The Mangled Aspect can be used to enhance your resource collection while using the Druid Class in Diablo 4. This aspect is well suited for builds that rely on spirits.
With this Legendary Aspect equipped, you are granted an increased chance of gaining 1 spirit. There is one condition to this effect, you must be stuck in the werewolf form.
This is one of the best aspects for Druids to use in the werewolf build. Being constantly in Werewolf will allow you to accumulate all the spirits you could ever want.
Mangled Aspect location in Diablo 4

Mangled Aspect is located in the Immortal Emanaition dungeon in Diablo 4. It can be reached by traveling to the southern region on the Frigid Expanse just to the southwest of the Hollowed Ossuary dungeon.
There is no fast travel point near this dungeon ho ever you can reach it quickly if you fast-travel to Malnok Stronghold and then travel southwest.
Mangled Aspect builds in Diablo 4
It should be obvious enough but the Mangled Aspect pairs the best with a Werewolf Druid build in Diablo 4. This build focuses on maximizing damage in the Werewolf form and extending this form’s duration.
Open up your fights with Rabies followed by the Vine Creeper move to weaken your enemies. Both these skills synergize well with each other as they both inflict decent base damage along with a lot of poison damage.
This aspect will constantly provide you with spirits which will increase your critical hit chance. Landing multiple critical hits will allow you to deal massive amounts of damage.