Another Barbarian-exclusive legendary aspect is the Brawler’s aspect in Diablo 4. With this aspect, you get the ability to explode your enemies and deal damage to the surrounding foes.
This offensive aspect becomes active after you damage your enemies using Kick or Charge, and they die with your attack. You will be able to inflict damage on monsters present within a specific radius due to the explosion.
The aspect improves your AOE damage during the combats. Since, as a Barbarian class, we are looking for damage against multiple targets, the aspect provides us with precisely that. This is a reason that it is a must-have aspect while playing as a Barbarian.
To fully benefit from this aspect, you should unlock skills like the Charge and Kick from the Barbarian skill tree in D4 as soon as possible.
Brawler’s Aspect location in Diablo 4
The best way of adding the Brawler’s Aspect to your Codex of Power is by clearing out the Haunted Refuge Dungeon in Diablo 4. Make your way toward the Rotspill Delta area located in the Hawezar region to find the dungeon entrance.

Make use of the Tree of Whispers waypoint to reach the dungeon and get your rewards quickly. Luckily, using the same waypoint, you can also access several other dungeons, like the Ancient Reservoir on the south and Belfry Zakara on the southwest.
Brawler’s Aspect builds in Diablo 4
The Brawler’s aspect only becomes useful when skills like Charge or Kick are unlocked and selected for your skill tree. So the best builds using this aspect will ensure that you damage your enemies using these skills so they can die and explode, damaging all the surrounding targets.