increases critical strike chance by 5% against the trapped enemies. 10% increment in critical strike chance against vulnerable enemies.
Subterfuge Skill Tree

Subterfuge skills are all about sneaking around and dealing critical damage or applying status effects that aid in your survival instead of damaging enemies.
It is an advanced form of stealth that can’t be removed by taking damage, however it is removed by attacking other enemies. Concealment skill makes Rogue unstoppable and allows the players to move rapidly and freely through enemies for a short duration.
- Enhanced Stealth: Grants 40 energy for using concealment skill.
- Countering Stealth: Breaking concealment always results in a critical strike to the enemies.
- Subverting Stealth: Breaking stealth makes the attacked enemies vulnerable for 6 seconds.
Dark Shroud
Dark Shroud skill allows Rogue to surround itself with protective shadows, and gain damage reduction for each shadow present. However, one shadow is removed per hit received by the players.
- Enhanced Dark Shroud: 10% chance for the shadows to remain when attacked.
- Countering Dark Shroud: Grants 8% additional critical strike chance if at least 4 protective shadows are present.
- Subverting Dark Shroud: Gains 4% additional movement speed for each active shadow present but only up to 20% (5x).
Smoke Grenade
This ability allows Rogue to throw smoke grenades at enemies which Daze them for a few seconds. It belongs to the Grenade category.
- Enhanced Smoke Grenade: Grants 15% additional damage against the enemies affected by smoke grenades.
- Countering Smoke Grenade: A 25% chance to reduce the cooldown of Smoke Grenade ability by 1 second and 3 seconds in case of vulnerable enemies. This enhancement only activates by dealing physical damage to the enemies affected by smoke grenades and it is a Lucky Hit.
- Subverting Smoke Grenade: Allows to Daze enemies for 20% longer duration if they are already vulnerable, chilled or slowed.
Poison Trap
This skill allows Rogue to place a maximum of 4 poison traps, which arm after 1 second and activate when an enemy comes into their range. Poison Trap causes massive poison damage to the enemies for a few seconds. Poison Trap inflicts poison damage and it belongs to the Traps category.
- Enhanced Poison Trap: Kocks Down the enemies for 1 second.
- Countering Poison Trap: A 30% chance of imbuement skills cooldown with poison trap activated.
- Subverting Poison Trap: Inflicts an additional 10% poison damage to the trapped enemies.
Imbuement Skill Tree

Rogue’s Imbuement skill tree in Diablo 4 buffs your weapons and skills with status effects to apply damage over time or other debuffs on enemies instead of dealing pure raw damage.
Shadow Imbuement
This skill imbues Rogue’s weapons with shadows, which deal Shadow Damage to the enemies upon using the Shadow Skills. Enemies inflicted with shadow damage explode upon death dealing moderate damage to the surrounding enemies.
The enemies remain inflicted for a few seconds and if they don’t die in the meantime, all the additional damage is transferred to them instead of surrounding enemies.
- Enhanced Shadow Imbuement: An additional 15% chance of critical strike against the injured enemies hit with shadow imbuement.
- Blended Shadow Imbuement: Enemies that received explosion damage becomes vulnerable for 2 seconds.
- Mixed Shadow Imbuement: Inflicts 12% additional physical damage for next 8 seconds to the enemies affected by shadow imbuement.
Cold Imbuement
This skill allows Rogue to deal cold damage to enemies and chill them for a few seconds after using the imbued skills.
- Enhanced Cold Imbuement: A 30% chance to make the enemies vulnerable for 3 seconds with cold imbued skills. This is Lucky Hit.
- Blended Cold Imbuement: A 20% chance to freeze enemies instantly for 3 seconds with critical strikes. This is a Lucky Hit.
- Mixed Cold Imbuement: Inflicts 20% more damage against Crowd controlled enemies and 40% against Frozen enemies with cold imbued skills.
Poison Imbuement
This skill imbues Rogue’s weapons with poison and deals poison damage to the enemies. It also converts 100% of base damage of skills into poison damage for a few seconds.
- Enhanced Poison Imbuement: Increases the duration of poison imbuement by 1 second.
- Blended Poison Imbuement: Inflicts 75% more poison damage with critical strikes from the poison imbued skills.
- Mixed Poison Imbuement: A 30% chance to apply twice the poison damage by using poison imbued skills. This is a Lucky Hit.
Diablo 4 Rogue Ultimate Skill Tree

As the name suggests, Ultimate skill trees are extremely special abilities that deal massive damage. However, these ultimate skills also have longer cooldowns compared to regular skills.
Rain of Arrows
This ability allows Rogue to rain down arrows at least twice over enemies in a large area. Each wave inflicts massive damage to the enemies. Rain of Arrows is a physical damage skill that requires a ranged weapon. It belongs to the marksman category and can be imbued.
- Prime Rain of Arrows: Amplifies the potency of imbuement skill effects by 20%.
- Supreme Rain of Arrows: Knocks down enemies for 3 seconds. This is limited to the second wave.
Death Trap
This skill allows Rogue to place a trap which causes immense shadow damage to the enemies in range. Takes 1 second to arm. It belongs to the Trap category and inflicts shadow damage.
- Prime Death Trap: Pulls the enemies into the trap.
- Supreme Death Trap: Reduces cooldown by 10 second but only after killing an enemy with the trap.
Shadow Clone
This ability allows Rogue to summon their shadow which mimics all their actions, and deals around two-third damage of all skills. Shadow Clone is a physical damage skill and it remains activate for quarter of a minute minimum.
- Prime Shadow Clone: Become Unstoppable for 5 seconds.
- Supreme Shadow Clone: The damage output of shadow clone increases by 20%.
Key Passives

Key Passive skills activate when the players use a skill that belongs to a specific category. Here is a complete list of all Key Passives for Rogue class and how to activate them.
Grants stacks of momentum for 8 seconds if the players hit a stunned, dazed or frozen enemy with a cutthroat skill. It also activates by hitting an enemy from behind. Momentum can be stacked up to 3x times, and it increases damage reduction by 20%, energy regeneration by 30% and movement speed by 15%.
Close Quarters Combat
Grants an additional 10% attack speed for 8 seconds by hitting a close enemy with either marksman or cutthroat skills. If more than one attack speed bonuses are activated, the damage output is increased to 20% against crowd-controlled enemies.
Grants 4% more critical strike damage if you activate precision by doing a critical strike with either marksman or cutthroat skills. Precision stacks up to 20% additional critical strike damage (5x). With 5x stacked precision, the next marksman skill is always a critical strike with 40% additional critical strike damage. However, you will end up losing all stacks of precision.
A 30% chance to cause an explosion, which deals 23% of the original damage to surrounding enemies. This is a Lucky Hit and can only be activated by hitting a vulnerable enemy directly.
A 25% chance to reduce the cooldown of traps by 20% or drop a cluster of stun grenades which inflict 40% of the base damage to the enemies and stun them for 0.5 seconds. This is a Lucky Hit and can only be activated by directly hitting an enemy affected by traps.
These are all the skills that you can unlock and assign to your Rogue class characters in Diablo 4.